Take your friend out of the shelter. it will be better with him

All-Russian charity information campaign 'Take a friend out of the shelter' began in Moscow on World Pet Day, bringing together a large number of caring people.

Cosmic vibrations of Solomon's cat

“Two years ago a cat ran into my house. I started to feed her. She came to see me for a whole year, watched closely. And then she brought the kittens. And afterwards, when I got intimate with them and planned to move to another house, & mdash; decided to take them with him, & mdash; says singer Dima Bilan … & mdash; And then another cat appeared. He was lying on the street terrace, he felt very bad. His eyes were sticky, his nose was running snot, and he wheezed with every breath. & # 39; & # 39;

Solomon's black cat had a bunch of serious illnesses. For an entire year, Bilan fiddled with him, dragging him to clinics and feeding him drugs. But now his condition has improved dramatically. The cat takes medication to date, eats only specialty foods, and once every two weeks the owner takes him to the examination.

“He's amazing! Kind, understanding, very intelligent. Feel the vibe subtly, very delicate. And musical! Murchits like he's transmitting cosmic vibrations. So look at this feeling: about to say something & raquo ;, & mdash; says the singer.

He, among other famous people, took a photo with his favorite for the 'Take a friend from the shelter' project. and came to his presentation, which took place on the occasion of World Pet Day on November 30th. & nbsp;

A project started by enthusiasts with the support of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on Ecology and Environmental Protection, & mdash; informative. & nbsp;

Vladimir Spivakov , Fedor Bondarchuk , Renata Litvinova , Vladimir Presnyakov , Leonid Yarmolnik , Yulia Vysotskaya , Khibla Gerzmava , Yulia Chicherina , Stas Piekha … & nbsp;

Famous people took pictures with their pets or shelter animals, and told their stories and attitude towards the project. 40 portraits of this type were presented during the presentation. & Nbsp;

President of the Life Line Foundation Faina Zakharova at the event. Photo: press service of the project 'Take a friend from the shelter'

Dog on vacation

“ The homeless animal problem in Russia requires an integrated approach for its solution. There is a need to change the legislation and develop the infrastructure. But public participation and their willingness to contribute to change is crucial, & # 39; & # 39; & mdash; believes Chairman of the Commission on Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Elena Sharoykina . & nbsp;

She says the OP commission has started looking at changes to the law to make the responsible attitude towards animals act work more effectively. In March, hearings were held, which lasted 7 hours., & Mdash; the problem turned out so burning. At the same time, it became clear that it was impossible to change the situation without the help of the company. & Nbsp;

“ We don't have the culture of taking animals to shelters. When they want to have a pet, they go to the shelter last. At the same time, many are very irresponsible towards animals & mdash; just throw them out on the street. There is even an expression & bdquo; dog on vacation & ldquo ;. People see the puppy: & bdquo; Oh, how cute! & Ldquo; While they live in the countryside in the summer, they feed him, get him used to themselves. And when they leave, they leave. Hundreds of animals stay in summer cabins in fall & # 39 ;, & mdash; explains Elena Sharoykina.

She and three other passionate women decided that a powerful message was needed by society in order to change the situation. This is how the 'Take a friend from the shelter' photo project was born, which launches an all-Russian information campaign. Already in February 2022, the photo exhibition will open in Moscow's Gorky Park, in April & mdash; in Sokolniki Park. Then he will cross the towns and villages of our country.

The photo project shows an example of a union of ordinary eco-activists, animal rights activists, famous personalities, opinion leaders, business and opinion leaders. State, notes the chairman of the OP commission. It is this self-organization of society that will make a difference. & Nbsp;

“In recent years, all the necessary conditions have been created in Russia to solve the problem of homeless animals, & mdash; says media director of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals, producer of the Olga Pakkina project … & mdash; In particular, the legislation is in the process of being amended, a law has been passed on responsible attitude towards animals, and a corresponding clause has appeared in the new Constitution. But success in this area depends on each of us. & # 39; & # 39; & Nbsp;

“ With the help of a photo project, the heroes of which are famous people and pets from shelters, we want to draw attention to the topic of a responsible attitude towards animals as many Russians as possible. Anyone can and should help shelters and take animals into the family from there, and we'll see how our society changes when that becomes a 'trend,' ' explains another initiator of the Ekaterina Kopytina project , which in its main activity is engaged in the promotion of public relations of well-known brands of the company Mercury. & nbsp;

Singer Zara & nbsp; & mdash; also a participant in the project. Photo: press service of the project 'Take a friend from the shelter'

Save a life

For the musician Vladimir Presnyakov street dogs in the house & mdash; standard. And once, at a concert in Luzhniki, he was introduced to a collie puppy. He was very worried until the very end of the action, how this little creature felt in an unfamiliar room and with a lot of noise. Then in the cold he had to wait for a taxi for over an hour, and suddenly he felt the puppy had stopped breathing in his chest.

“ A private trader saved us, & mdash; He shared. & mdash; Until Mendeleev (veterinary clinic – Editor's note), I gave my collie artificial respiration right in the car. I almost gave up hope when she suddenly sighed. It was a miracle, frankly! I saved the life of a living being. '' The woman took pity on them and he supported her.

“We have always loved dogs” says Sergei. & mdash; We have lived and grown up with them since childhood, taken care of them. And now our kids are taking care of the pets. They constantly pay attention to themselves, walk and play with joy. We all love to communicate with them. & # 39; & # 39;

Vladimir Presnyakov and Sergey Fedorov became participants in the project. Their photographs will also be exhibited in street exhibitions which are expected to be held across the country.

“Famous people who share the values ​​of the 'Take a friend from the shelter' campaign will help us instill a new habit in society”, sure one of the initiators of the project < strong> designer Svetlana Takkori . & mdash; When a person or a family decides to have a pet, the first thing they need to turn to is & mdash; this are shelters & raquo;.

Elena Less, Sati Spivakova, Elena Sharoykina and & nbsp; Lana Takori. Photo: press service of the 'Take a friend from the shelter' project

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