How to attract birds to the feeder?

It also happens: you hang a brand new feeder from a branch, pour handfuls of food, eagerly gaze out the window, but the birds still don't fly.

“Birds” mdash; Cautious creatures by nature, the first to fly to the new feeder are the chickadees and examine the potential food source, & mdash; says & nbsp; employee of the coordination center of the Russian Union for the conservation of birds Elena Chernova … & mdash; & nbsp; But sparrows are more wary, they will watch closely for a long time, fly in circles before landing on the feeder and tasting the treat. & # 39; & # 39;

A new feeder is brought under control very quickly if there is active feeding around. If he's not there & mdash; will have to wait for the birds to find the new dining area and make sure it is safe.

Feeding birds in winter & mdash; noble profession. Bird watchers have calculated that out of 10 wintering birds, only 3-4 survive after wintering. By hanging the bird feeder in the garden, you will keep it from hordes of harmful insects.

In general, in winter, birds are content to feed in the feeders. But even when pecking at tasty seeds or high-calorie lard, they still turn their heads sharply to the right and to the left, every second changes their position in relation to their dining room. & mdash; the eternal struggle for its own existence, the fear of inadvertently falling into the clutches of a predator or the hands of an evil person. The poultry dining room should be absolutely safe for the bird: the guests should have the opportunity to refresh themselves with delicious dishes, and at the same time never lose sight of the area. & Nbsp;

Therefore, the birds fly with caution to the new feeders. For example, consider one of the most seemingly reliable classical structures in the form of a 'house' with a gable or sloping roof and several props. These feeders are made by working school children from wooden blanks. These poultry canteens are considered the most environmentally friendly and reliable for birds. The natural material the feeder is made from is not able to spoil bird treats, it does not contain any poisonous or poisonous substances.

The reliability of these feeders lies in a sturdy structure, the roof protects the food from rain and snow, the sides of the whole house block the entry of the wind and its strong gusts cannot not take the food supplies, scattering nearby. But for the safety of the bird in the feeder, it is worth allowing for the possibility of a through flight so that it does not become a trap when attacked by a predator. .

Another simpler type of wooden feeder & mdash; stern tables without roof. For birds it is even safer than the first version of the & # 39; house & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; s & # 39; & # 39; : in case of danger, the horizontal feeder turns into a take-off stand, from which it is very easy and fast to soar into the sky. However, such a feeder poorly protects food from precipitation & mdash; rain or snow. Immediately after the bad weather, it should be cleaned of wet food residue and a new portion should be added.

There are many different models of wooden feeders on sale, pay attention to the height of the sides, sometimes for design reasons they are too overrated, giving too much decorative effect.

There were also horizontal feeders with a dosing system and trellis. With the dispenser they are easy to maintain, they only need to be refilled once a week, and the poultry kitchen will work non-stop. The seats are located either at the bottom of the trough or there are several holes distributed in the trough in an arbitrary shape. But the number of places in these feeders will always be limited, and not all hungry people will be able to eat.

The horizontal feeders of the grid & mdash; the best option. Birds grab the net with stubborn legs and can quickly change locations if they wish, intercepting different twigs of the net with their legs.

Such feeders are also beneficial in terms of food consumption, birds peck small piece, do not drag them & nbsp; and do not lose particles during the flight.

Many plastic bottle feeders hang from trees in parks and squares in the winter. For birds, they have become one of the most common types of feeders. However, large birds and squirrels often die in such structures. They try to get in for food and get stuck. Try to make such a feeder, including birds for which food is not intended. It is believed that the pigeons do not need to be fed, they will find food for themselves near the garbage cans, the townspeople feed them near the wells that do not freeze, scattering grains and pieces of bread. But the big birds are still not afraid to eat from the feeder intended for the little brothers & mdash; tits, sparrows.

Birds can be treated in a forest or in a park by simply sprinkling food on any surface & mdash; on a stump, the snow trampled. And try to steer the edible path closer to the newly installed feeder. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

Bird lovers feed birds even in high-rise buildings, attaching feeders to loggias, windows. And it looks like there isn't a forest or park nearby, but the great tit, nuthatch, and woodpecker will definitely come to feast.

Rating of popular poultry feed

  1. Seeds & mdash; high calorie and healthy delicacy. Can be poured into the trough in any shape, peeled or unpeeled.
  2. Millet & mdash; the healthiest grain crop for birds. Just pay attention to its expiration date. It is better to pour it into the trough with the seeds. Millet & mdash; it is peeled millet, but birders strictly forbid feeding it with birds. Groats tend to absorb dust and dirt, birds are simply poisoned by them.
  3. White bread. It includes both bread with a brick and white breads. It is advisable to cut the bread into pieces and dry it lightly. Black bread is strictly prohibited: it causes fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. & Nbsp;
  4. Walnuts. All without exception: peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts will be used for food.
  5. Lard, meat trimmings. High calorie foods help fill the bird up quickly in cold weather and keep it warm. Tie better pieces so that the small birds can get them, they could not be immediately taken away by the large families of feathered corvids: gray and black crows, jackdaws, crows, common and blue magpies, jays.

The exception is any salty food (fries, purchased crackers), as well as rancid and moldy foods.
& nbsp;


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