Denis Protsenko: Moscow has built an effective system to fight COVID-19

History Fifth wave of coronavirus in Russia

Denis Protsenko, chief physician of Kommunarka Hospital No. 40, said that enough measures had been taken in Moscow to combat the spread of “omicron “, the capital's health care was running smoothly.

“Hospitals are always prepared for different scenarios, but the omicron strain — it's not a 'delta', it's “is milder and generally more like SARS. In most cases, and this is confirmed by statistics, treatment is possible at home,” he noted.

Protsenko believes that the medical care system in Moscow works like a well-oiled mechanism and there is no need to introduce additional restrictions. “Everything we need — it's just a bit of self-discipline, vaccinations and health care,” — he says.

The chief medical officer said that last week the incidence in the city was at the level of 24,000 new cases. 5-8% of patients go to the hospital, which is much less than before. In particular, at the peak of activity of the “delta” strain, one in five infected people ended up in the hospital.

“A characteristic of the new wave is the #39;increased load on the main link, that is, our polyclinics. And if in the “first waves” we redesigned hospitals, increased the number of beds, reacted quickly to changes in the epidemiological situation, but now the focus is on helping those who are treated at home, — he explained.

According to Denis Protsenko, polyclinics work today until the last patient. Already at the entrance, all visitors are led to different floors so as not to mix up different groups of patients. Outpatient clinics are recruiting additional staff, arranging audio consultations, extending and closing sick days online, etc.

“Whatever is being done in the outpatient department now saves the city”, — summarized the chief medical officer.

Recall that there are more than 70 express screening points for COVID-19 in the capital at the My Documents centers; and in popular public places (subway stations, shopping malls, etc.). Dozens of points where you can get vaccinated and revaccinated are also open.

Recently it became known that Moscow ranks first in Europe among the major cities most effectively implementing advanced methods to fight the pandemic.


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