You never dreamed of it. Can Interactive Dreams Drive You Crazy?

Weekly “Arguments and facts” № 25. Difficult task. Where did schooling come from? 06/23/2021

A technology has been developed in Russia for & nbsp; recreate dreams using a neuro-headset.

Home interface & laquo; brain & ndash; computer ' uses electroencephalography and neural networks. It will not yet be possible to recreate the dream in detail, but it will be possible to define its category: pleasant, unpleasant, nightmare and & nbsp; etc. In the opinion of & nbsp; scientists, people will already be able to record their dreams using such devices in & nbsp; 2025 & nbsp; g.

It is also possible that it is possible to communicate with a sleeping person: ask & shy; requests and & nbsp; receive responses to these. This has been stated by scientists on the basis of experiments in laboratories in the United States, Germany, France and Holland. As the researchers assure, in a dream the brain is able to perceive human speech and intelligently respond to it. And the idea of & nbsp; the fact that the senses of & nbsp; sleepers are completely deactivated and & nbsp; do not respond in any way to & nbsp; what goes around is obsolete. On the contrary, you can establish communication with & nbsp; sleeping people and & nbsp; even turn a dream into a & nbsp; fascinating interactive experience.

The most opportune time for & nbsp; this & nbsp; & ndash; 'fast' phase and & nbsp; shallow sleep, characterized by intense eye movements and & nbsp; vivid and memorable dreams. And & nbsp; the essence of the experience in & nbsp; is that the volunteers who are in & nbsp; this state, confirm with pre-agreed signals (for example, eye movements from right to left or winking) that they hear and & nbsp; understand the questions scientists ask them. It turned out that volunteers in the lucid dreaming phase not only answered & nbsp; questions, but even performed simple calculations. And & nbsp; after waking up they could say whatever the experimenters asked them. & Nbsp;

“Am I sleeping or not?” “

` `Similar experiments are carried out in the & nbsp; 'fast' phase sleeping, since this is where the sleeping person's connection with the & nbsp; outside & shy world is possible, & nbsp; & ndash; explained “ AiF '' somnologist, head of the department of sleep medicine at Sechenov University Mikhail Poluektov . & nbsp; & ndash; During this time, one person is sleeping, but not all: certain areas of the frontal cortex of the brain are awake. Specifically, you can train not to let them fall asleep.

Psychophysicists have developed techniques that allow you to enter the lucid dream state on your own and then take care of yourself, while maintaining voluntary control. For & nbsp; this, falling asleep, a person must constantly ask the question, “ Am I sleeping or not? & # 39; & # 39 ;; and & nbsp; check your physical & shy environment around you & nbsp; & ndash; if they correspond to scientific ideas. Remember how in the movie & nbsp; “ Inception '' the hero, about to move to another dimension, was watching the summit: if he was spinning without slowing down, then the hero was sleeping. And & nbsp; if the top fell, then everything happens in the & nbsp; real world. This is the basis of the & nbsp; lucid dreaming teaching technique: a person should pay attention to & nbsp; certain things, in & nbsp; behavior and & nbsp; state of which & nbsp; in the real world it is safe. “ But what about control? & # 39; & # 39; & nbsp; & ndash; you ask. After all, if you control yourself all the time, you won't fall asleep. However, this is not the case. A very sleepy person will fall asleep, even if they try to stay awake, & nbsp; & ndash; not the & nbsp; tonight, so the & nbsp; the next one, or certainly the & nbsp; the fifth day. & # 39; & # 39; confirmed by AiF physiologist Sviatoslav Medvedev , who for many years headed the Human Brain Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. & nbsp; & ndash; For example, I firmly know that if I try, but cannot dial a number on a & nbsp; iPhone, & nbsp; & ndash; so I & nbsp; sleep and & nbsp; I only dream of this iPhone & hellip; However, the existence of dormant parts of the brain in humans has not been proven. It seems strange to me. People are not dolphins! The dolphin, yes indeed one hemisphere is asleep the other is awake. But our brains work differently. At the same time, it is known that even in a person's sleep, certain centers of attention are functioning: during 'fasting'. In dreams, he feels a lot, sensory information enters the brain. For example, often when the mother is sleeping and & nbsp; the baby starts to do something wrong, she wakes up immediately. & # 39; & # 39; & Nbsp;

& # 39; Some signals from the & nbsp; outside & shy; world can 'break through' barrier & shy; ep from sleep and & nbsp; serve as the basis for the & nbsp; development of events in & nbsp; dream. For & nbsp; for example, a driver who has fallen asleep at the wheel sees something colorful, bright in a dream, and & nbsp; then it turns out it was the headlights of a car in the & nbsp; oncoming lane & hellip; & raquo; & nbsp; & ndash; adds Mikhail Poluektov.

“ Let's say you dream that you are in & nbsp; Africa, but for some reason in & nbsp; felt boots. And & nbsp; is actually a reflection of the fact that the room is stuffy, not ventilated, the batteries are very hot, you are uncomfortable, & nbsp; & ndash; gives another example, the director of the School of Modern Psychotechnology Alexander Mymrin . & nbsp; & ndash; What to do & nbsp; & ndash; to wake up, get up, open the window? In order not to interrupt sleep, the brain explains: “ You are in & nbsp; Africa, and & nbsp; it is hot there. Therefore, everything is fine, sleep well.

And & nbsp; even at & nbsp; moment of transition of & nbsp; sleep at & nbsp; awakening, or vice versa, the brain experiences a state, so to speak, of mild intoxication. A person in & nbsp; right now can be inspired by anything. This is a rift between sleep and the & nbsp; reality, in & nbsp; that you can browse and & nbsp; make a suggestion. Psychologists know this well. In & nbsp; such an altered state of consciousness comes from ideas, ideas. Why do some scientists make discoveries in their sleep? All this because of the same thing: the thought is freed from the chains of & nbsp ;.

And & nbsp; if in a dream a person answers & nbsp; to questions, consciously reacting to & nbsp; what we say to him, & nbsp; & ndash; is he really asleep? “ If you talk to & nbsp; with someone you are talking, then it & # 39; s no longer a dream & # 39; & # 39 ;, & nbsp; & ndash; Sviatoslav Medvedev believes. “ When the subject communicates with & nbsp; using facial expressions, gestures and & nbsp; any other signal means that this person is no longer sleeping, & nbsp; & ndash; Alexander Mymrin agrees. & nbsp; & ndash; The sleeper enters & nbsp; himself and & nbsp; does not come into contact at a level aware with the outside environment of & nbsp ;. Maybe the researchers pass something else off as a dream? The subject may be in a trance state, which is achieved, for example, by hypnosis. But that has nothing to do with & nbsp; real sleep. & # 39; & # 39; & Nbsp;

Meanwhile, some experts warn: trying to get in touch with your nightmares, with the characters and experiences of your dreams is dangerous. “ In & # 39; & # 39; lucid '' in a dream, a person tries to access the unconscious part of his psyche, without knowing its nature, & nbsp; & ndash; Mymrin said. & nbsp; & ndash; And & nbsp; because there is both & nbsp; positive and & nbsp; negative. When a person meets his shadow, the dark side, he will be shocked. Such a meeting can end very badly, especially for people with a weak psyche. By trying to solve their problems in this way, a person can drown in them even deeper. In the & nbsp; subconscious, not knowing its rules, you cannot climb. ''

Communication sessions

Mikhail Poluektov takes a different view. “ If such experiences negatively affected the psyche, then people who learned to control their dreams would suffer from mental disorders, & nbsp; & ndash; the expert considers. & nbsp; & ndash; But that doesn't happen. Apparently, lucid dreaming excursions are not dangerous for humans. Rather, they are used for & nbsp; treat certain nervous disorders, in particular for & nbsp; relieve the condition of people with post-traumatic stress disorder & ndash; participants in hostilities and & nbsp; victims of violence, & nbsp; including cruel scenes from the & nbsp; past emerge in their dreams. & nbsp;

In the opinion of somnologists, “ communication sessions '' two-way with sleeping people will help answer questions that excite not only scientists, but also ordinary lovers of sweet dreams. For example, why do we see pretty much the same and the same storylines in a dream? Are there prophetic dreams? And & nbsp; what function in the & nbsp; principle are the dreams of Morpheus? “ Observing how a person behaves in a lucid dream and how the activity of various areas of their brain changes, would allow 'to see'. using computer analysis. some elements & nbsp; to sleep, & nbsp; & ndash; Sviatoslav Medvedev believes. & nbsp; & ndash; And & nbsp; if we have a stable return with the sleeping person then maybe we will 'decipher' ' and & nbsp; his whole dream. This opens up huge opportunities. & # 39;


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