Putin: US ship in Black Sea can be seen through telescope

The Russian Army can look through binoculars or a view of a US Air Force ship that has entered the Black Sea. That's what President Vladimir Putin said, opening a series of meetings on defense topics in Sochi.

The head of state announced the need to continue improving the aerospace defense system. This is required, among other things, by the & nbsp; general military-political situation.

Putin drew attention to the increased frequency of NATO aircraft flights near Russia, as well as the appearance of the missile from it. 39; alliance ships in the & nbsp; sea ​​waters. & Nbsp;

“ And now, you know, an American ship has entered the Black Sea & ndash; we can look at it through binoculars or through the sight of the corresponding defense systems', & ndash; said the president.

Recall that on November 1, the flagship command ship Mount Whitney headed for the Black Sea to conduct joint operations with NATO allies and partners. Prior to that, the US Navy also sent an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer to the Black Sea. USS Porter.

Источник aif.ru

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