Dump! Another dump! Nikita Surikov needs a new defibrillator

Weekly “Arguments and facts” № 01-02. Why has Kazakhstan soared? 12/01/2022

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They say anything bad must stay in the old year. You should make the best of the new. Therefore, we tried to have time to redo all the most important things before January. Someone did it. And Nikita Surikov & ndash; did not work. Not enough quotas. & Nbsp; Nikita Surikov (17, Moscow) needs help, he urgently needs a replacement of his defibrillator. 563,000 rubles are not enough.

Have you watched any TV series about doctors? In each of them there is a scene where the patient's heart suddenly stops, but the doctor immediately puts two irons on the patient. and shout: “ Unload yourself! Another dump! & # 39; & # 39; The heart starts, life goes on & ndash; and the & shy; Also.

So, in the heart of Nikita Surikov, for several years there has been such a resuscitating defibrillator. When Nikitin's heart stops, the device should give a shock and start the engine. This was the case until recently. And now the defibrillator has broken down and shocks the teenager like that. Not at the cinema & ndash; in real life.

Before this blackout, there were already enough knocks in Nikita's life. At first I found myself without my mother & ndash; with dad, grandmother and two uncles in a small apartment in the east of Moscow. And soon, instead of mum, Aunt Larisa appeared, daddy's cousin who lived next door. Nikita was 3 years old and he can't remember an important morning in his life. How the first frost tickled my nostrils, and in the church near the Izmailovsky cemetery there was a thick smell of incense. He was baptized that day. Aunt Larisa became Nikita's second mother according to the laws of God. And she wasn't officially recognized as the teenage girl's tutor until last October.

Dad and grandmother left one by one. Diseases, age and hellip; Thanks for uncles & ndash; they care, help, and even in Nikita's room they haven't changed a thing. She stayed behind him & ndash; let him come when he wants. It's just that Aunt Larisa silently handed him the keys to his odnushka, and he silently took them. 17 years old, almost a man, what can I explain?

“ In my life with Nikita, almost nothing has changed. Except that in my room there is now his bed and his desk. I have been with him my whole life. And I know his story & # 39; & # 39 ;, & ndash; Larissa said.

The story is: Nikita was only a child when he first passed out while playing in the sandbox. Grandma rushed over to him, and he went limp in her arms and turned blue. Cardiologists, according to “faint hearted”, diagnosed: an elongated qt interval or, as it is also called, “sudden death syndrome”. Nikita spent several years on blockers and then surgery was required. First, our foundation paid for an operation to deny the heart, and later the teenager received the same life-saving defibrillator.

With him, Nikita graduated from 9 classes and entered the university of robotics. And also uncle Vova and uncle Fedor paid for his music lessons. He now plays guitar in the band. “ We are planning to hire a math teacher for Nikita. After college he has to go to college. Music & ndash; for the soul, and the profession & ndash; for life & # 39; & # 39 ;, & ndash; says Larissa … She herself was orphaned at the age of 15 and her own aunt (twin sister of Nikita's grandmother) became her guardian. Thanks to her aunts, she grew up and learned to be an intensive care nurse. And now, she gives her debt to her godson. She attended a school for foster parents and regularly meets with the guardianship inspector every three months. “ You have to have time for everything and think of everything. Call the guardianship and ask to move the meeting, check the parental chat, meet the grandchildren (they are a bit younger than Nikita), and at the same time the hospital is so busy! Well, I issue vaccination certificates. You yourself understand how much work we have. But now all of this from & shy; has taken a back seat, because Nikita is in trouble. & # 39; & # 39;

It all happened in the college gymnasium. Because of his heart, Nikita is removed from physical education, but sometimes he comes to the lesson for company with other guys. He didn't run or jump that day. I just tossed the ball into the volleyball basket and felt the first shock & ndash; sharp pain in the chest. History has repeated itself twice. And it will be repeated again. Cardiologists cannot help now because the implanted defibrillator cannot be repaired. You can only replace it with a new one, but you only have to wait for the quota for the operation. And Nikita, who is shocked by electric shocks, is not to be expected. The disease is always with him, the heart can stop at any time. Only nothing will restart it. There will be no dump, so & ndash; one more. Alas, this is not a series where doctors always have time to come to the rescue. But this is the very life where strangers & shy; help each other just like that.

We can save Nikita for the second time. We too will receive this debt someday.

Opinion & nbsp; expert

Head of Department of Clinical and Interventional Arrhythmology, NI Veltischeva Vladislav Soloviev:

& ndash; Nikita Surikov, a life-threatening arrhythmia patient at risk of sudden death, was diagnosed with an endocardial electrode fracture and onset of exhaustion from exhaustion. power supply for the cardioverting defibrillator. Urgent system overhaul and change of device power source is required. But the quotas for the end of 2021 are over, and this year they haven't been allocated yet.

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