Duration of natural immunity in patients with COVID-19 has been determined

Swedish and Italian scientists conducted a study which showed that in the majority of coronavirus patients in the first six months, the antibodies gradually decrease and then remain stable for up to 15 months.

Plus, it lasted longer. High levels of antibodies in people who have had serious illness. The article was published on the bioRxiv.org website.

Experts measured the titers of anti-S and anti-RBD antibodies in the blood plasma of patients. The former target the S protein of the coronavirus, while the latter & mdash; on the receptor binding domain (RBD) of protein S, which plays a key role in binding the virus to human cells.

In addition to the main strain, the authors tested the efficacy of antibodies against beta, gamma and delta variants of the virus.

It was found that the neutralizing activity of antibodies, albeit to a lesser extent, is preserved for these strains.

Meanwhile, against the background of an increased incidence of coronavirus & nbsp; experts talk about the need for revaccination, because already after six months the antibody titer may be lower than what is necessary to protect the body from infection. Read the rules for revaccination and whether it is necessary to prepare for it in one way or another in the AiF article.

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