Why is Nazarbayev called Elbasy and what does it mean?

Former Kazakh leader Nursultan Nazarbayev after resigning from office was given a new status in the country & mdash; The first president & mdash; Elbasy. This is regulated by the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “ On the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan '' Chief of the Nation. & # 39; & # 39; Nazarbayev announced his new powers on April 3, 2019 during the first meeting with the staff of the office of the first president. & Nbsp;

What does Elbasy mean and why is Nazarbayev called that?

Elbasy in translation from the Kazakh language means “head of the nation”. This is why this word appears in the title of the law. Nursultan Nazarbayev became the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 83-II “On the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Head of the Nation & # 39; & # 39; linked precisely to his personality. It was adopted in 2000.

Admittedly, the prefix 'Leader of the Nation' appeared much later, commented on radio Azattyk & nbsp; the director of the Kazakh Human Rights Office Yevgeny Zhovtis. At the same time, according to him, when the relevant changes were made to the law, Nazarbayev would have been against the status of head of the nation (Elbasy) and did not sign the law on the changes, but they are still in force.

When did Nazarbayev start calling himself Elbasy?

June 15, 2017 the phrase 'Leader of the Nation' flowed gently in Elbasy. Since then, Nazarbayev has achieved this elite status & mdash; Elbasy. This privilege gives him the right to lead the Security Council for life. The amendments to the law were adopted two years before Nazarbayev's resignation. & Nbsp;

What rights does Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev have?

After amending the constitutional law of the republic, Nazarbayev received a number of additional rights and privileges:

& mdash; it can, for life & nbsp; to appeal to the people of Kazakhstan, state bodies and officials with initiatives on the most important issues of state building;

& mdash; Elbasy is immune;

& mdash; part 5 of article 42 of the Constitution (that the same person cannot be elected more than twice in a row) does not apply to the First President;

& mdash; since March 2017, according to Zhovtis, Nazarbayev began to be called not only the first president, but also the founder of the state. & nbsp;


https://rus.azattyq.org/a/kazakhstan-eksperty-ob-obyazannostyakh-pervogo-prezidenta-nazarbaeva/29879858 .html


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