TV presenters Popov and Skabeeva contracted the coronavirus

The hosts of 60 Minutes on the TV channel “Russia 1” Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva have contracted the coronavirus, the TV presenter said before the start of the program, live on the&# 39;video screen.

“Today, for the first time, I will host our favorite program with a positive test. In the morning, I was forced to “isolate. I don't have any SARS symptoms yet. So I'm following the doctors advice: plenty of fluids and don't panic,” — Popov said.

He clarified that his wife and co-host Olga also tested positive. Both are vaccinated, so they assume the disease will pass into a mild form. 

Later, the TV presenter told RIA Novosti that he was isolated at the hospital hotel, and Skabeeva — at home.

“There are two of us, and it's clear that at some point the two should have hooked up. So it hooked up the second year, I 39;almost said war, the second year of the coronavirus, — remain in the hospital for several days. He is now in perfect health.


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