Pavel Durov slammed Netflix and TikTok content

The creator of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov & nbsp; criticized the content of the American streaming service & nbsp; Netflix and the short video creation and viewing service TikTok, owned by & nbsp; Chinese company & laquo; ByteDance & raquo;.

“ Most people prefer to feed their mind not with real facts that can change the world, but with random Netflix TV shows or TikTok videos. To be creative and productive, we need to clean the sticky mud of irrelevant content from our minds, ”he wrote on Telegram.

Durov clarified that this content is offered to users by recommendation algorithms. He also added that “ on a deep level '' the human brain cannot distinguish fiction from reality. Therefore, according to the businessman, the abundance of digital entertainment forces the subconscious to seek solutions to non-existent problems. In addition, he criticized the 60Hz iPhone screens … It was also reported that Durov & nbsp; urged users of the iOS operating system to switch to Android due to the fact that Apple, in its opinion, is hindering the free exchange of information.


What does “outstretched lips” mean?

The phrase 'roll your lip' means the desire to achieve something impossible or unattainable. How does the expression & nbsp; & mdash; did she appear? in & nbsp; material

Relationship with & nbsp; Arabic

According to & nbsp; one of the versions of & nbsp ;, the expression of & nbsp; has Arabic roots. In & nbsp; his works linguist Nikolai Vashkevich compare the phrase 'roll your lips' with & nbsp; Arabic, which literally translates to “ establish in & nbsp; what you like, but & nbsp; to lose '', that is to say “ I really want it, but & nbsp; loses. & # 39; & # 39; According to the & nbsp; linguist's data, part of the Arabic sentence means & rsquo; uygu: ba (what you like), and & nbsp; the second & nbsp; & mdash; rasahat (to be established).

Culinary version

In the & nbsp; bread museums, the origin of the popular expression is often associated with & nbsp; kalach, or rather at the & nbsp; method of its preparation. So that the bun was well baked in the oven and did not burst, the hostesses of antiquity made an incision in the dough & nbsp; & mdash; lip. The incision was unrolled, flour poured underneath, then rolled up and & nbsp; sent bread to the oven. When the roll was ready, the 'lip' could be deployed again and & nbsp; oil coated.

Proverbs and & nbsp; sayings

The saying 'roll your lip' n started to be mentioned in dictionaries & nbsp; what in & nbsp; 1970 & nbsp;, so it came into use relatively recently, believes food historian, writer Pavel Syutkin … Probably, the phrase has become a sort of rebranding of phrases outdated that our fellow citizens have slightly transformed.

“ One thing is clear & nbsp; & mdash; this expression is not & nbsp; therefore & nbsp; and & nbsp; Ancient. Therefore, & nbsp; is not directly related to cooking. The Kalachi at & nbsp; XX century were no longer & nbsp; at the & nbsp; fashionable. I think, after all, that the phrase & bdquo; roll the lip & ldquo; appeared in & nbsp; as a result of the modification of old proverbs, sayings and & nbsp; phraseological units. Thus, Vladimir Dal gives in his dictionaries & nbsp; similar expressions in & nbsp; meaning: & bdquo; dissolve lips & ldquo;, & bdquo; the lip is not stupid & ldquo ;, & bdquo; pick up your lips, those: the mayor is leaving! yes & nbsp; look in & nbsp; teeth & ldquo ;. But & nbsp; to draw a final conclusion on & nbsp; the story of the origin of the tagline, I wouldn't be in a hurry. Maybe there are other versions of & nbsp; of which we & nbsp; do not know & nbsp; & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Pavel Syutkin.



Melted lead on the sidewalks. How London died in the flames

Tracing the history of the world with Andrey Sidorchik

Large-scale fires, which destroyed large cities on the ground, have long been a a fairly widespread phenomenon in Europe. Often times such disasters have led to a complete reconstruction that has changed the city beyond recognition.

The Satanic Year; and the Sea of ​​London

The main causes of catastrophic disasters were the predominance of timber materials in construction, as well as the lack of a system of construction. Clear and well thought out fire extinguisher.

The 1666 offensive in Europe, many waited in fear & mdash; of the 'number of the beast' they weren't expecting anything good in the numbering. At the same time, the living conditions on the Old Continent were such that it was not difficult to find misfortune, the cause of which could be attributed to the 'Satanic Year'. ; & # 39 ;.

However, the people of London were not up to the new fears as they died en masse from the infection that emerged a year earlier. The plague epidemic that erupted in 1665 in a town of nearly half a million people with no sewers started from the port where ships from Holland were arriving. By that time 50,000 people had died from the plague in Amsterdam, and the British tried to somehow protect themselves from danger, but these measures failed worked.

The first victims were the beggars of London who lived in the harbor, then the poor suburbs of the plague gradually reached the City. The King of England & nbsp; Charles II , along with his family and his retinue, left London, deciding to take refuge in a place where they could protect themselves from those infected.

In the fall of 1665, mortality in London increased to 7,000 people per week. In the city, mass graves for the dead, which were trenches, were filled before the diggers had time to complete the work.

In total, about 100,000 Londoners have fallen victim to the epidemic, or one in five people in the city. Therefore, in the early fall of 1666, the devil himself was not a brother of the British – & mdash; the survivors feared no grim omens.

The capital is like a great cesspool

One of the reasons for the rapid spread of the plague was the overcrowding of the population in poor neighborhoods. It has also become the cause of new problems.

There was no clear plan for the development of London in 1666. The wooden houses, sometimes built from the cheapest wood species, were stacked on top of each other. As large fires have occurred in London more than once before, the construction of log houses with thatched roofs has been officially banned, but this ban has simply been ignored. The poor could not afford stone houses, so they continued to build huts for themselves with the cheapest materials.

In the Thames coastal area there were the poorest areas with shops and basements containing combustible materials, with wooden apartment buildings. There were also warehouses with large stocks of gunpowder.

There was no specialized fire department in London & mdash; locals gathered at the sound of the bell, trying to put out the flames with water. If that didn't work, then they were trying to prevent the blaze by smashing wooden structures in the way of the flame, which hadn't yet caught on fire. & Nbsp;

Success in fighting a fire in such a situation depended more on the weather than on human effort.

The candle has fallen & hellip;

It all started on September 2, 1666 at Thomas Farriner bakery on Pudding Lane. Bakers started working even after dark, using regular candles for lighting. One of the candles fell on the wooden floor, and soon the flame began to spread rapidly throughout the house. The Farriner family escaped by moving to neighbors through a window on the top floor & mdash; houses, remember, in London at this time were often located close to each other. But Farriner's maid was so scared she was literally paralyzed and couldn't leave the house, becoming the first victim of the fire.

The Farriners put out the burning building with their neighbors, but they couldn't face the flames. Volunteers who have suffered numerous fires noted that it is best to destroy surrounding houses to stop the spread of the disaster.

But the owners of the houses opposed it, and in deciding what to do, Lord Mayor of London Thomas Bloodworth . As the mayor tried to figure it out, the fire began to spread to the outbuildings.

“ Destroy? & # 39; & # 39; & mdash; volunteers asked.

“ No, & mdash; opposite Bloodworth, & mdash; We haven't found all of the owners and tenants! But the hot summer spent with little rain created all the conditions for houses to flash like matches. A strong wind, which picked up that day in London, began to quickly spread the flame over the English capital.

At the mercy of firestorms

A few hours later the fire was reported to the king. The flames were going so fast that the wealthy parts of the city were also threatened. Karl & nbsp; II & nbsp; was determined to & mdash; gave the order to destroy the houses & nbsp; without hesitation. Also, the Royal Guard went to fight the blaze, led by the brother of King Duke of York & mdash; & nbsp; future monarch Jacob & nbsp; II .

But the moment was already lost. The so-called fire whirlpools began to spread throughout the city, when separate fires, under the influence of air masses, unite, as a result of which a very high temperature combustion zone, reaching 800 degrees, is formed. At the same time, the fiery tornado is moving extremely quickly.

Eyewitnesses to the blaze later wrote that on the morning of September 3, “it was not possible to stop the blaze”. The panic started & mdash; people tried to leave town, taking the goods they managed to take with them on carts.

The hopes of the extinguishing participants that the fire would be stopped by large obstacles proved untenable. First fell Baynards Castle, the historic residence of the English kings, then Saint Paul's Cathedral. The stone temple, which was considered a haven of peace, was raised by wooden scaffolding provided for repairs. The fire spread to them, then engulfed the roof, and after it fell, the entire property of the cathedral was on fire. There was a lot of him & mdash; locals took their valuables there as a temporary refuge, believing the stone building would avoid the worst.

The English writer John Evelyn recalled what was happening: “ Paul's stones The cathedrals were scattered like pomegranates, a flood of molten lead ran through the streets, most of the sidewalks were reddened, and not a single horse, not a single person could walk on it. & # 39;

It wasn't until September 5, when the wind died down, that the efforts of the volunteer firefighters and the Royal Guard began to bear fruit. The fire bands created from the destroyed houses stopped the further advance of the flame. Open-pit combustion gradually began to transform into smoldering.

John Evelyn's plan for the total restructuring of London was never implemented. Source: Public Domain

The Frenchman was accused of everything

In total, 13,500 houses, 87 parish churches, 44 buildings of & nbsp; companies in livery, & nbsp; Royal Exchange, & nbsp; St. Paul's Cathedral, several prisons and three city gates were destroyed.

In fact, London in its old form has ceased to exist, turning into a huge ash.

Despite the enormous scale of the disaster, information on the casualties was extremely scarce. Contemporaries have written of only a few victims of the fire. True, it is assumed that the problem is not in the absence of the victims, but in the fact that they were representatives of the poor. In addition, due to the extremely high combustion temperature, the remains of the victims could simply burn to the ground.

When they managed to cope with the blaze, the people of London began to seek an answer to the following question: & nbsp; whose fault is it ? & Nbsp; First of all, they suspected foreigners, believing that they might as well avenge England for its participation in military conflicts. There have been cases of lynching, the victims of which have been mainly French and Dutch.

A certain Frenchman Robert Hubert was arrested and charged with arson, which caused a catastrophic fire. Tortured, the man pleaded guilty. On September 28, 1666, he was hanged in public. And it was only after the execution that it was learned that Hubert was not in London at all when the fire started.

The plague is gone, the insurers have come

In 1667, the Royal Council ruled that the devastating fire was caused by coincidence and adverse weather conditions.

The famous architect and mathematician Christopher Wren was responsible for planning the redevelopment of the burnt down building. in the districts of London. And although his plan could not be fully implemented due to the lack of necessary funds in the treasury, & nbsp; London has been transformed. Wooden houses gave way to stone ones, the distance between buildings was increased, various warehouses were moved away from residential buildings. Thanks to Ren, the sanitary situation in the town also improved.

In memory of the fire, a monument was erected, today known as the Monument & mdash; Roman column & nbsp; Doric & nbsp; 61.57 meters high. & nbsp;

The fire of 1666 was the cause of the emergence of fire insurance services in Britain. After the incident, no one needed to explain why it was necessary, and the insurers business grew very successfully.

The fire is believed to have helped cope with the plague epidemic: after the London fire, new cases of the disease have failed practically not recorded.


Big heart and Cupid. How the Mungalov family saves abandoned children

Weekly “Arguments and facts” № 35. What is the future of Siberia? 09/01/2021

& # 39; On the first date, the boys meowed shyly: & # 39; Mom! & # 39;

< em>Once they had to sell a car and & nbsp; in & nbsp; Volgograd region. & nbsp; for & nbsp; remains of the deceased grandfather in & nbsp; the Great Patriotic War. They talk about & nbsp; their own Victory Soldier with & nbsp; tears to & nbsp; eyes. It is his fate, they say, it is truly an achievement. A & nbsp; children & mdash; this is not an achievement, it is happiness. Yes, a lot of worries and worries, a lot of work and sleepless nights. But & nbsp; is always happy, what & nbsp; this family has enough!

Gingerbread man from & nbsp; three parts

Petropavlovka & nbsp; & mdash; a small village in the region of Amour. A small street of houses still of Soviet construction, along which the sovereign Cupid makes noise in white worms. You can only get to Petropavlovka by bypassing the border line, where your passport will be carefully examined.

The Mungalov house is the largest in the village. “ Six rooms at & nbsp; us & # 39; & # 39 ;, & nbsp; & mdash; explains Valentina Mungalova. From & nbsp; their & nbsp; yard eventually left a big flood. Cupid has washed the well, worn out the greenhouses, knocked out the public baths, demolished a good half of the breadwinner's garden. & Nbsp;

But & nbsp; at & nbsp; Mungalovs and & nbsp; in post-flood realities, life is in full swing with a noisy fair. Old car tires have been turned into flower beds. The summer shower was revived, the wooden kitchen came to life, in which a pan of rich borscht languished before our arrival. When asked, who the cook is, a friendly laugh broke out: “ He's already asleep, passed out. While the borscht and & nbsp; pilaf were cooking & nbsp; & mdash; tired … & raquo;

& mdash; & nbsp; Our three boys Tomilov & nbsp; & mdash; this is a roll of & nbsp; Three parties. When we & nbsp; are close, they are ready to demolish the mountains, when we are not, such mountains will inflict, & nbsp; & mdash; Valentina Grigorievna smiles.

She is a professional teacher, graduated from the History Department of the Annunciation Pedagogical Institute. Soviet fate sent a young teacher to & nbsp; three years of 'working out' at the edge of the Amur region. To & Nbsp; The Very Border With & Nbsp; Transbaikalia. There, Valentina and & nbsp; met Nikolai. Yesterday's paratrooper gave him & nbsp; his reliable shoulder and & nbsp; his ardent heart. & Nbsp;

“ We take everyone! & # 39; & # 39;

Life went on, the children & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; their & nbsp; in the & nbsp; family there were three & nbsp; & mdash; grew up. The Mungalovs went to live in & nbsp; Petropavlovka, the homeland of Valentina. There the news came to them and to & nbsp; that a tragedy had happened to the & nbsp; distant relatives of Nicholas. In & nbsp; drunk stupor, the father killed the mother & nbsp; & mdash; eight children remain orphans.

& mdash; & nbsp; We take everyone, & nbsp; & mdash; hit Nikolay.

“ They killed the bull, for & nbsp; this money i & nbsp; them & nbsp; and & nbsp; brought from the orphanage, where they already managed to & nbsp; send them & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; Valentina remembers.

Almost all the stuff was with & nbsp; psychological problems and & nbsp; a bunch of somatic ailments, did not know how to use a fork and & nbsp; went independently to & nbsp; bathroom.

& mdash; & nbsp; No & nbsp; everything was simple. The oldest boy was then 15 & nbsp; years. When he & nbsp; came to & nbsp; us he lived four years and & nbsp; left. We & nbsp; with & nbsp; could not do anything, & nbsp; he has his own ideas about & nbsp; life. Work in & nbsp; these views were not & nbsp; included, & nbsp; & mdash; sigh the Mungalovs.

The rest they raised & nbsp; and, as they say, brought to & nbsp; people. The youngest, Paradise and & nbsp; Dasha , were adopted. Now the girls are for & nbsp; marriages, but & nbsp; trouble with & nbsp; suitors!

& mdash; & nbsp; I have not & nbsp; shame for & nbsp; them in front of future sons-in-law. There is no work that they cannot do at home. By & nbsp; docile nature. But & nbsp; we do not have need grooms who drink, & mdash; mother Valya waves her hand.

With & nbsp; sober grooms in & nbsp; these pieces are rare …

My question is & nbsp; and & nbsp; was & nbsp; if at least a minute of desperation from & nbsp; such a heavy burden of motherhood, Valentina Grigorievna shook her head in & nbsp; answer:

& mdash; & nbsp; No ! I haven't regretted a single second. Only once did she cry bitterly when little Raya upset the whole room.

The Mungalovs have a herd of cows, horses and sheep. All this is led by Nikolai Viktorovich with & nbsp; son. In & nbsp; minutes of rest, a retired parachutist goes into the & nbsp; forest & nbsp; & mdash; observe the & nbsp; birds. “ So I forget everything in the & nbsp; world & # 39; & nbsp; & mdash; the head of the family is recognized. & nbsp;

“ Don't be & nbsp; be lazy! & # 39; & # 39;

Several years ago, in the district education department, they were offered to examine three boys, whom the guardianship authorities took away from drunken parents. On the first date, Gleb, Kirill and & nbsp; Roma meowed shyly: “ Mum … ''.

& mdash; & nbsp; My heart melted in & nbsp; one second, & nbsp; & mdash; says Valentina Mungalova.

So the Tomilov brothers began to live in their house. What she calls a 'kolobok of & nbsp; Three parties. & # 39; & # 39; The boys seem to be woven from the purest mercury. The & nbsp; place is not & nbsp; stand. All three graduated from school without a single C. The worn-out question of & nbsp; on their favorite subject was answered in chorus: “Fizra! ..” Polinka therefore appeared in the & nbsp; family and & nbsp; his & nbsp; brother Denis.

& mdash; & nbsp; Do not & nbsp; separate & nbsp; the same children! & mdash; & nbsp; exclaims adoptive parents.

For & nbsp; each 'official' child, the state allocates 13 & nbsp; thousand & nbsp; in & nbsp; month. Does & nbsp; will suffice for & nbsp; content ? In the & nbsp; answer i hear a rare, like a sober groom in & nbsp; this area, exclamation: “ Yes! & # 39; & # 39;

& mdash; & nbsp; Meat, milk, eggs, vegetables & nbsp; & mdash; all to him. Fish & nbsp; & mdash; grab it, don't be lazy! And & nbsp; how many berries grow here and & nbsp; nuts! In! & mdash; & nbsp; Nikolay scratches his finger above Adam's apple.

The early years, when their & nbsp; family grew up, Valentina Grigorievna often suffered from & nbsp; bad tongues. Leisure women could easily tell at the meeting that “ they took the kids to make money. & # 39; & # 39;

& mdash; & nbsp; Immunity already, & nbsp; & mdash; she waves her hand.

People are woven exclusively from & nbsp; little things. All that is great consists of & nbsp; small.

Five years ago in & nbsp; their & nbsp; house a shy bird hit late news: in & nbsp; Volgograd region. search engines have found the remains of Val's grandfather & nbsp; & mdash; front line machine gunner Terenty Nadejkine , who disappeared during the & nbsp; Battle of Stalingrad.

Then its & nbsp; 85 year old mother was still alive & nbsp; & mdash; gunner's daughter.

& mdash; & nbsp; Mom stopped sleeping at night, kept saying, “ Girl, how are we doing? my file ? & # 39; & # 39; & nbsp; & mdash; wipes away Valentina Mungalova's tears.

Their & nbsp; large family council visited the & nbsp; surprise quickly: they decided to sell the old car, and & nbsp; the eldest daughter in & nbsp; a second gave up & nbsp; dreams & nbsp; & mdash; the girl has been saving for a good fur coat for several years. For & nbsp; this Valentina money with & nbsp; she and & nbsp; went to & nbsp; Volgogradchina to save the hero-grandfather.

Terenty Nadezhkin held the defense until & nbsp; the last one, his eye was knocked out by an enemy fragment, then the command sent him to & nbsp; the help of a young officer David Shelekhoshvili.

& mdash; & nbsp; They were covered with an air bomb. So their & nbsp; and & nbsp; our decades later & nbsp; & mdash; two people in & nbsp; a funnel. The grandfather was identified by the Red Army Soldier's half-rotten book. And & nbsp; David has an officer's bag, in which is a letter from his sister with a & nbsp; return address. Search engines have found in & nbsp; Georgia that & nbsp; very sister, she & nbsp; was well beyond & nbsp; 90. When they showed her the letter from & nbsp;, she passed out, & nbsp; & mdash; Valentina Mungalova tells through her tears.

She carried Terenty Grigorievich's bones for 6 & nbsp; days in a & nbsp; bag sewn on & nbsp; the top shelf of a reserved car seat. To & nbsp; Petropavlovka, they cried over it and & nbsp; his daughter, his grandchildren and & nbsp; all of his many great-grandchildren made it through his last trip.

& mdash; Mom felt better at & nbsp; soul since & nbsp; the fact that she said goodbye to & nbsp; his file, & nbsp; & mdash; my interlocutor sweeps the invisible crumbs from the table. & nbsp;

Three wishes

… After the flood, they “ left '' the bathroom floor, the kitchen sags. They received compensation, but & nbsp; hope they prefer themselves.

& mdash; & nbsp; Pay & nbsp; & mdash; ok, don't & nbsp; get paid & mdash; we are going to taxi. The main thing is that everyone is alive and well. healthy, & nbsp; & mdash; say the Mungalovs.

& mdash; & nbsp; Valya, are you & nbsp; dream of something? & mdash; & nbsp; I ask him & nbsp ;.

& mdash; & nbsp; I have three dreams. The first & nbsp; & mdash; so that no one is & nbsp; sick, the second & nbsp; & mdash; so that in a neighboring village the school is not & nbsp; closed, and & nbsp; the third & nbsp; & mdash; so that & nbsp; we have a normal cellular connection. And & nbsp; then & nbsp; call & nbsp; & mdash; problem of & nbsp; problems. And & nbsp; what is whatsapp or real internet & mdash; we have no idea.

& mdash; & nbsp; And & nbsp; is not it? & mdash; & nbsp; tighten me.

& mdash; & nbsp; Well & nbsp; if & nbsp; what i & nbsp; dream, then our village will live. And & nbsp; while Petropavlovka is still alive & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; we & nbsp; living. & nbsp;

Valentina Grigorievna, my dear! As long as the Mungalovs are alive, & nbsp; Russia is also alive.


From the elevator to the generals. How a photo of a secret agent made the rounds of newspapers around the world

Weekly “Arguments and facts” № 35. What is the future of Siberia? 01/09/2021

After the sudden death of Alexander Korotkov 60 & nbsp; years have passed, but & nbsp; until & nbsp; the names of some of its agents have not been & nbsp; nbsp; declassified.

Major General Korotkov was awarded the Order of Lenin, Six (!) Orders of the Red Flag, the Order of Patriotic War I & nbsp; degree, two Orders of the Red Star and & nbsp; others.

Modest lanky 18-year-old boy from Moscow, apprentice of an electrician, fatherless, Sasha Korotkov by & nbsp; 1927 mastered the 'bourgeois' tennis. Sparring partners on the courts of the Dynamo he had of & nbsp; Cheka. And & nbsp; in the fall of 1928, assistant to the vice president of the OGPU Benjamin Gerson offered him a job at & nbsp; Lubyanka. To start & nbsp; & mdash; an electromechanic for & nbsp; elevators in the & nbsp; sales department. & nbsp;

& # 39; A corpse in a & nbsp; suitcase '

No & nbsp; and & nbsp; years have passed since Alexander was already working in the & nbsp; legendary Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It turned out that in addition to being in excellent physical shape, he also had a & nbsp; ability to & nbsp; languages. They began to prepare Korotkov for the & nbsp; illegal work abroad.

In 1933 Long (the first operational pseudonym of Korotkov) & nbsp; & mdash; already illegal in & nbsp; Paris. According to the & nbsp; legend, it & nbsp; Czech Karl Roshetsky from Austria, came to study at the Sorbonne. There he successfully attempted to recruit French officers. But & nbsp; once it was almost & nbsp; caught, so out of danger, the officer was sent back to & nbsp; Moscow. However, already in 1936 he was working under diplomatic cover at the USSR trade mission in Germany. It 'long' obtained invaluable information on new German military technologies. In & nbsp; in particular, information about & nbsp; artificial rubber, synthetic gasoline, radar. & Nbsp;

The post from Czech Sorbonne student Karl Roshetsky. He is the intelligence officer of the council A. Korotkov. Photo:

In & nbsp; 1937 he was again in & nbsp; France. All the nuances of Korotkov's work in & nbsp; this period is not & nbsp; disclosed up to & nbsp; now. It is only known that the scout entered the group engaged in the search and elimination of traitors and enemies of the USSR. One of the targets of the liquidators was a former NKVD employee and resident of INO OGPU in Iran Georgy Agabekov. It & nbsp; in & nbsp; 1930 & nbsp; g. fled in & nbsp; Belgium, then settled in & nbsp; France, where he published a book, in which he passed the Iranian link of Soviet intelligence. After Agabekov's revelations, arrests and executions began. He was liquidated in Paris, lured to a safe house. “ An activist, a former Turkish army officer and & nbsp; the illegal young Korotkov, & nbsp; & mdash; narrated in & nbsp; his book on & nbsp; & bdquo; king of illegal immigrants & ldquo; Theodor Gladkov . & mdash; & nbsp; The Turk killed Agabekov with a knife, after which the body was stuffed into a & nbsp; suitcase, which was thrown in the & nbsp; river. The corpse has never been & nbsp; has never been found.

At the very end of the 1930s, Korotkov was appointed deputy head of the 1st Foreign Intelligence Department. His new alias & nbsp; & mdash; Stepanov. End of August 1940, by order of Beria , he went to & nbsp; Berlin. The main task of & nbsp; & mdash; re-establish contact with & nbsp; residence, put on hold in & nbsp; 1936 & ndash; 1938 & nbsp; Legal coverage & nbsp; & mdash; the post of 3rd Secretary of the USSR Plenipotentiary in & nbsp; Germany. & nbsp;

To & nbsp; 'Mistress' with & nbsp; radio

Korotkov managed to find a government adviser to the Imperial Ministry of Economy Arvid Harnak (“ Corsican & # 39; & # 39;) and & # 39; nbsp; his wife Mildred (“ Japanese woman ''). On the & nbsp; communications and & nbsp; senior officer of the Luftwaffe intelligence department Harro Schulze-Boysen ('Sergeant Major'). These people still held important positions and were well informed. Stepanov I was surprised to learn that in the underground group of & nbsp; Harnack and & nbsp; Schulze-Boysen there are more than 60 & nbsp; people. This Berlin spine of the Red Chapel will be destroyed a year after the start of the war. But & nbsp; they will have time to pass on a lot of valuable information. For example, thanks to the 'Petty Officer' Korotkov learned that the US Air Force attaché working in & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; Hitler & # 39; s spy .

Separately, it is worth talking about the agent “ Breitenbach & # 39; & # 39; & nbsp; & mdash; Hauptsturmführer & nbsp; SS, Gestapo officer Willie Lehmane , which is considered the main prototype of Stirlitz. Korotkov was the only one of & nbsp; all Soviet intelligence officers who knew him in & nbsp; face, & nbsp; & mdash; the others were shot or suppressed. From & nbsp; Leman Korotkov learned the details of the secret reorganization of the Nazi special services. The scout here corrected and & nbsp; secure the activities of his subordinates as much as possible.

In the second half of June 1941 for the & # 39; & # 39; Corse & # 39; & # 39; and & nbsp; his groups started sending radios, codes, codes, money from diplomatic mail. But & nbsp; Korotkov failed to transfer them. On the night of June 22, the Soviet Embassy building in Berlin was cordoned off by SS. The only diplomat who was allowed to leave, and & nbsp; then & nbsp; only in & nbsp; the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and & nbsp; in & nbsp; accompanied by the head of embassy security, an SS officer & nbsp; Heinemann , was Valentin Berezhkov … It & nbsp; and & nbsp; helped to negotiate with & nbsp; Heinemann for & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; thousand. stamps. The SS officer twice, on 22 & nbsp; and & nbsp; 24 & nbsp; June, released 'Stepanov' in & nbsp; city. Allegedly, he had to urgently say goodbye to & nbsp; his German mistress before being exiled to the & nbsp; Union. The German dropped off the scout near the metro and picked him up two hours later at another location. Korotkov managed to convey to the 'Corsican' and & nbsp; “ Sergeant Major '' all sent by Center. & nbsp;

Behind & nbsp; Keitel's back

A train with & nbsp; of the interned Soviet diplomats arrived at & nbsp; Moscow in & nbsp; July 1941. Korotkov headed the German Foreign Intelligence Department, which was responsible for the influx of intelligence officers to Germany. It & nbsp; no & nbsp; only participated in & nbsp; the creation of a special school for the training of agents, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; taught future illegal immigrants.

In & nbsp; November-December 1943 & nbsp; g. Colonel Korotkov, in & nbsp; as part of the Soviet delegation, was at & nbsp; Tehran, where Stalin , Roosevelt and & nbsp; Churchill . There he managed to send several agents across Bulgaria to Germany. One of them got a job at the factory of Me.262 fighter developer, aircraft designer Willie Messerschmitt . The second managed to take a stand in the company of the German missile creator Wernher von Braun .

But he received the most important task in the spring of 1945. Korotkov summoned the Deputy People's Commissar for State Security to & nbsp; Ivan Serov and & nbsp; responsible for leading a group on & nbsp; ensure the safety of the German delegation, which will arrive in & nbsp; Karlshorst to sign the deed of & nbsp; Germany's unconditional surrender. “ If its leader, Field Marshal Keitel, throws a number or refuses to put your signature, you will respond with your head. During contacts with & nbsp; try to feel his moods and & nbsp; n & nbsp; n & nbsp; ignore important information that, perhaps, will do & nbsp; drop & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; Serov reprimanded. In the & nbsp; famous photograph, which captured the moment of the signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany, Korotkov stands behind the & nbsp; back of Keitel . & Nbsp;

Suspiciously suddenly

In March 1946, Korotkov was recalled to & nbsp; Center, where it & nbsp; became the deputy chief of foreign intelligence and & nbsp; at the same time directed its illegal administration. It & nbsp; was directly related to the & nbsp; referral to & nbsp; United States of an illegal William Fischer , better known as Rudolph Abel . By the way, Korotkov was against sending a radio operator Renault Heikhanen with him, who ultimately handed Abel over to the Americans. About the operational instinct of the king of illegal immigrants there were legends. And & nbsp; he & nbsp; and & nbsp; he himself worked with & nbsp; legends: he personally prepared Konon Molodoy for departure, supervised the activities of the spouses-scouts Coens . & Nbsp;

Later he led the Berlin KGB apparatus. A & nbsp; 27 & nbsp; June 1961 & nbsp; g. Alexander Korotkov, 50, who was sick of nothing, died suddenly. In & nbsp;, close circles then discussed how suspicious this is. “ In the morning, Alexander Mikhailovich was received by the president of the KGB Shelepin . He was not satisfied with Korotkov and & nbsp; announced & nbsp; his reminder of & nbsp; Berlin, & nbsp; & mdash; recalled SVR veteran retired Colonel Ivan Kuzmin … & mdash; & nbsp; When leaving & nbsp; his office, Korotkov called a car and & nbsp; traveled to & nbsp; the Khrushchev apartment, where he was received by Nina Petrovna . From there by & nbsp; phone & bdquo; HF & ldquo; he & nbsp; called Walter Ulbricht and & nbsp; asked for his intercession. Ulbricht immediately contacted & nbsp; Khrushchev and & nbsp; asked to leave Korotkov for & nbsp; work at & nbsp; Berlin. Khrushchev agreed and gave Shelepin the appropriate instructions. Korotkov returned home, told his wife to pack her things and & nbsp; in the evening met at & nbsp; tennis court with & nbsp; the former KGB chief Serov. After a few minutes of play, he lost consciousness. The official diagnosis & nbsp; & mdash; ruptured aorta. The Erich Mielke who created the Stasi took Korotkov's death as a personal blow. It & nbsp; with & nbsp; colleagues from & nbsp; MGB of the GDR was in the & nbsp; funeral, at & nbsp; unlike & nbsp; Shelepin. During each visit to & nbsp; Moscow, Milke came with flowers to & nbsp; Novodevichy cemetery at the & nbsp; Korotkov's grave.


Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality. Successful bluff from Count Uvarov

235 years ago, September 5, 1786, in the family of one of the many warrant officers Grigory Potemkin , whom the Most Serene Prince called Senka the bandura player for his cheerful disposition and musical abilities, a son was born … This boy, having matured and made an incredible career, will go down in Great History as a person who has achieved a unprecedented. In the opinion of many, he managed to put in three words nothing less than the Russian national idea. These are the words: Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality. & # 39; & # 39;

Yes, it is. Here is Count Uvarov, Sergei Semionovich … a strange and mysterious person that his contemporaries could not understand first, then many historians. Indeed & mdash; before becoming Minister of Education Sergei Semionovich was, as they say, a notorious liberal. It was on his initiative that the famous Arzamas society was created, which brings together the most free thinkers: the future Decembrists and the very young Alexander Pushkin … It was thanks to his works that the University of St. Petersburg was established in 1819. Contemporaries spoke of Uvarov's contribution to his foundation at the highest degree: ” He cared about St. Petersburg University as a kind father, and his merits are similar to Lomonosov at Moscow University. In 1821, Uvarov, as administrator of the educational district of St. Petersburg, was so enraged by the defeat that his colleague, the administrator of the Kazan educational district Mikhail Magnitsky , arranged at the local university that he tendered his resignation. & nbsp;

And suddenly, from 1833, exactly from the moment Uvarov took the post of head of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a sharp turn, discouraging all contemporaries, turned. ; is produced in its behavior.

Alexander Pushkin was the first to feel it. In 1831, Uvarov translated his poems to the slanderers of Russia. and 'Borodino's birthday' in French, so much so that the poet wrote to the translator: 'It remains from the bottom of my heart to thank you for the attention you have shown me, and for the strength and the wholeness of the thoughts you have generously entrusted to me. & # 39; & # 39; And in 1833, the same Uvarov suddenly attacked Pushkin's poem “ Angelo & # 39; & # 39; and through the censorship committee he's pushing for the exclusion of a whole slew of worms. Next comes the turn of Pushkin's work, which he considered almost the essential of his life: “ The Story of the Pugachev Revolt. '' ; Pushkin became indignant: “ The public scolds my Pugachev , and what is even worse & mdash; do not buy. Uvarov & mdash; great villain. It screams my book like an outrageous play. His Dundukov slander, a fool and a bard (homosexual – editor's note), persecutes me with his censorship committee. He does not accept that I publish my works with the sole consent of the Sovereign. The king loves, but not the hunter. By the way, about Uvarov: he's a big bad and a charlatan & hellip; & raquo; & nbsp;

Portrait of Sergei Uvarov by YK Kanevsky 1844 Photo:

And the essential. It was in 1833, when he took office as minister, that Uvarov made this formula widely known. Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality.

What happened? Why does a remarkable liberal suddenly become a remarkable guardian of state?

It would be very tempting to use the famous quote, which is attributed to either Winston Churchill or Otto von Bismarck:. “Take advantage and calm down: here is, they say, a classic example, Count Uvarov. And what a conservative he has become, it is dear to see: he so clearly defined the obligations of” Most important state and the national idea!

The trick, however, is that the national idea of ​​this Uvarov phrase was made retroactively. In fact, Sergei Semionovich spoke about his particular case. Here is an exact quote: “ National education must be conducted in the united spirit of Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality. '' It appeared in a note to Emperor Nicholas I, “ On some principles that could serve as a guide in the management of the Ministry of Public Education. & # 39; & # 39; That is, it is a condensed doctrine of public education, nothing more. But why it appeared and what it was used for, it is worth mentioning in particular. & Nbsp;

Nicholas I, not trusting the aristocrats who, at the very beginning of his reign, organized the famous festivities in Senate Square, relied on officials and bureaucrats. In principle, the train of thought is correct. It was more difficult with the other. He needed a good management device, because with a bad one you can make any management fail. A good manager in a fast paced life must be an educated person. Desirable & mdash; very well educated.

But there is a caveat. The better and better the education, the more truly educated people are, the more dangerous the situation is for the authorities. For the simple reason that they are all thinking people. And very often they think critically. Including on the condition, on its structure and on its order, which I really want to replace with others, more just … In short, it's understandable. The Great French Revolution dates back to the work of the encyclopedists, everyone knows that.

Nicholas I knew this too, who found himself in dire straits. Educated people are really needed. But they are dangerous. What to do ?

Twenty years before becoming Minister of Public Education, Uvarov elegantly framed the problem Nicholas I was facing: “ They want a safe education, that is, a fire that does not would not burn. & # 39; & # 39; & Nbsp;

The highest rise in the career of Count Ouvarov came when he decided on a desperate bluff, namely to demonstrate to the ruler that his loyal official had finally found a “fire that would not burn”: the Enlightenment only what is necessary for the existence of a great state, and resolutely reject whatever carries within it the seeds of disorder and upheaval? Just observe the following three maxims, inspired by the very nature of things. national religion. Autocracy. Nationality.

The meaning is clear. If public education is well imbued with the spirit of this formula, then everything will be not only good, but excellent. Well-educated people will appear among the people, but at the same time absolutely loyal to orthodoxy and autocracy.

It was exactly that bluff. Uvarov understood that there is no such fire in nature that does not burn, and that sooner or later everything will surely ignite. He calmly pursued his cherished goal. The dream of his life was to create an education system in Russia that would bring the country to the same level as Western Europe, and if it works, even to a higher level. The stakes were very high. And the bluff succeeded. The ruler, as they say, bought it. Uvarov's formula was too good, and the graph itself – & mdash; loyal and devoted to orthodoxy and autocracy & hellip;

In any case, in words. The reality was slightly different. The third department reported to Nikolai: “No minister acts as autocratic as Uvarov. The sovereign's name is constantly on his lips, and meanwhile, with his ministerial instructions, he weakens the strength of many laws approved by the highest authority. The censorship charter has been completely modified by the & hellip; & raquo;

Uvarov & # 39; s bet was a success. Its ideological formula brilliantly acted as a kind of smokescreen. This is how historian Andrey Lewandovsky said about it: “ Uvarov brought Russian enlightenment to a new level, in total contradiction to the postulates of this ideology. It was with him, at least, the stages of this education & mdash; gymnasiums, universities & mdash; reach the European level and Moscow University is perhaps emerging as one of the leading such institutions in Europe. & # 39; & # 39; & nbsp;

But what about Pushkin's persecution and other obscurantisms that Minister Uvarov has shown on the right and on the left? In private conversations, Sergei Semionovich admitted: “ During the management of the ministry, I was in the position of a man who, fleeing from a wild beast, throws all parts of his clothes at him. One after another in order to take care of something, and I'm glad I was myself, at least kept intact. ' One of those 'clothes' and had a good relationship with Alexander Sergeevich. In this case, the target was high and certainly justified the means.


Is it true that people want to advertise in space?

Weekly “Arguments and facts” № 35. What is the future of Siberia? 09/01/2021 Expert response 0 + –

The technology that allows creating advertising at heights of space was developed by the Russian company Avant Space. Draw logos must be microsatellites equipped with lasers. In the & nbsp; sky, these images from & nbsp; light points will have the size of & nbsp; three moons. The system will turn on when the satellites pass overhead. large cities, it is planned to cover 1 & nbsp; billion people with its help. The project can already start working in & nbsp; 2024 & nbsp; g.

` `From a legal point of view, everything is clean here. The project will not harm anyone, & nbsp; & ndash; considers the project manager of the Nuclear and Space Technologies Pole of the Skolkovo Foundation Ivan Kosenkov . & Nbsp; & ndash; By the word & nbsp;, in the & nbsp; & timid; 1980s & nbsp; In & nbsp; USSR, the Banner experiment was carried out, during which, with the help of a structure deployed in space, it was planned to illuminate the surface of the Earth with huge sun rays. Nobody really opposed it back then. In the opinion of the head of the Institute for Space Policy Ivan Moiseev, there are no contradictions with international standards for the use of outer space in & nbsp; there is no such advertisement. But & nbsp; this turns out to be very expensive. And & nbsp; it is obvious that astronomers will be extremely unhappy with this.


Rogozin announced the unique capabilities of the new airport

The airport, which is under construction next to the Vostochny Cosmodrome, will be equipped with a runway for all types of aircraft and even for reusable reusable rockets. This was announced on September 4 by the general manager of Roscosmos. Dmitry Rogozin.

On the air of the YouTube channel Soloviev Live Rogozin said that the runway of the new airfield will be 4,400 meters long. In particular, it will be able to land cargo planes with heavy spacecraft, which will be launched by Angara rockets.

Rogozin added that the new runway should be operational by 2023. At the premiere stage of construction, its length will reach 3 kilometers to 250 meters.

Earlier on Saturday, Rogozin announced the timeline for the launch of the Union. from the Kuru Cosmodrome. According to him, Roskosmos plans to conduct two more Russian Soyuz rocket launches from the French Guiana Cosmodrome by the end of this year. -six years.


Peskov sympathized with the feelings of a schoolboy who corrected the president

< p> Russian President & # 39; s press secretary Dmitry Peskov sympathized with the feelings of the student, who in an open history class corrected the leader of the ; State in a conversation about the Northern War.

“ I imagine this poor boy must have been through & raquo;, & ndash; a Kremlin spokesman said on Russia-1 TV channel.

Recall that on September 1, the Russian leader spoke with schoolchildren as part of the Znanie educational marathon. in Vladivostok, called the war led by Peter I with Sweden the seven years. Then Nikanor Tolstykh, a student from Vorkuta, was quick to clarify that it was still the northern war.

The head of the country thanked the country. student for the amendment. The Kremlin also did not deem the boy's words impudent, noting that the president still readily accepts such adjustments. & Nbsp;

At the same time, after the event, the school principal described the student's behavior as “the inherent impudence of young people. & # 39; 39; & # 39;


Rogozin spoke about when Soyuz launched from Kuru Cosmodrome

Roskosmos plans to conduct two more Russian Soyuz rocket launches from the Kourou Cosmodrome in French Guiana by the end of this year. This broadcast on the YouTube channel Soloviev Live & nbsp; was reported by state-owned company CEO Dmitry Rogozin.

As learned earlier, the next launch of the Soyuz-ST launcher from the Kuru Cosmodrome is scheduled for November 23. The rocket will launch a satellite of the European global navigation satellite system Galileo into orbit.

December 29 at Soyuz; 34 British OneWeb communication satellites will fly.

Meanwhile, Rogozin expressed the Russian side's will & nbsp; continue cooperation with American partners on the RD-181 rocket engine. & nbsp;
