“Makaroshki” -2. Rada MP told Ukrainians about cheap food

Russian-Ukrainian relations have been in a disgusting state for many years. The inculcation of a nationalist ideology by Kiev, the ongoing bombardment of peaceful installations in Donbass and & nbsp; many other factors do not contribute to standardization. & Nbsp;

& # 39; Pasta & # 39; minister

But & nbsp; here is what is weird & nbsp; & mdash; often the reasoning of those in power in both countries & nbsp; differs from each other & nbsp; when it comes to & nbsp; the position of the common people. How famous comrade Saakhov blamed his driver: “ You see life from & nbsp; the window of my personal car, honestly! & # 39; & # 39;

Three years ago the Minister of Employment, Labor and & nbsp; Saratov Migration Region Natalia Sokolova , who assured that the Russians can lead a normal life, spending 3,500 rubles a month on food. After the meeting of the Duma regional committee on social policy, the minister began a discussion with the deputy of the regional Duma Saratov Nikolai Bondarenko , convinced that the latest increase in the cost of living is totally insufficient. “ Now the chicken is worth a kilogram, you know how much, & nbsp; & mdash; Natalya Sokolova convinced the deputy. & mdash; & nbsp; And & nbsp; from & nbsp; you can cook a lot of dishes … No problem. & # 39; & # 39; The deputy in the response of & nbsp; suggested that the two conduct an experiment, eating on the above amount. “ Our status with & nbsp; you don't & nbsp; allows you to unroll & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; Minister Sokolova opposed the MP. “ With that kind of money, you can't eat normally, & nbsp; & mdash; insisted the deputy. & mdash; & nbsp; Therapeutic fasting & mdash; may be. & raquo ;. & nbsp;

Bondarenko again suggested trying life with such a diet on yourself. “ I & nbsp; a decisive enough person, but & nbsp; I am afraid that the status of Minister will allow me to do so, & nbsp; & mdash; Ms Sokolova rejected the proposed option.

But the minister began to explain how to eat well for & nbsp; 3500 & nbsp; rubles: & nbsp; I & nbsp; can make a menu for you, based on & nbsp; these stores that I & nbsp; visit, with & nbsp; discounts, and & nbsp; you & nbsp; understand you can live … i haven't eaten meat for 20 & nbsp; years. We must use in season, our vegetables and & nbsp; fruits. In & nbsp; every season there are products that become cheaper and & nbsp; which become more expensive. And & nbsp; macaroons always cost the same. Are you a believer? And & nbsp; then & nbsp; there are 40 & nbsp; fasting days, and & nbsp; everyone is just getting healthier. & Nbsp;

“ The prices are & nbsp; the same & # 39; & # 39; : how the member for Rada saw a miracle

“ Makaroshki & # 39; & # 39; be expensive for Ms. Sokolova & nbsp; & mdash; she was & nbsp; invited to be & nbsp; Minister.

But & nbsp; ideas about & nbsp; that people exaggerate their plight went nowhere. Three years later, the brother of Natalia Sokolova in & nbsp; reason appeared in & nbsp; Ukraine.

Ukrainian restaurateur 49 years old and & nbsp; deputy of the ruling Party of the People's Servant Nikolai Tishchenko decided to inform his compatriots about & nbsp; the fact that no increase in the prices of the products of the Independent & nbsp; does not happen. Addressing to & nbsp; journalists on the sidelines of the Rada, on the question of & nbsp; on & nbsp; price increases, the parliamentarian said: “ No, the prices are & nbsp; the same. & # 39; & # 39;

“ I bought buckwheat & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; hryvnia for & nbsp; kilogram, 28 & nbsp; i bought for & nbsp; kilogram, the price varies. I & nbsp; does not use bread at all, but bread costs today from & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; hryvnias in & nbsp; according to & nbsp; who. With & nbsp; tastes, with & nbsp; seeds or strawberries, so tasty, that are in & nbsp; trends today, this & nbsp; can cost & nbsp; 35-40 & nbsp; UAH. Sometimes it boils down to, depending on the fillings, and & nbsp; to & nbsp; 50 & nbsp; UAH & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the restaurateur.

Tishchenko assured that he buys food for the family at & nbsp; Bessarabian market in Kiev, which is the most expensive in the & nbsp; Ukrainian capital, and & nbsp; expense & nbsp; this is from & nbsp; 5 & ​​nbsp; to & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; thousand hryvnia in & nbsp; & nbsp; 32 & nbsp; 200 rubles). Journalists have compiled a price list, according to & nbsp; by which the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada is purchased: – Buckwheat from & nbsp; 12 & nbsp; to & nbsp; 28 & nbsp; hryvnia (from 32 to 75 rubles per up to 70 hryvnia (from 53 to 187 rubles per kilogram) – Salo from 50 to 100 hryvnia (from 134 to 268 rubles per & nbsp;

kg) Tishchenko's revelations surprised Ukrainians, as ordinary citizens were not able to find such prices. In the & nbsp; reality, the prices of & nbsp; buckwheat Kiev now fluctuate in the & nbsp; range of & nbsp; 50 & nbsp; to & nbsp; 100 hryvnia per & nbsp; kilogram (134 & nbsp; & mdash; 268 & nbsp; rubles), the beef is sold at & nbsp; & nbsp; 130 180 hryvnia (348 & nbsp; & mdash; 482 & nbsp; rubles), and & nbsp; fat fee 150 & nbsp; & mdash; 170 hryvnia for & nbsp; kilogram (400 & nbsp; & mdash; 450 & nbsp; rubles). & Nbsp;

& nbsp; he has a time machine, he & nbsp; is purchased in & nbsp; & nbsp;

One of Kiev's audiences on Instagram posted a snapshot with the caption: “ Special offers for Kolya Tishchenko have started appearing in the markets of Ukraine. The photo of & nbsp; shows a market board with a & nbsp; price tag For Tishchenko. & Nbsp; 20 & nbsp; hryvnia. This is & nbsp; leftover meat & nbsp; & mdash; in fact, pieces of skin with & nbsp; a minimum of meat.

The comments of Ukrainians on the & nbsp; about the new variety immediately pleased: “ Maybe he buys there, but & nbsp; you & nbsp; laugh ''. “ Buckwheat with & nbsp; meat shavings'. “ Can I have a common apartment for & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; UAH ??? & # 39; & # 39 ;. “ He eats & nbsp; in & nbsp; restaurants, and & nbsp; n & nbsp; n & nbsp; buys on the & nbsp; market, therefore & nbsp; does not know the actual prices. & # 39; & # 39; “ You & nbsp; do not understand, & nbsp; he has a time machine, he & nbsp; in the & nbsp; past is bought. & # 39; & # 39;

Former President of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov offered the citizens to call Tishchenko at the market, show him the actual prices, and ask him to pay people the difference in cost between the real beef and the one he bought. But, unlike the & nbsp; Minister Sokolova, Ukrainian MP Tishchenko, apparently, is not & nbsp; threatens. The question of & nbsp; add it & nbsp; mandate of substitute person & nbsp; does not arise. & Nbsp;

“ Such a culture & # 39; & # 39; : how the Ukrainian minister blamed the people for & nbsp; that he & nbsp; eat too much

In & nbsp; Ukraine, by the way, this is not the first time. In the summer of 2017, the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Andriy Reva lamented that his compatriots eat too much. On the air of the TV channel “ 112 & nbsp; Ukraine & # 39; & # 39; The minister said: “ When we talk about & nbsp; that the Germans spend (on food) 14%, and & nbsp; we & nbsp; 50%, then & nbsp; there is a system of priorities. My dad has made eating well a priority his entire life. It & nbsp; believed that you can deprive yourself of something, but & nbsp; a healthy and nutritious diet is very important. Our people have such a historical tradition & nbsp; & mdash; famines, wars made them & nbsp; treat the problem of nutrition not & nbsp; as in & nbsp; other countries. I am already silent on & nbsp; the fact that the attitude towards & nbsp; bread was cultivated in & nbsp; company. Germans eat a little differently. They have a different diet. Their & nbsp; food culture is very different from & nbsp; ours. Since the prices of the products & nbsp; are roughly the same in & nbsp; Ukraine and in & nbsp; Germany, they eat less no & nbsp; because & nbsp; they have no possibility, but & nbsp; because of such a culture. And & nbsp; therefore, they spend less than & nbsp; compared to & nbsp; our people. & # 39; And & nbsp; now he & nbsp; dream of a return to & nbsp; power, apparently without losing hope of changing Ukrainian culinary culture.

After all, if neither Reva nor & nbsp; Tishchenko until & nbsp; have not yet & nbsp; struck off & nbsp; & nbsp; ; returned to the & nbsp; reality & raquo ;, then is this possible?

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