How do you protect a student from online fraud?

The new school year begins in Russia in a full-time format, and & nbsp; means parents will have fewer opportunities to control their children's digital activity than last year. In order to protect schoolchildren from the dangers of the Internet in advance, Roskachestvo experts have prepared several tips & nbsp; for the parents.

How can you help your child to avoid problems on the Internet?

Roskachestvo has prepared the following digital checklist for parents to keep a student safe on the Internet:

& mdash; Install the parental control app

By watching entertaining videos and using social media, a child can discover content that is unwanted for their psyche. You can avoid this problem by using the parental control app. Such a program will allow you to track student behavior and limit time spent on the network, as well as help protect against harmful content. & Nbsp;

Such applications can also perform a beacon. GPS function, i.e. show parents where their child is. In addition, parental control solutions make it possible to prohibit in-app purchases without parental permission and to control the environment on social media. This last feature allows you to see who the student adds as friends and what groups they are in.

& mdash; Explain the basics of financial literacy to your child

When talking with your child, it is important not only to explain how to handle money, but also to give examples of fraud. The student should understand that cybercriminals often pose as people on the internet that they are not. In addition, many of the criminal schemes that Internet users face specifically target younger Russians. Such scams can be carried out through bots or under the guise of fun games.

& mdash; Watch out for signs of cyberbullying (online bullying) or blackmail

Episodes of bullying or blackmail online can have a significant negative impact on the student. Signs of such episodes can be an anxious, frightened and tense state, a bad mood. If a student demonstrates such behavior, a confidential conversation should take place with him.

If the child has just registered on social networks, it is important to accompany him in the profile settings and set the maximum privacy settings. You should also explain to him what information and photos should not be posted on the web.

& mdash; Limit the time spent in front of the gadget screen

For a child to be healthy, it is important to build the right balance between their physical and “ digital ''. Activities. In particular, according to psychologists, gadgets are simply contraindicated for preschool children due to their detrimental effects on development.

However, that does not mean that a child who has reached school age can use devices all day long. With such a lifestyle, it is not only almost guaranteed to spoil your eyesight, but also to break your nerves and get emotional instability. Experts remind that when limiting “ screen '' time (i.e. spent with the gadget) is important to be guided by personal example. A child is unlikely to listen to parents who won't let go of their smartphone all day while working on the laptop at the same time.


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