What bright lightning, similar to a fallen meteorite, was seen in the sky of Sochi?

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On Tuesday, December 7, in the sky of Sochi, residents were able to observe a flash of light. Locals speculated it was a falling meteorite. According to experts, a fireball could be seen in the sky above the resort, which most likely burned down and did not have time to reach the ground. This opinion was expressed by the head of the Center for Astronomy and Cosmonautics of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Director of the Astrophysical Observatory of the University of the University of Russia. 39; Kuban State, Alexander Ivanov.

& nbsp; What did the flash in the sky of Sochi look like?

The moment of the flash was filmed and posted on social networks by residents of the village of Lazarevskoye. The footage shows a trail of fire, which quickly moved across the sea towards Adler. Then it ignites even more and goes out completely.

& nbsp; What kind of phenomenon could be seen in the sky over Sochi?

A fireball flew over Sochi. It is a very bright meteor weighing from a few hundred grams to several tens of tons. Its flight may be accompanied by bright flashes and loud sounds. The shell and tail of the fireball are composed of cosmic dust and ionized gases, the speed of its invasion of the Earth's atmosphere – from 11 to 73 km/s.

“ If you look at the general view then this phenomenon is called a fireball. Meteor & mdash; it is a faint to faint glow phenomenon, like Jupiter or Saturn. And if we look [in brightness], like Venus and brighter, then this phenomenon is called a 'fireball', '' said Alexander Ivanov. According to him, the car flew in the east & mdash; in the south-eastern part of Sochi.

“ It's not just bright, there's a long trail and then a flash, which can be seen in the video, the flash expands, meaning complete destruction has taken place. And then a thin trail went. And that trail is the stuff that might fall as a meteorite on earth, but for now it's still a meteorite. And when it fell to the ground, it was a meteorite. Most likely it didn't fall anywhere because there was a lot of speed. If it flew for 30 seconds, one minute such meteors would fall, and here about 5 seconds, 7 '', '' Ivanov explained.

& nbsp; Why could a fireball appear in the sky over Sochi?

The appearance of the fireball was probably associated with the season of a powerful meteor shower called the Geminids. It operates from December 4 to 17, with a peak on December 14. “ Large particles can already fly in the atmosphere ',' ' noted the scientist.

& nbsp; Sources: https://tass.ru/, https://rg.ru/, https://ria.ru/

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