Russia cried and forgot. The last Russian of Chinese Harbin dies

Weekly “Arguments and Facts” № 43. Tsar-sausage hits the wallet in goal 10/27/2021

She came as a girl in & nbsp; this “ Paris is & # 39; & # 39; and & nbsp; survived all of its inhabitants. I considered the semolina porridge as the greatest delicacy in the & nbsp; world, and & nbsp; before his death, I dreamed of reading the Psalter to him.

At the end of the XIX & nbsp; century. Harbin was seen as a Far Eastern outpost of the Russian Empire. These are, in fact, Russians and & nbsp; was built & nbsp; & mdash; mansions, parks, train station, bridges … A & nbsp; to & nbsp; XXI & nbsp; vs. that old Harbin began to be erased from the & nbsp; faces of the earth & nbsp; & mdash; faceless skyscrapers grow in the square of the old quarters. The last page in the history of Russian Harbin has also been closed. With & nbsp; its last inhabitant, this 'Russian Atlantis' & nbsp; & mdash; in a sense, a ghost town & nbsp; & mdash; fell into oblivion. & nbsp;

Russian Harbin, 1920s Photo:

Survived everyone

In the early 90s, I lived and & nbsp; three years and worked at & nbsp; Harbin. Russian communication was not enough for me, and once I accidentally wandered into the courtyard of an Orthodox church. There was a service there, a Chinese priest was serving in Lower Church Slavic. The candles were burning faintly, old men with gray hair stood in timid shadows outside the walls of a large church. Even then, an apostolic handful of compatriots remained from & nbsp; Russian Harbin & nbsp; & mdash; 12 & nbsp; people.

Their fates were remarkably similar and equally tragic. As children, they all fled with parents from revolutionary Russia. But & nbsp; life in & nbsp; China is not became cheerful: “ From & nbsp; some communists fled, towards & nbsp; others came running ', & nbsp; & mdash; they repeated sadly. And & nbsp; quietly, when the time came, went to & nbsp; another world. Who has always been called the 'best. & # 39; & # 39;

A & nbsp; Efrosinya Nikiforova survived his whole town, cried and & nbsp; spent the last trip of all relatives, friends and & nbsp; knowledge. And & nbsp; she left & nbsp; life in & nbsp; 97th year. & Nbsp;

Efrosinya Andreevna was born in the land of & nbsp; Love, at the station of & nbsp; Kundur. His father built the Love Railway. And & nbsp; when a revolutionary rebellion swept the country, the railway engineer Nikiforov family , fleeing & nbsp; hunger and & nbsp; chaos, fled to & nbsp; Harbin. The eldest of three children, Frose, was 13 at the time. In the & nbsp; court stood the crimson of & nbsp; bloody lightning of 1923 & nbsp; g.

To & nbsp; Harbin, she graduated from gymnasium and graduate pharmacy courses, worked for 50 & nbsp; years in the city pharmacy. His two & nbsp; younger brothers then decided to return to & nbsp; Soviet Union, both spent years in prison. Harbin & nbsp; & mdash; this & nbsp; was considered a counter-revolution …

Efrosinya herself was only in her homeland once: she went to & nbsp; USSR in & nbsp; mid-1960s. “ I came back from there sick. You see, Sasha, there the extravagant Khrushchev was & nbsp; very seriously called the 'smart girl', & nbsp; & mdash; she spoke to me softly.

Russian Harbinians called it & nbsp; Fruza, changing the name to & nbsp; in their own way. More than half of her life she has lived alone with her mother. After his & nbsp; death, she lived quietly alone in a & nbsp; tiny room at & nbsp; second floor of a house built by his & nbsp; compatriots. When asked why she hadn't started a family, she replied briefly, “ God hasn't. given … '' They whispered that his & nbsp; beloved had deceived her & nbsp; just before the wedding. Like, after learning this, Frosya then turned to stone and & nbsp; no longer allowed a man's hand to touch it.

The last decade of its & nbsp; high life has been particularly difficult: it has become more and more difficult to manage in & nbsp; single. Having lived in & nbsp; China during 83 & nbsp; years old, she hardly knew the Chinese language, did not know how to use chopsticks to eat. And & nbsp; was completely unhappy with & nbsp; his helplessness. & Nbsp;

During & nbsp; my visits to Harbin, I first ran to & nbsp; Efrosinya Andreevna: washed the floor in & nbsp; his & nbsp; kennel, cut my nails, went to the store & nbsp; and at the pharmacy. She, like a child, was waiting for Russian gifts. Loved the fragrant Borodino and the herring. I always asked to bring newspapers.

And & nbsp; remained very Russian until & nbsp; the last breath. She categorically refused to accept Chinese citizenship, although with & nbsp; “ heavenly '' her passport would be much easier for her. With a & nbsp; childish naivety, I expected the Russian consul to come and see her and & nbsp; after her visit her life would definitely improve. But the & nbsp; door of his & nbsp; life was rarely disturbed by a blow. I am becoming a dog. For weeks I do not speak: I do not speak with & nbsp; who & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; She kind of blew me away.

During the last year of her life she was practically helpless, she could & nbsp; go out in the street and & nbsp; to use. She lost her sight catastrophically, she was eaten up by oncology. & Nbsp;

“ Don't leave me! & # 39; & # 39;

Once she grabbed my hand & nbsp; and, bursting into tears, whispered: “ Sasha! Do not leave me. I am Russian! Help me find a nun, let her live with me, read the Psalter to me, help me with something. I & nbsp; know, i don't have much time left … & raquo;

I & # 39; have & nbsp; found a nun and & nbsp; could not. They refused, even when the Bishop of Blagoveshchensk and & nbsp; asked them & nbsp; Tyndinsky … The then deputy mayor of Blagoveshchensk Valentina Kalita, not & nbsp; become to divide people into & nbsp; “ our & # 39; & # 39; and & nbsp; not & nbsp; a lot.

Efrosinya & # 39; s little closet shone clean, its & nbsp; favorite semolina was cooked, but & nbsp; the essential & nbsp; & mdash; there was even a small one, but & nbsp; a little care and & nbsp; participation & nbsp; & mdash; what it does not have seen all of its almost a century of life. & nbsp;

“ I & nbsp; very afraid of being cremated, i am orthodox, i want to lie in the & nbsp; zelemku & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; she often spoke. She was dying, spent the last month in hospital & nbsp; on & nbsp; drippers.

The last time I saw her it was & nbsp; a week and a half before & nbsp; the death. She could no longer speak & nbsp; but & nbsp; heard everything & nbsp; and, hopefully, understood. I & nbsp; stroked her & nbsp; main, spoke to him. She fell silent, listening to me intently. And & nbsp; almost screamed, tried to say something when I started to leave. But & nbsp; does not have said …

Heaven therefore ordered that its & nbsp; death falls on & nbsp; these & nbsp; three days of & nbsp; year when the 'Sky Autumn' Love film festival came to & nbsp; Harbin.

We & nbsp; went down & nbsp; from the cold train on the platform, when a familiar Chinese guide approached me and & nbsp; said: 'Your grandmother passed away tonight I got a call from the & nbsp; hospital And, after a pause, he added: 'They said when she was dying she started speaking loudly in Russian. The only thing the doctors could figure out was & nbsp; & mdash; she called mom …

Our grandmother we buried on a hot September afternoon in the Orthodox cemetery. nun Olga (in & nbsp; actress Olga Gobzeva ), People's Artists of Russia Valentina Talyzina prayed for her & nbsp; , Zinaida Kirienko , deserved artist Nina Grebeshkova … From the & nbsp; cemetery chapel, a white domina with & nbsp; Efrosinya's body floated on his hands, covered with an embroidered towel, which was brought from the & nbsp; Carpathians by Ukrainian actress Raisa Nedashkovskaya . The coffin was lowered into & nbsp; sticky potting soil & mdash; and & nbsp; on & nbsp; Russian scrap on & nbsp; the Manchu hill has become one more cross. & nbsp;

R. & nbsp; S. & nbsp; 10 & nbsp; years after his & nbsp; departure, I & nbsp; have come & nbsp; the house where the last Russian Resident of Old Harbin lived. It has been reinstalled, but & nbsp; not yet & nbsp; demolished. The old house stood like a death row inmate. Quiet and & nbsp; dark.

Efrosinya Andreevna & # 39; s two narrow half-blind windows stared at me with dull glass. It looked like the window sash would open now, from where the gray-haired Efrosinya would look and, as always, say, 'Sash, come in. I have been waiting for you for a long time. But & nbsp; is not & nbsp; opened.

And & nbsp; will never be opened …


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