What will happen if you don't open the door to the population census?

In Russia, on October 15, the population census began. Investigators will bypass all residents and fill out census forms; you can also answer the questions of the questionnaire yourself & ndash; in special areas & nbsp; or in the My Documents centers. For the first time, you can take part in the online census on the public services portal.

Is it possible not to open the door to the census taker?

The census & dash; this is a completely voluntary procedure. Therefore, citizens have the right to refuse to leave enumerators in their homes or to participate in the census in any way. There is no liability for such refusal.

“The constitutional right of every person”; Don't let strangers come into your house, '' Rosstat Department Head Irina Zbarskaya told Vesti FM radio.

How can enumerators react to a refusal to let them into their dwellings?

Enumerators do not have the right to demand citizens to let them into the premises.

at the door, ordering it to open. We need to speak to residents quietly and discreetly, if the door is not open then our employee needs to turn around and leave ',' & ndash; Zbarskaya explained. & nbsp;

If the enumerator cannot find the inhabitants of the house, he can leave a leaflet in the mailbox with information about the census with the addresses of the nearest polling stations, as well as the possibility to fill in any autonomy questionnaires on the portal of state services, reported the press service of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation.

Why is it important to participate in the census?

The population census is carried out in order to find out exactly how many people live in each region and district of the country, who lives there and under what conditions. Most of the information obtained during the census does not appear in the databases of the civil status offices, the Ministry of the Interior and other departments. The information received will help to adjust government programs and contribute to the development and planning of enterprises, according to the official website of the Census of Population of All Russia.

Therefore, if any part of the population refuses to take part in the survey, the general idea of ​​the people of the country will be distorted. Policies aimed at improving the standard of living of citizens may not yield the desired result.


https: //www.vesti.ru,  https://ria.ru/, https://www.strana2020.ru
& nbsp;

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