The Department of Defense will increase the number of reservists in the military – what does this mean?

The Defense Ministry also indicated that units with reservists have been transferred to the Kaliningrad region to participate in the West-2021 exercises, the maneuvers will take place from September 10 to 16. There, they will perform combat training duties to improve their military knowledge, skills and abilities in the use of weapons and military equipment.

Previously, the military department had reported that by the end of August it was planned to create a reserve composition of the Combat Army (BARS) of 38,000 people in the district. southern military. It was also reported that a base for the placement of reservists is being prepared on the territory of the district, where they will give theory lessons and organize practical training.

What are reservists for?

Reservists during a war are needed to quickly train and recruit military units & mdash; in particular, brigades, divisions & mdash; cover the most threatening areas in the event of a worsening military-political situation. Today the size of the armed forces of the Russian Federation is limited to one million people by the corresponding presidential decree, and this is clearly not enough in the event of a full-scale war. & Nbsp;

In peacetime, Reservists are intended to be used for major events such as combat readiness checks and large-scale exercises, especially in areas with limited manpower. Earlier in the military department, it was reported that among their tasks would be the protection and defense of particularly important military and state installations, the maintenance of public order, the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters. & Nbsp;

How the idea came about

For Russia, a set of reservists & mdash; a new idea, but such a structure for army replenishment has long been successful in many countries. In Russia, the concept of a human mobilization reserve was approved in 2007. Its purpose is called “ to ensure the guaranteed resupply of the armed forces and other troops with militarily trained mobilization human resources, both during the mobilization period and to resolve crisis situations. & # 39; & # 39; & Nbsp;

For the first time, Reservists began participating in training events for the armed forces in 2016.

Who will be hired?

This is the voluntary admission of traders to the service. Soldiers or officers who have served, but are ready to return to first order service, will need to apply to the military registration and enlistment office at their place of residence. A special certification commission will issue a prescription to the candidate for the military unit they have chosen for service. There he will be appointed to a specific military post. & Nbsp;

The Department of Defense states that they carry out a strict selection of candidates, they must meet the requirements of health, physical fitness, moral and psychological state. Preference is given to traders who have few specialties of military registration, for example, they served in units of motorized rifles, tanks or artillery, as well as in special forces. & Nbsp;

An entry ban for reservists is received by applicants who have a stay of mobilization and are exempt from military duty, as well as those with an outstanding or unexpired conviction, are subject to action. an investigation or are involved in a criminal case. & Nbsp;

Terms of contract

Each selected candidate will be signed a contract in which all the conditions of his temporary service, including financial, will be prescribed. It provides for certain remuneration corresponding to the military rank, the function, the duration of the temporary service and the nature of the tasks performed there. A reservist's first contract must be for three years. Then this period can be extended to five years.

To get people interested in such a service, they will be paid a certain amount every month. So, for three days in the classroom, an officer will receive up to 10,000 rubles, a private sergeant & mdash; up to 5 thousand rubles. For 30 days of stay in military training, an officer will receive from 30 to 75 thousand rubles, a soldier & mdash; up to 25 thousand rubles. Upon conclusion of the first contract, a one-time payment will also be paid to the officer up to 66,000 rubles, to the private sergeant & mdash; up to 39,000 rubles. depending on the length of the contract. In addition, during the training period, they will keep their average salary in civilian life. & Nbsp;

It was reported that in peacetime reservists would be called up periodically to military training, where they would be briefed on the latest military trends. So that they do not become cannon fodder, they will be recycled for new equipment and weapons. It is planned to regularly train people in shooting all types of small arms, to learn to drive army trucks and combat vehicles.

The main condition is & mdash; for the duration of the army training camp, the main workplace is kept.

Benefits and responsibility

Reservists will benefit from free medical care, and in case of force majeure & mdash; insurance payments, as well as active career military personnel. & nbsp;

The financial responsibility of the reservist is also foreseen. In the event of early termination of the contract, the citizen will be obliged to return to the state the money spent on his military and special training, & mdash; a specific amount for each month of stay in the mobreserve.


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