WP: West announces reinforcement of Russian troops near border with Ukraine

In the West, they believe Russia would strengthen its military presence near the border with Ukraine, writes The Washington Post, citing US and EU officials.

Sources claim that they record “; unusual movements of military equipment and personnel on Russia's western flank. & # 39; Then the Western countries called on the Russian Federation to withdraw the military from the Ukrainian border.

Recall that the Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that the movement of Russian troops across the country should not disturb other states, as it does not threaten them in any way.

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Survey shows men more likely to prioritize love over career

Men are more likely than women to say that it is not the promotion that is more important to them, but the love. This is evidenced by the results of a survey from the Superjob service, reports TASS.

It turned out that 40% of men and 29% of women spoke about the importance of feelings. Moreover, among the reps, this position is only popular until the age of 34. For Russian women aged 35-44, career is in the first place.

It is also noteworthy that women with an income of 80,000 rubles or more often choose a career. Among men with a similar income level, love has a slight preponderance.

Overall, 36% of Russians admitted that love is more important to them than career. One in three (34%) believe it is important to find a balance.

The case study was conducted from October 1 to 25. Three thousand workers from all districts of the country attended.

Earlier, the Russians replied that in order to climb the career ladder you need to be stress resistant, be able to communicate, focus on results and personal development.

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Murder suspects aged 13 detained in Tver area

Police in the Tver region have arrested four suspects in a murder committed 13 years ago. This was reported by the press service of the Russian administration MIA for the region.

The crime took place in February 2008. A resident of Tver left his car in the parking lot, but did not return home after that. Six days later, his body was found buried in a forest belt near the rural settlement of Nikulinsky.

In September 2021, work on this case resumed. Investigators have received information about the circumstances of the murder. On the night of October 28-29, the suspects were arrested in the territory of the Tver and Moscow regions, and the next day they were taken into custody.

Previously it had been reported that two residents of Khabarovsk stand trial for rape and murder committed 24 years ago.

Источник aif.ru

Take out Stalin, however. How did it turn into the chef's 'second funeral'?

There are 60 & nbsp; years, in & nbsp; night of & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; October to & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; November & nbsp ;, & nbsp; the body of Joseph Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum. Brought in for the final burial at the & nbsp; Kremlin wall.

In & nbsp; this night in the West, Halloween is celebrated & nbsp; & mdash; Halloween. What happened on the & nbsp; Red Square in & nbsp; 1961 & nbsp; g., Ironically, fits perfectly into the context of the Anglo-Saxon holiday. But & nbsp; gave it a distinct Russian flavor in & nbsp; in full compliance with the & nbsp; saying, “ At least take out the saints. & # 39; & # 39;

The fact is & nbsp; the fact that Stalin, despite & nbsp; continuing permanently from & nbsp; 1956 & nbsp; g. “ Personality cult exhibit '', many in the & nbsp; country still considered, otherwise & nbsp; holy, then & nbsp; close to & nbsp; that. What has been seen and & nbsp; by & nbsp; relationship with & nbsp; the body of the deceased & nbsp; & mdash; if the & nbsp; Lenin sarcophagusin the & nbsp; mausoleum has been attempted several times, so & nbsp; & nbsp; Stalin & nbsp; & mdash; not even once. Senior management knew this very well. He knew and & nbsp; about & nbsp; the meaning of the saying about suppressing the saints: “ It means something ugly, obscene, unbearable. & # 39; & # 39;

And & nbsp; therefore, the setting for this act has been appropriately created. The XXII Congress of the CPSU, which took place from & nbsp; 17 & nbsp; at & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; October 1961 & nbsp; g., was recalled by contemporaries for two powerful information attacks. First of all, this is of course the adoption of the next, the Third Program of the CPSU. As you know, the finale of the Program, later removed from the text, promised something fantastic: “ The Party solemnly proclaims: the present generation of the Soviet people will live under communism! ''

The second issue was no less the fantastic increase in de-Stalinization. The volume of revelations of the 'monstrous crimes of the times of personality cult' increased by & nbsp; order. Report Nikita Khrushchev “ On & nbsp; the cult of personality and & nbsp; its consequences & # 39; & # 39;, read at & nbsp; XX Congress of the CPSU 1956 & nbsp; after all, it had the status of closed, so to speak, for internal party use. Now & nbsp; but about & nbsp; & quot; monstrous crimes & raquo;, about & nbsp; torture and & nbsp; & quot; executioners of Stalin & raquo; notified all Soviet citizens & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; on & nbsp; newspaper pages, and & nbsp; on & nbsp; radio broadcasts.

So much & nbsp; that the & nbsp; moment were received with & nbsp; impressive enthusiasm. “ The news of & nbsp; the greatest human happiness strikes at & nbsp; all doors … have you read it? Did you hear? We & nbsp; live under communism! & Raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; these lines of the & nbsp; press of the time, judging by & nbsp; everything, are very much consistent with the actual mood of the people.

Exactly the same reality has become 'insight effect' ' the whole of society on the “crimes of Stalinism”. The scope of the revelations was, according to & nbsp; her own words, shocked even by such a fierce opponent of Stalin as Alexander Solzhenitsyn. By the way, this scope affected & nbsp; his literary destiny & nbsp; The debut of Solzhenitsyn in the magazine & nbsp; Novy Mir with & nbsp; story “ A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & # 39; & # 39; has only become possible “ in the light of the decisions of the XXII Congress of the CPSU. & # 39; & # 39;

At the same time as & nbsp; It would be understandable in itself that these two moments are closely interconnected & nbsp; & mdash; they say, about & nbsp; the embodiment of the Third Program in & nbsp; life, then & nbsp; concerns & nbsp; communism, not & nbsp; there may be & nbsp; speech, until the country is & nbsp; cleaned of & nbsp; personality cult and & nbsp; of its consequences. Simply for the reason that the new must necessarily destroy the old. Desirable & mdash; at the base of & nbsp ;.

But & nbsp; what else can there be 'to the & nbsp; foundation '' if the & nbsp; mausoleum is the main and key figure of the 'cult of personality' ? The two news attacks smoothly led citizens to a simple conclusion: “ Do you want to live under communism and & nbsp; be happy ? So let Stalin be removed from & nbsp; out of sight. And & nbsp; of & nbsp; hearts & mdash; outside. & # 39; & # 39 ;, which at & nbsp; this & nbsp; time was the head of the 9th department of the KGB and & nbsp; on & nbsp; Khrushchev's personal instructions supervised Stalin's reburial. This is how Nikolai Stepanovich described the exhibition leading up to the XXII Congress and & nbsp; the withdrawal of Stalin's body in & nbsp; his book Through the Years: “ En & nbsp; in general, the criticism of the cult of personality has been taken into account, but & nbsp; speaker activity was not as brilliant as it was several years ago. The country needed to overcome the fear of going back to the past. The question of & nbsp; Stalin's reburial has been raised on several occasions. Apparently, therefore, at & nbsp; congress and & nbsp; a decision has been prepared on & nbsp; the removal of Stalin's sarcophagus from the & nbsp; mausoleum and & nbsp; reburial of his body at & nbsp; Kremlin wall. As a complete and final farewell to the & nbsp; & bdquo; father of nations & ldquo; and & nbsp; its time.

There is an important point here. Last farewell with & nbsp; the era of the 'father of nations' in & nbsp; Khrushchev's logic also assumed & nbsp; the neutralization of those party officials for whom Stalin was still in authority & nbsp; and & nbsp; who remembered that Khrushchev himself also took part in the & nbsp; Stalinist repressions. At & nbsp; XXII Congress, fire was suddenly opened on & nbsp; completing the “ anti-party group & nbsp; Molotov , Malenkov , Kaganovich and & nbsp; who joined them Shepilova & raquo ;, with & nbsp; which appeared to have been treated in & nbsp; 1957 & nbsp; g. The press was filled with criticism in & nbsp; the address of 'Stalin's heirs' & nbsp; & mdash; the most characteristic was a cartoon from Crocodile magazine. There, a certain figure, standing on the party platform, gives an inspired speech, pointing to the report “ On & nbsp; the cult of personality ' hanging next to it. And & nbsp; then this & nbsp; same figure in & nbsp; that & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; and & nbsp; and so & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; same inspiring knees, stretching his hands to & nbsp; portrait of Stalin. The images have the appropriate captions: “ At work '' and & nbsp; “ Houses ''.

In & nbsp; general and & nbsp; general & nbsp; the neutralization was successful. Speeches of First Secretary of the Leningrad Party Regional Committee Ivan Spiridonov were prepared and directed, from whom, allegedly, the initiative to remove Stalin's body from the mausoleum came. And & nbsp; also the speech of the former Bolshevik Dora Lazurkina , who said: “ Yesterday I consulted & nbsp; Ilitch, as if he was standing in front of me as if he was alive and & nbsp; said: I hate being around & nbsp; Stalin, who brought so much trouble to the party. & # 39; & # 39; The session of & nbsp; Lazurkina was a little applauded & nbsp; is not & nbsp; stronger than Khrushchev himself. The vote on & nbsp; the issue of the abduction of Stalin's body went off without a hitch and & nbsp; hitch & mdash; all were unanimously in favor. The other and & nbsp; could not & nbsp; because the only one who could & nbsp; would not vote & nbsp; as it should be, identified and & nbsp; neutralized beforehand. Member of the Presidium, secretary of the Central Committee & nbsp; PCUS Nuritdin Mukhitdinov , which spoke out behind the scenes against Stalin's reburial, the new Presidium has not been & nbsp; elected, but & nbsp; was not & nbsp; for & nbsp; the final meeting. >

By decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee & nbsp; PCUS, a commission of & nbsp; five people was created, led by & nbsp; Nikolai Shvernik . & Nbsp; it included Vasily Mzhavanadze & nbsp; & mdash; Secretary & nbsp; Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, Givi Javakhishvili & nbsp; & mdash; Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Georgia, Alexander Shelepin & nbsp; & mdash; Chairman of the USSR State Security Committee, Piotr Demitchev & nbsp; & mdash; First Secretary of the Moscow Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and & nbsp; Nikolai Dygai & nbsp; & mdash; chairman of the Moscow city council.

However, the unanimity of those who voted for & nbsp; the dismissal of Stalin and & nbsp; even members of the burial committee can be questioned. Yes, that & nbsp; Demichev was determined: “ Leave Stalin in the & nbsp; Mausoleum would be & nbsp; would be blasphemy! '' But & nbsp; many considered the opposite blasphemy. And, I must say that the & nbsp; commission for the burial of them turned out to be the majority. More precisely & nbsp; & mdash; three out of & nbsp; five: “ Immediately after the vote, a member of the Mzhavanadze committee got on the plane and & nbsp; hurriedly flew to & nbsp; Georgia. Therefore, he did not participate in the reburial … When the coffin with Stalin's body was covered with a lid, Shvernik and Javakhishvili burst into tears. Then the coffin was lifted, and & nbsp; everyone headed for the exit of. Sentimental Shvernik was supported by a bodyguard, followed by Javakhishvili. Only those two cried … ''

Who is the most dangerous? The one who sincerely mourns the & nbsp; “ leader '', or the one who dodges the & nbsp; unpleasant procedure to participate in & nbsp; his reburial? Khrushchev did not draw the right conclusions & nbsp; did it & nbsp; and & nbsp; paid & nbsp; & mdash; three years later, Mzhavanadze will take an active part in the dismissal of Khrushchev.

Источник aif.ru

Should I let the courier enter the apartment?

Non-working days are introduced in Moscow from October 28 to November 7. According to the decree of the mayor of Moscow, retail businesses will be closed for the time being, with the exception of those selling basic necessities. In particular, pharmacies, grocery stores, e-commerce and delivery companies will work. & Nbsp;

Couriers delivering goods must comply with health regulations. As the courier is in contact with an indefinite circle of people, he must wear a protective mask and gloves. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

Where should the courier wait when the order is delivered? & nbsp;

As recommended by Rospotrebnadzor, & nbsp; When delivering the order, the courier should place the container (box) at the door, move away from the door at a distance of about 1.5 meters & nbsp; and notify you of the delivery by phone.

What to do when delivering food, clothing, shoes, etc. by courier ?

Services that deliver home cooked meals have changed the way they work due to the spread of the coronavirus infection. Couriers either leave an order near the customer's closed door or pass it on the apartment doorstep. & Nbsp; When delivering food & nbsp; be sure to check the packaging and availability of the check, as & nbsp; cases of deception of customers are not uncommon. The courier can bring an order from spoiled products, with incomplete portions or none at all. & Nbsp; If the delivered products turned out to be out of date or you were deceived during the delivery of food, then, in addition to the complaint, you have the right to send a complaint to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, internal affairs bodies, the police and the prosecutor's office. & nbsp; Also, if you have any complaints about the quality of the food, order picking, etc., you can send a photo of the order you received in the app chat or call the & nbsp; & quot; hotline & quot ;.

You can check if the clothes or shoes fit you after the courier delivers the order. When trying on, you don't have to let the courier enter the apartment. You can take the order and ask the courier to wait outside the door. & Nbsp; It should be borne in mind that it does not take more than 15 minutes to place an order. After trying things, you can leave them or throw them away if they don't match or turn out to be faulty.

Why is it dangerous to let couriers enter an apartment? & nbsp;

Delivery people can turn out to be fraudulent shooters who can assess your well-being, such as entrance locks, the presence of alarms and the transfer of information to a large burglary organization. Also, being in the apartment, the courier may steal valuables while you try on clothes or check the contents of the package.

Is it possible to get in the courier driver's car to sign the documents? & Nbsp;

The courier can contact the buyer, advise them of the arrival time and leave by car. When delivering and transferring the order to the buyer, the courier may ask to sign the documents, pick up/pay for the goods in the car. For your safety, it is better not to do this in the car, but at the entrance or on the threshold of the apartment.

What rules should be followed when delivering goods by courier? & nbsp;

To avoid problems during delivery by courier, you must: & nbsp;

  • outsource delivery of large organizations to a verified courier service. & nbsp; It is advised that personal courier information is displayed in the mobile application;
  • pay for the order online, especially when ordering expensive items;
  • do not give the full address, & nbsp ;, if possible get the command at the entrance. & nbsp; The full home address refers to a person's personal data, the transfer of which to third parties, including couriers, is best minimized.
    & nbsp;

Источник aif.ru

The mystery of Gabby Petito. The drama that rocked America raises new questions

The story of the disappearance and death of 22-year-old New York traveler, G Abby Petito , which shocked the America, will probably never reveal all the secrets. In Florida, her fiancé Brian Londry was declared dead, to whom Themis and the girl's relatives asked many questions. Although the police haven't even named the guy as a murder suspect, many have handed him a guilty verdict online. Social media, where the lovers covered their fateful journey almost every day, after Gabby's disappearance swept away a 'police fever'. unprecedented. And this hysteria has raised sensitive questions in American society beyond those associated with the drama itself.

Chronicle of the tragedy

According to the FBI, by the end of 2020 there were almost 90,000 missing persons cases under active investigation in the United States, but only this story has become a real information bomb. Her fuse was set alight on July 2, when 22-year-old New Yorker Gabrielle Petito and her 23-year-old boyfriend Brian Londry took a trip across America. It started in the east at Blue Point and was due to end a few months later in the west of the country. Young people were heading to world famous national parks that they wanted to explore. They traveled in a white Ford Transit van, which they turned into a mini house on wheels. He has become a silent witness to other tragic events and an important piece of evidence. & Nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; See this post on Instagram & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Posted by Gabby (@gabspetito)

A photo of a happy couple with a now full tragedy of Gabby's signature: 'A year of adventure, of stories' and a whole life to come. & # 39; & # 39;

Gabby met Brian at Bayport School, where they both attended. After their relationship began, a girl from a large family moved to live with the guy and her parents in Florida. A year before leaving for the fateful journey, Petito shared with all the internet that her lover had called her in marriage, and she happily accepted. Gabrielle couldn't live without social media, and last summer she started writing about where she's seen almost all the tributes. Brian did the same. Everything resembled that of travel fashion bloggers: happy shots against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes and the same comments. Only Gabby always wrote briefly, unlike Brian, who later proved useful for couch seekers of these online chronicles of the tragedy.

His first swallow was an anonymous message from a tourist who witnessed the conflict between Petito and Londri in Utah. He informed the cops of a possible act of domestic violence, to which they responded on August 12. Among the many photographic and video evidence of this drama are videos taken on the body cameras of the police officers that day, where they interrogate young people. The travelers confessed to a serious quarrel with aggression: the girl hit her boyfriend, and he grabbed her in the face and pushed her. In the stills, Londri says the scandal started when he walked into the van with dirty feet and rearranged something in it. And Gabrielle had just put things in order. At the same time, we have realized that in recent days the atmosphere between them is heating up before our eyes.

Gabby and Brian's video of their post-incident journey quickly garnered over 6 million views.

Gabrielle told police officers that she flared up because of the boy's neglect in the face of his heightened anxiety and 'obsessive-compulsive disorder'. Like, he influences his behavior. The groom said he suffered from anxiety disorders himself, although he behaved differently. In the video, the girl is in tears and periodically sobbing, which is reflected in the cops report. She was constantly rubbing her eyes and nose, breathing heavily, hardly finding her words. But Brian, who shows scratches, keeps his cool and even laughs. As the young people spoke of their love and did not blame each other, the police simply advised them to spend the night separately. They took the guy to the hotel and the girl stayed at the campsite. Then it caused a wave of discontent on social media. They say the victim was not protected from the abuser. & Nbsp; Many decided that the people in uniform were on the groom's side. One of them noticed in the video that he is also married '' and understand the guy.

Cops in Utah chat with Gabby and Brian after anonymously reporting their altercation.

Criminal silence

The last time Petito spoke with his parents was August 21. A few days later, he and Londri checked into one of the hotels in the Utah capital. How long did she live after that & ndash; mystery. Although on the 26th another post about the trip appeared on Gabby's Instagram and on the 27th and 30th her family received text messages from her phone, the authorship of those messages was in doubt. Anyway, we now know for sure that on September 1, Londri returned home alone to his parents and kept quiet. He did not contact the police or the Petito family.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; See this post on Instagram & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Post by Gabby (@gabspetito)

Last Instagram post Gabby Petito is dated August 26.

Gabby's father appears to be September 10 Joe Petito came to Brian in the town of North Port and very persistently, but tried in vain to inform him about the fate of his daughter & mdash; police were called to Londri's home. And on September 11, Petito's parents wrote a statement about the girl's disappearance. They also turned to the public for help and reported at a press conference that their daughter had never been disconnected before.

“ We spoke at least three times a week & mdash; called, corresponded, often spoken on FaceTime, & mdash; Gabby's mother said. & mdash; And so it was throughout the journey. When there was no news from her for a few days, I first decided that she was somewhere out of reach. On the eighth or ninth day, I became very worried. “

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; See this post on Instagram & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Posted by Gabby (@gabspetito)

Message from the murdered woman with a spooky comment from the account 'Praying for Gabby Petito' : “ Although she looks happy, I can see the darkness enveloping her in the photo. & # 39; & # 39;

On the day Gabby's disappearance was announced, people in uniform came to see Brian. They saw a white Ford pickup truck at his house, which he returned to. It was only then that American Themis had no valid reason to suspect a crime. The girl was just presumed missing and Brian was the “person of interest” because of it. But the police attempt to tell him about the bride's fate failed & mdash; the family decided to communicate only through their lawyer Steven Bertolino . He read Londri's press release:

“ It is an incredibly difficult time for the Petito family and the Londri family. As far as we know, Miss Petito is wanted in the Grand Teton National Park area. in Wyoming. On behalf of the Londri family, we express our hope that the search operation will be successful and that Miss Petito will be with her family soon. On the advice of the lawyer, the Londri family will remain in the background during this time and will not comment further. & # 39; & # 39;

The lawyer explained that Brian is simply using the legal right to remain silent for his own good. He recalled the phrase known to all in American films: “Any word you say can be used against you. According to Bertolino, in such cases, investigators always focus on the partner of the missing person, even if it has nothing to do with it. The girl's family couldn't do anything other than beg Brian to break the silence. They attempted to reach him in a statement released on September 14 through the media:

Gabby Petito's family who have lost their peace. Photo: Image taken from video/Image taken from video

Brian says he wants to be in the background. While we search for Gabby in the wilderness of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, Brian left Gabby in the wilderness with grizzly bears and wolves as he sits in the comfort of his home. Brian, how could you do that to Gabby? You remain selfishly silent while Gabrielle is alone in the wild. Brian, your silence is reprehensible! We implore you to make the right decision and help us bring Gabby home. Brian, whatever happens in Wyoming, it's happened before. But you can control what happens now. Tell us where Gabby is. You denigrate your love for her with this silence. & # 39; & # 39;

A separate message was sent to the boyfriend's family. They too were reprimanded for being 'indifferent' ' remain silent, although Gabby had lived with them for over a year and was supposed to become his son's wife. The girl's family have expressed confidence that the Londris are hiding her whereabouts.

Orientation on Twitter to North Port Police, where Londri lived.

Unanswered questions

Gabby's parents hoped until the last to see their daughter alive, but on September 19, at a campsite in Grand Teton Park, her body was found. Immediately after this, the police reported the girl's murder, although they did not disclose the details of the incident (it was not until October until October). It was learned that she had been strangled with her hands and had been there for several weeks). By this time, social media was already buzzing with this story. For example, it was reported that in a single day of September 21, the hashtag #GabbyPetito alone on tiktok garnered over 650 million views. It was the army of users that helped discover Gabby. The travel blogger couple saw a white Ford Transit parked on the sidelines in the video they shot on August 27. The poor girl was found not far from this place.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; See this post on Instagram & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Posted by Jenn & amp; Kyle Fulltime RV Family (@redwhiteandbethune)

Video of blogging spouses who helped locate Gabby's body in Grand Teton National Park.

While some watched others blamed Brian. “ He looks like a bastard & # 39; & # 39 ;, & mdash; here is one of the typical comments about it. Ordinary people began to write that her parents also lied to the police and urged them to punish them. Pickets started outside Londri's house, shouting, 'Where's Gabby? “,” Bring Gabby home! On September 22, the FBI finally issued an arrest warrant for the guy. Granted, he was only accused of illegally withdrawing more than $ 1,000 from Gabby's bank card from August 30 to September 1. But anyway, it was too late to hold him back. Just days after Gabby was declared wanted, Brian himself disappeared. His parents later told police they last saw him on September 13, when he was going camping. Then the search for him began in the vast area of ​​the Florida nature reserve with an intricate swampy landscape, where many snakes and alligators are found.

One of the North Port Police Twitter reports on the search for Brian Londry

On the morning of October 20, Brian's personal effects and remains were found on the reserve. He was identified the next day from dental records. The body was in a place that had been under water for a long time and only recently dried out. The autopsy failed to establish the cause of death of the man. Media speaker FBI Agent Michael McPherson admitted that they don't have many questions answered yet. Even if those that already exist are often questioned. There were hundreds of reports that Brian had been seen elsewhere. Social media write he may be alive, especially since DNA analysis of the found remains has yet to be completed. Someone thinks too suspiciously that Londri's parents helped find them. And that happened on the same day they joined the research. But before that, law enforcement searched the area for more than five weeks. Cops are also accused of wasting taxpayer money. They actually missed the guy even though they were watching his house.

But a significant portion of Americans have touched a very different side of this story. States question the reasons for the “disproportionate interest” in Gabby Petito. This is often explained by the fact that this is a ready-made plot for Hollywood. Plus, she was supposed to be a cute blue eyed blonde from Gen Z who had her own blog. how not to notice. But many began to notice that the victim & mdash; White. There were messages like, “Would a black girl get that much attention?” A discussion has started on the alleged uneven focus on people looking for based on their skin color in the United States. The press also picked up on the trend: “ Missing African Americans you haven't heard of ',' ' a typical headline in American media today. And, apparently, this topic will not be exhausted for a long time.

Источник aif.ru

Russia cried and forgot. The last Russian of Chinese Harbin dies

Weekly “Arguments and Facts” № 43. Tsar-sausage hits the wallet in goal 10/27/2021

She came as a girl in & nbsp; this “ Paris is & # 39; & # 39; and & nbsp; survived all of its inhabitants. I considered the semolina porridge as the greatest delicacy in the & nbsp; world, and & nbsp; before his death, I dreamed of reading the Psalter to him.

At the end of the XIX & nbsp; century. Harbin was seen as a Far Eastern outpost of the Russian Empire. These are, in fact, Russians and & nbsp; was built & nbsp; & mdash; mansions, parks, train station, bridges … A & nbsp; to & nbsp; XXI & nbsp; vs. that old Harbin began to be erased from the & nbsp; faces of the earth & nbsp; & mdash; faceless skyscrapers grow in the square of the old quarters. The last page in the history of Russian Harbin has also been closed. With & nbsp; its last inhabitant, this 'Russian Atlantis' & nbsp; & mdash; in a sense, a ghost town & nbsp; & mdash; fell into oblivion. & nbsp;

Russian Harbin, 1920s Photo: china-cat.livejournal.com

Survived everyone

In the early 90s, I lived and & nbsp; three years and worked at & nbsp; Harbin. Russian communication was not enough for me, and once I accidentally wandered into the courtyard of an Orthodox church. There was a service there, a Chinese priest was serving in Lower Church Slavic. The candles were burning faintly, old men with gray hair stood in timid shadows outside the walls of a large church. Even then, an apostolic handful of compatriots remained from & nbsp; Russian Harbin & nbsp; & mdash; 12 & nbsp; people.

Their fates were remarkably similar and equally tragic. As children, they all fled with parents from revolutionary Russia. But & nbsp; life in & nbsp; China is not became cheerful: “ From & nbsp; some communists fled, towards & nbsp; others came running ', & nbsp; & mdash; they repeated sadly. And & nbsp; quietly, when the time came, went to & nbsp; another world. Who has always been called the 'best. & # 39; & # 39;

A & nbsp; Efrosinya Nikiforova survived his whole town, cried and & nbsp; spent the last trip of all relatives, friends and & nbsp; knowledge. And & nbsp; she left & nbsp; life in & nbsp; 97th year. & Nbsp;

Efrosinya Andreevna was born in the land of & nbsp; Love, at the station of & nbsp; Kundur. His father built the Love Railway. And & nbsp; when a revolutionary rebellion swept the country, the railway engineer Nikiforov family , fleeing & nbsp; hunger and & nbsp; chaos, fled to & nbsp; Harbin. The eldest of three children, Frose, was 13 at the time. In the & nbsp; court stood the crimson of & nbsp; bloody lightning of 1923 & nbsp; g.

To & nbsp; Harbin, she graduated from gymnasium and graduate pharmacy courses, worked for 50 & nbsp; years in the city pharmacy. His two & nbsp; younger brothers then decided to return to & nbsp; Soviet Union, both spent years in prison. Harbin & nbsp; & mdash; this & nbsp; was considered a counter-revolution …

Efrosinya herself was only in her homeland once: she went to & nbsp; USSR in & nbsp; mid-1960s. “ I came back from there sick. You see, Sasha, there the extravagant Khrushchev was & nbsp; very seriously called the 'smart girl', & nbsp; & mdash; she spoke to me softly.

Russian Harbinians called it & nbsp; Fruza, changing the name to & nbsp; in their own way. More than half of her life she has lived alone with her mother. After his & nbsp; death, she lived quietly alone in a & nbsp; tiny room at & nbsp; second floor of a house built by his & nbsp; compatriots. When asked why she hadn't started a family, she replied briefly, “ God hasn't. given … '' They whispered that his & nbsp; beloved had deceived her & nbsp; just before the wedding. Like, after learning this, Frosya then turned to stone and & nbsp; no longer allowed a man's hand to touch it.

The last decade of its & nbsp; high life has been particularly difficult: it has become more and more difficult to manage in & nbsp; single. Having lived in & nbsp; China during 83 & nbsp; years old, she hardly knew the Chinese language, did not know how to use chopsticks to eat. And & nbsp; was completely unhappy with & nbsp; his helplessness. & Nbsp;

During & nbsp; my visits to Harbin, I first ran to & nbsp; Efrosinya Andreevna: washed the floor in & nbsp; his & nbsp; kennel, cut my nails, went to the store & nbsp; and at the pharmacy. She, like a child, was waiting for Russian gifts. Loved the fragrant Borodino and the herring. I always asked to bring newspapers.

And & nbsp; remained very Russian until & nbsp; the last breath. She categorically refused to accept Chinese citizenship, although with & nbsp; “ heavenly '' her passport would be much easier for her. With a & nbsp; childish naivety, I expected the Russian consul to come and see her and & nbsp; after her visit her life would definitely improve. But the & nbsp; door of his & nbsp; life was rarely disturbed by a blow. I am becoming a dog. For weeks I do not speak: I do not speak with & nbsp; who & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; She kind of blew me away.

During the last year of her life she was practically helpless, she could & nbsp; go out in the street and & nbsp; to use. She lost her sight catastrophically, she was eaten up by oncology. & Nbsp;

“ Don't leave me! & # 39; & # 39;

Once she grabbed my hand & nbsp; and, bursting into tears, whispered: “ Sasha! Do not leave me. I am Russian! Help me find a nun, let her live with me, read the Psalter to me, help me with something. I & nbsp; know, i don't have much time left … & raquo;

I & # 39; have & nbsp; found a nun and & nbsp; could not. They refused, even when the Bishop of Blagoveshchensk and & nbsp; asked them & nbsp; Tyndinsky … The then deputy mayor of Blagoveshchensk Valentina Kalita, not & nbsp; become to divide people into & nbsp; “ our & # 39; & # 39; and & nbsp; not & nbsp; a lot.

Efrosinya & # 39; s little closet shone clean, its & nbsp; favorite semolina was cooked, but & nbsp; the essential & nbsp; & mdash; there was even a small one, but & nbsp; a little care and & nbsp; participation & nbsp; & mdash; what it does not have seen all of its almost a century of life. & nbsp;

“ I & nbsp; very afraid of being cremated, i am orthodox, i want to lie in the & nbsp; zelemku & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; she often spoke. She was dying, spent the last month in hospital & nbsp; on & nbsp; drippers.

The last time I saw her it was & nbsp; a week and a half before & nbsp; the death. She could no longer speak & nbsp; but & nbsp; heard everything & nbsp; and, hopefully, understood. I & nbsp; stroked her & nbsp; main, spoke to him. She fell silent, listening to me intently. And & nbsp; almost screamed, tried to say something when I started to leave. But & nbsp; does not have said …

Heaven therefore ordered that its & nbsp; death falls on & nbsp; these & nbsp; three days of & nbsp; year when the 'Sky Autumn' Love film festival came to & nbsp; Harbin.

We & nbsp; went down & nbsp; from the cold train on the platform, when a familiar Chinese guide approached me and & nbsp; said: 'Your grandmother passed away tonight I got a call from the & nbsp; hospital And, after a pause, he added: 'They said when she was dying she started speaking loudly in Russian. The only thing the doctors could figure out was & nbsp; & mdash; she called mom …

Our grandmother we buried on a hot September afternoon in the Orthodox cemetery. nun Olga (in & nbsp; actress Olga Gobzeva ), People's Artists of Russia Valentina Talyzina prayed for her & nbsp; , Zinaida Kirienko , deserved artist Nina Grebeshkova … From the & nbsp; cemetery chapel, a white domina with & nbsp; Efrosinya's body floated on his hands, covered with an embroidered towel, which was brought from the & nbsp; Carpathians by Ukrainian actress Raisa Nedashkovskaya . The coffin was lowered into & nbsp; sticky potting soil & mdash; and & nbsp; on & nbsp; Russian scrap on & nbsp; the Manchu hill has become one more cross. & nbsp;

R. & nbsp; S. & nbsp; 10 & nbsp; years after his & nbsp; departure, I & nbsp; have come & nbsp; the house where the last Russian Resident of Old Harbin lived. It has been reinstalled, but & nbsp; not yet & nbsp; demolished. The old house stood like a death row inmate. Quiet and & nbsp; dark.

Efrosinya Andreevna & # 39; s two narrow half-blind windows stared at me with dull glass. It looked like the window sash would open now, from where the gray-haired Efrosinya would look and, as always, say, 'Sash, come in. I have been waiting for you for a long time. But & nbsp; is not & nbsp; opened.

And & nbsp; will never be opened …

Источник aif.ru

Salt lakes. Rest in a civilized way, heal wisely

We have counted 15 salt lakes in Russia, but it is obvious that there are more. Lots of people go to their homes. Rosneft tried to rest at one of them in the Tyumen region. civilized. But how can you use water and dirt for health benefits? & Nbsp;

Photo: AiF

Businesses have come to the rescue

There are many salt lakes in Russia & ndash; big and small, deep and small. Spa resorts were built on the banks of Razval (Volgograd region), Elton and Medvezhye (Orenburg region), Tus (Khakkasia) and Yashaltinsky (Kalmykia). But most of the lakes are located in wild places. People come to them to rest and improve their health, but like savages. And their rest turns out to be wild, and procedures & ndash; both water and mud.

It is possible to civilize the rest if the local authorities take care of it, or even better – & ndash; if there is a business partner for whom social responsibility is not just words. This happened with the salt lake, located in the Berdyuzhsky district of the Tyumen region.

Until recently, tourists parked their cars on the grass and after a rest they filled the shore with bags of garbage. But then, with the help of the local administration and money from the region (the lake was given the status of a natural monument of regional importance), they arranged a parking lot, set up concrete bins, tables and chairs for vacationers, opened a summer cafe, and a security guard began on duty.

There was not enough funds for containers and toilets. Joint action of Rosneft and “ AiF & # 39; & # 39; this summer solved the problem. By the efforts of the employees of the companies RN-Uvatneftegaz, Tyumenneftegaz and “Tyumen Oil Research Center” (part of the structure of the largest oil company in the country) everything that was missing was equipped. Garbage cans, dry cabinets, and information boards appeared, telling about the healing properties of water and mud. It would be nice if there were more examples like this. & Nbsp;

Photo: AiF

You must be examined first

However, not only rest, but also the use of water and mud should be civilized. And it no longer depends on the companies or the government, but on ourselves. To understand the important rules of healing with salt water and mud, we turned to the & nbsp; responsible for Zheleznovodsk balneological and mud baths in Kavminvody Elena Maksyuta .

She understands the problem well, because in the Stavropol Territory there is a lake Tambukan not far from Pyatigorsk (from where they carry mud to hospitals), as well as two salt lakes & ndash; in the Aleksandrovsky and Petrovsky districts, where there is no infrastructure.

“ Mineral baths and mud treatment & mdash; serious medical procedures that can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor after an exam, '' AiF said; E. Maksyuta.

She explained that the mud and the baths should be selected individually & ndash; no general indications. For example, mud is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system & mdash; joints and spine. But they are categorically contraindicated in cancer patients or those with relatively 'harmless' cancer. polyps, as the temperature can make the situation worse. You cannot take mud baths for bleeding, inflammation (even minor) and exacerbation of disease. And if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, endocrine system, urinary tract, medical consultation is necessary.

“ Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment suitable: baths, local applications, tampons, & # 39; & # 39; she added Dr. & nbsp;

Photo: AiF

Such processing is carried out in the courts. According to her, from a procedure there will be almost no benefit. For a noticeable healing effect, you need at least 8 mud therapy sessions.

After taking a mineral bath, you don't need to wash yourself. After the mud procedures, it should be done with care, without trying to wipe the skin until it squeaks. And don't use a washcloth, soap, or shower gel during the day.

Besides, no mineral mud is suitable for interventions.

“You can't just come to Tambukan or one of the salt lakes, coat yourself and wait for the effect,” said the head of the bath and mud baths. & ndash; When the sludge is delivered to our hospital, it is first left to stand for two weeks and then samples are taken for analysis. The composition should contain the required amount of useful microflora and should not be harmful. Sometimes there are not enough useful components in the received bundle. Then the mud is sent to the mud storage, where it regains its healing properties for three months at a certain temperature and light, at a certain depth. Regeneration of useful microflora takes from one to three months, after which samples are taken again. And only then can the dirt be used for the procedures & raquo ;. & Nbsp;

Photo: AiF

E. Maksyuta advises to be careful with sludge sold in pharmacies: “ For those who cannot make it to the resort, pharmacies sell therapeutic sludge in bags and pots. It differs in composition from that used in hospitals, just as bottled mineral water differs from water in pump rooms. Packaged mud does not contain beneficial microorganisms, but such procedures are available to more people. And they should also be taken seriously and used as prescribed by a doctor so as not to harm you. ”

Источник aif.ru

National property. Kazakhstan hosted the leading Russian scientists from the CIS

Almaty hosted the 2nd International Congress on Language Policy of the CIS Countries, bringing together 150 linguists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. For three days, congress participants discussed language policy in the post-Soviet space, citing Kazakhstan as an example as a country where “balanced bilingualism” has been preserved. It also became known during the forum that the CIS executive committee plans to declare 2023 the Year of the Russian Language in the Commonwealth. Arguments and facts prepared an overview of the presentations of the experts. & nbsp;

Photo: russkiymir.ru

“The bond of the civilized space of the CIS”

The choice of Kazakhstan as the hospitable host country of the International Congress of Languages ​​is logical and fair. According to the head of Rossotrudnichestvo's office in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alexei Koropchenko, everyone is well aware of the achievements of the largest republic in Central Asia in the preservation of interethnic and interfaith peace, the guarantee of which is language policy . Further, the diplomat noted, the distinctive school of Russian studies formed in Kazakhstan enjoys well-deserved authority and recognition around the world.

Of course, in the congress reports and discussions, the emphasis was placed on preserving the Russian language as a gluing factor in the development of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Two weeks ago the President of Russia Vladimir Putin , speaking to the Council of Heads of State & ndash; members of the Commonwealth, called the Russian language 'the bond of the civilized space of the CIS'. In turn, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev directly urged schoolchildren to study the Russian language. Speaking to the Council of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan in October, he said: “The graduates of our schools should be integrated into Kazakh society. They must be competitive and, for that, they must know both the official language and their own national language. And it is desirable to be fluent in Russian. & # 39; & # 39;

Despite attempts by some forces to create a language-based split in the post-Soviet space countries, the Russian language, as before, remains in demand in all spheres of life in post-Soviet society. Soviet, he is a factor of union of peoples, including in Kazakhstan. The Russian Consul General in Almaty Yevgeny Bobrov addressed the congress participants with these words, noting that the senior leadership of Kazakhstan has great merit in preserving the Russian language.

“ We know the opinion of a senior executive & ndash; President of Kazakhstan in relation to the Russian language, in relation to other ethnic groups, other languages. It is perfectly tuned to strengthen, consolidate the company, & ndash; continued the Russian diplomat. & ndash; 95% of all ethnic groups in Kazakhstan are fluent in Russian to one degree or another. When we say we have to learn languages, we are saying we have to learn culture. The fact that we have a common history, a common culture & ndash; it is our property, it is our wealth, which we must preserve and strengthen for the benefit of the prosperity of our countries. Language & ndash; it's communicating. We must be able to negotiate with each other to achieve big goals. & # 39; & # 39;

One of the main speakers of the Congress, Vice-Rector for Sciences of V. Pushkin Mikhail Osadchiy . Evaluating Kazakhstan's language policy, the professor called it “quite successful.” “

“ Based on the documents from the Republic of Kazakhstan, I can say that your language policy is quite successful, since balanced bilingualism has been preserved in your country. Balanced bilingualism & ndash; the fact that in your country it is understood that you have not lost the Russian language, although many, probably, after gaining independence, recommended doing so. You have realized that this is a great asset, your personal future and the future of your children and grandchildren ', & ndash; says the expert.

Already in conversation with the correspondent of the AiF; Professor Osadchiy continued his reflection: “ In Kazakhstan at one point they realized how much fiction, scientific and educational literature in Russian and it is inappropriate to abandon this national heritage of information. And they did well! They did not deprive themselves of a great competitive advantage. ''

The idea of ​​a colleague was supplemented by the president of the Kazakh Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature Eleonora Suleimenova … According to her, the “ Soviet terrain '' consolidating all ethnic groups in a multinational country with the help of one Russian language always pays off. “ Kazakhstan is on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence, and it is only natural that our country makes an effort to assess the effectiveness of its language policy. Today, the Russian language remains a legacy, a resource that each CIS state manages in its own way & # 39; & # 39; & ndash; Suleimenova said, adding that the active language processes taking place in the CIS require special attention and that an adequate response to the various changes should be developed through joint efforts.

Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay Manat Muatayeva said that today there is a positive trend in the recruitment of Russian students. “ This year alone, 200 people have entered our Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, & ndash; specified the philologist. & ndash; And so, I repeat, year after year there are more and more applicants. A similar situation is seen in other major universities across the country teaching students in this specialty. “& Nbsp;

Photo: russkiymir.ru

The Year of the Russian Language in the CIS

Important news was heard in Congress & ndash; 2023 will be declared the Year of the Russian Language in the CIS countries. The director of the Center for Studies on Language Policy and International Education of the State Institute of Russian Language, named after VI Pushkin Svetlana Kamysheva … “ The announcement by the CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev that the Executive Committee would declare 2023 the Year of the Russian Language in CIS countries was very important. And presidents of all countries have already given their consent to this & # 39; & # 39 ;, & ndash; says the expert. & ndash; At the end of the congress, we will prepare a resolution which will be sent to the executive committee of the CIS countries. We hope that the administrations of the Presidents of Commonwealth countries will use our recommendations on current language policy. & # 39; & # 39;

In his opinion, the II International Congress “ Linguistic Policy of the CIS Countries & # 39; & # 39; 100 percent successful. “It was incredibly interesting! & ndash; Svetlana Kamysheva said with emotion. & ndash; The point is that each CIS country has a unique linguistic situation, so it develops its own model of effective interaction of languages ​​and their functional distribution. And we scientists, of course, want to understand what this model is, how it works, and discuss the issues of multilingualism with experts. For this, literally the intellectual elite of our countries have come together. But the congress & ndash; these are not just scientific meetings. It is communication, communication and, of course, knowing a beautiful country. There was an amazing cultural program, an absolutely wonderful excursion around Almaty, a trip to the legendary Medeo & ndash; pride of Kazakhstan. Each participant left with vivid impressions. & # 39; & # 39; Linguists have a head start on the III International Congress on Language Policy, which is scheduled for 2023.

Источник aif.ru

The era of man. Russian historian wrote a book on Alikhan Bukeikhanov

A presentation of the book by Russian scientist Viktor Kozodoy “ Alikhan Bukeikhanov: an & # 39; era & # 39; masculine takes place these days in Kazakhstan. & laquo; My book & ndash; a gift to Kazakhstan in honor of the glorious date of the 30th anniversary of independence & # 39 ;, & ndash; says the historian.

We are talking about the deputy of the First State Duma of 1906, who laid the foundation for the national independence of the Kazakh people. The point is that in 1917 on the ruins of the Russian Empire Bukeikhanov with like-minded people created the Autonomy of Alash (in memory of the mythical ancestor of the Kazakhs Alash, who united the ancient peoples of Central Asia), led by Alikhan Bukeikhanov. However, “ Alash-Orda '' lasted only three years and was liquidated by the Revolutionary Military Committee of Soviet Russia, and Bukeikhanov himself was subsequently shot down. In an interview with Arguments and Facts Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Viktor Kozodoy spoke about his work, the release of which falls on the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the same year , the Kazakhs celebrated the 155th birthday of Alikhan Bukeikhanov). & nbsp;

Viktor Kozodoy was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the University. Bokeikhan. Photo from the archives of V. Kozodoy

'Very bright personality'

& ndash; & nbsp; Viktor Ivanovich, what sparked your interest in Alikhan Bukeikhanov, what you call the 'era of man'?

& ndash; I have long dealt with the history of the October Revolution and the Civil War. I had planned to write a book about the situation in Siberia at that time. I myself am Siberian, and I was first interested in the figure of General Alexey Grishin-Almazov (one of the leaders of the white movement in Siberia, the founder of the so-called “ Siberian army '' in 1918. While gathering material on him in Pavlodar, where I was invited to lecture, I found information about the 'Alash-Orda' movement. and its leader & ndash; Alikhan Boukeikhanov. And I realized that to study the history of Siberia at that time, without a socio-political phenomenon like Alash, the picture would be incomplete. There was a desire to understand, to study everything thoroughly, and without the history of the leader of the “ Alash Horde '' was essential.

& ndash; & nbsp; What is your research approach?

& ndash; I view history through the life and activities of individuals, personalities. I made my previous work based on the biography of Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov , the greatest historical figure of the beginning of the 20th century. The same who accepted the abdication from the hands of Nicholas II in March 1917. So I already had the experience of writing such biographies, knowledge of the time. In general, everything coincided. While working at Pavlodar, I realized that there wasn't a single book about Alikhan Bukeikhanov in Russia. I considered this to be wrong and decided to fill this gap to some extent. For two years I worked hard to write a monograph, which I completed, and at the invitation of friends and colleagues which I now present in Kazakhstan. & Nbsp;

1906 Member of the State Duma Alikhan Bukeikhanov. Photo from the archives of V. Kozodoy

& ndash; & nbsp; Alikhan Bukeikhanov & ndash; interesting personality & hellip;

& ndash; Very bright, who serves as an example to build his life path, to be able to overcome difficulties, not to give up. He is the example of a leader born in the steppe, and through his diligence, hard work, awareness of his personal role as Chingizid, responsibility to people, he has Step by step acquired knowledge and skills that enabled him to become a leader in 1917. When I began to study the renewal of the traditions of the Kazakh state, the formation of the Horde “ Alash '' & # 39; & # 39 ;, then the Kyrgyz Autonomous Socialist Republic (a little later Kazakh) in 1920, I had a scientific research question & ndash; and why hundreds of peoples lived in the Russian Empire, and few were able to create and receive autonomy. Kazakhstan was in the foreground. Why did this happen? What contributed to this? I try to answer these questions in my monograph.

& laquo; Kazakhstan & ndash; terra incognita & raquo;

& ndash; & nbsp; Do you agree with the view that between Russia and Kazakhstan there are “white spots” in history, and they need to be investigated in order to take into account count the mutual mistakes of the past, to move forward together towards the future?

& ndash; Certainly white spots there are many in the history of any country, and there are many in the history of Russia. I begin my book with these words: “ Kazakhstan & nbsp; terra incognita, unknown land. & # 39; & # 39; At school, institute, we study the history of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, New England, New England a lot. America and pay very little attention to the history and lives of our closest neighbors. This is wrong and now sometimes we get negative traces. About Siberia, for example, some rulers say it was ice and desert, all life there only began with the arrival of Ermak. And they are trying to say that about Kazakhstan. It all comes from ignorance, ignorance. It is impossible to build good neighborly relations without knowing each other's history, culture, mindset. And I want to know the history of the people, where I have friends, comrades, colleagues, where my sister is buried in Nur-Sultan and will remain in the Kazakh land forever. The people of Kazakhstan & ndash; our good friends. And if you compete, then only in sport, science, mutually enriching, with full respect, recognition of independence, inviolability of borders.

& ndash; & nbsp; President of Kazakhstan Tokayev recently said that “history should be occupied by historians, not politicians.” Is the modern politicization of historical events bad?

& ndash; Definitely harmful. I totally agree with the words of the President of Kazakhstan. It is necessary to study historical documents, facts, and not fictions and myths. You should not be afraid of difficult questions, but, on the contrary, remove these questions by mutual study. & Nbsp; Popular science books should be published. For example, over the past couple of years I have popularized the personality of Bukeikhanov for the Russian reader. And for me, it is a big surprise that my book is presented so widely in Kazakhstan.

& ndash; & nbsp; In your opinion, what is the potential of Russia's cultural and historical community with Kazakhstan?

& ndash; It's more of a philosophical question. We have great potential for interaction. My job wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for such cooperation. I have actively collaborated with professional historians from Kazakhstan, I am very grateful to the director of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after A. Ch. Valikhanova Ziyabek Kabouldinov … I asked him to help with the archive work, then he kindly agreed to read the text of my book before printing it. I am very grateful to my colleagues from the archives of Semey, Pavlodar, Almaty. Lots of people, who I'm not familiar with, have sent me links to literature, electronic versions of documents I'm interested in. I felt interest and all kinds of support. & nbsp;

Viktor Kozodoi's book 'Alikhan Bukeikhanov: a man is an era'. Photo from the archives of V. Kozodoy

& ndash; & nbsp; Were the sources of the Kazakhstan archives in Russian?

& ndash; Basically yes, because during the period that I'm interested in I have reviewed documents from state authorities, law enforcement, political organizations, and newspapers. Almost all office work was done in Russian at the time. & Nbsp; There is not a very large layer in the Kazakh language, I had to hire translators. He paid for this work himself. I did not have a scholarship, it was my personal initiative project. The researcher must be free and independent.

& ndash; & nbsp; Perhaps, thanks to the mutual understanding of expert circles in history, literature, art, we will understand each other sooner?

& ndash; Of course, we have a similar mentality, a lot of people from Kazakhstan come to study in Siberian universities. Our Siberians, in turn, left to practice and work in Kazakhstan. So my two sisters left and started families there. I have great respect for the Kazakh people. My book & ndash; a kind of gift to Kazakhstan in honor of the glorious date of the 30th anniversary of independence. The hero of my book made a huge contribution to restoring the traditions of the Kazakh state, which have deep roots. & Nbsp; It was not for nothing that being a 24-year-old boy, he turned to the school administration to change his last name from Nurmukhamedov to Bukeikhanova. Bukeikhan, his great-grandfather & ndash; one of the last elective khans of the khanate of Kazan, and on my hero this tradition has been cut short. Taking the name Bukeikhanov, he himself entrusted the mission of reviving Kazakhstan as an independent state.

AiF Reference

Viktor Ivanovich Kozodoy, 59 years old . Originally from the Novosibirsk region. In 2012-2014 was deputy governor of the Novosibirsk region, in 2018-2019 he headed the Institute of History of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. During the official presentation, Viktor Kozodoy was solemnly awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Alikhan Bokeikhan University of Semey.

Источник aif.ru