China reveals new images of Mars taken by probe

The Chinese National Space Administration has released new photos of Mars, which were taken with the Chinese research probe Tianwen 1; and the Jurong rover. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

The images show a crater named after Soviet designer Sergei Korolev. Additionally, they show the Olympia dune field, as well as the planet's northern polar cap, which is made up of ice and carbon dioxide.

The Space Administration has also received photographs with a general plan of the orbiter and a partial plan with a deployed solar sail.

Tianwen 1 probe located 350 million kilometers from Earth. His working time is 526 days. Chinese devices are carrying out the necessary reconnaissance and testing. In total, the space agency claims to have managed to collect around 560 gigabytes of raw data. They also reported that the devices were working fine.

Earlier, it became known that Japanese researchers will begin preparations for the launch of the world's first wooden satellite in early 2022.


What do we know about the new concept of fighting crime in Russia?

On January 1, 2022, the updated state program “Ensuring Public Order and Fighting Crime” entered into force in Russia. Changes have been made to the program, which has been running since April 2014.

What changes have been included in the program?

The document states that the main means of destabilizing the political and socio-economic situation of the RF is by “ attracting various groups of the population to participate in uncoordinated public events (including protest actions), which are deliberately turned into mass riots. & # 39; & # 39;

One of the priority challenges for the police in the context of the active development of new technologies has become the rapid growth in the number of crimes committed using information technology and telecommunications, as well as An increase in the number of “destructive influence” incidents. on minors through telecommunication networks. & # 39; & # 39;

What are the main objectives of the new program?

The program contains the following objectives :

& mdash; fight crime and increase the efficiency of maintaining public order (ensuring a decrease in the share of serious and particularly serious crimes committed in public places, in the total number of crimes to 5.27% , as well as a decrease in the number of undisclosed missing citizens from 2021 to 95.9% in 2030);

& mdash; reduction in road accident mortality by 2030 to a level not exceeding 4 people per 100,000 population;

& mdash; ensure the level of citizen satisfaction with the quality of the provision of public services in the field of road safety and in the field of migration & mdash; not less than 90% per year.

The document also states that the objectives of ensuring the security of the state and the public are, among others, :

& mdash; protection of fundamental human and citizen rights and freedoms;

& mdash; strengthen civil peace and harmony, political and social stability in society;

& mdash; improving the mechanisms of interaction between the state and civil society;

& mdash; strengthen law and order;

& mdash; eliminate corruption;

& mdash; protection of citizens and all forms of property;

& mdash; protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​from illegal encroachment.

The document also provides for the return to Russia by 2030 of compatriots living abroad under the resettlement program voluntary. At least half a million people should do it.

Source :

https: //xn & mdash; b1aew.xn & mdash; p1ai/dejatelnost/gosprogram/Gosprogramma /% D0% B3% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 83% D0% B4% D0% B0% D1% 80% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B2% D0 % B5% D0% BD% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1% 8F-% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B3% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% BC% D0% BC% D0% B0-% D1% 80% D1% 84-2053


When will biofuels be introduced to the aviation industry?

Weekly “Arguments and facts” n ° 52. What to prepare for the New Year's table? 12/29/2021

S7 & nbsp; made the first flight in & nbsp; Russia with & nbsp; alternative fuel. News has said that tickets for passengers using such fuel will become more expensive. So why switch to this one?

Expert response 0 + –

The airliner was fueled with a mixture of conventional and alternative biofuels based on organic compounds . The addition of biofuel will become mandatory for flights to the EU from 2025. This should reduce CO₂ emissions. “ The environmental question is relevant: planes pollute the atmosphere in & nbsp; an altitude of 10 & ndash; 11 & nbsp; km, which shields the sun's rays and & nbsp; creates a greenhouse effect, & nbsp; & mdash; considers former Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR Oleg Smirnov . & mdash; & nbsp; & bdquo; Green & ldquo; the order of use of fuel, which introduces & nbsp; the EU, we & nbsp; can & nbsp; to be able to ignore. Otherwise, our airlines to Europe will face colossal fines. & # 39; & # 39;


The New Year is the oldest, the oldest, the oldest. How the date of the main holiday floated

Weekly “Arguments and facts” n ° 52. What to prepare for the New Year's table? 12/29/2021

On the question of the start date of the year, there is a ready answer: it is said, on December 20, 1699, the Tsar Peter I issued a decree numbered 1736, which introduced the chronology of the Nativity of Christ. Also, according to this decree, the New Year was supposed to be celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1.

The answer is correct in its own way, but incomplete. It gives the impression that before Peter, in such an important matter as the beginning and the end of the annual cycle, we had a kind of desert. It is rarely remembered that Peter did not introduce a new holiday, but only moved his date to January 1.

We will try to fill this gap. New Year's traditions in our country are rich and varied, and the holiday itself managed to visit not only winter, but also autumn and spring. & Nbsp;

Perhaps the most venerable holiday date should be considered Winter Solstice: December 21-22. This night is special, it was traditionally celebrated by many peoples. For example, the Slavs' closest neighbors, the Germans, also celebrated the transition from long nights to long days. We called it & # 39; Kolyado & # 39;, the Germans called it & # 39; mdash; Christmas. It is curious that the Russian name almost exactly describes the general Slavic-Germanic custom. On the night of the solstice, it was supposed to mimic the actions of the Sun: they put out all the lights, then ignite the burgeoning flame. And the old fashioned way, using friction, spin a wooden spindle with an onion drill in the bridge. According to one version, “ kolyado '' & mdash; and there is the same bridge, that is, a stump, a log. By the way, the “Yule Log” can still be found at any European fair. Our people and the Germans preferred to see pork on the table that day. But the Slavs also made korovai. This is exactly how & mdash; bread, stylized as a cow's head, with horns. A magical rite was associated with it, which, as it was believed, provided bread and a well-nourished life in general. The elder of the clan hid behind a freshly baked cow and asked, 'Can you see me?' This was followed by the response: “ We can't see, Grandpa, where are you? & # 39; & # 39; He straightened up and said, 'So you don't see me next year!' The holiday lasted until the adoption of Christianity in 988. However, some traditions were passed down at Christmas and Christmas.

With the adoption of Christianity, a new style of calendar was adopted, going back to the Roman Republican calendar, according to which the New Year came on March 1. It was a very successful innovation, because spring is traditionally very important for our people. For example, in the time of Alexander Nevsky to the question “ How old are you? '' only a boyar or an educated merchant could answer. The commoner just didn't understand what it was about. But to the question “ On which spring did you go? '' followed by a super-fast response. “ At the tenth & # 39; & # 39 ;, & mdash; ten year old, for example. Now of this holiday, which recalls the importance of spring in the old calendar, the word “Pair” remains. And yet another funny New Year's refrain, which is sure to confuse our contemporaries: “ I sow, I blow, I sow, Happy New Year, congratulations! '' What other sowing season for the New Year, in the middle of winter?

The trick is, this chorus came to us from those times when the New Year was celebrated in the spring, hoping for good weather and a new harvest. The holiday itself was called Avsen, and those who celebrated it were supposed to sing ritual-avsenki songs. Citing them is not worth it, as the aids were designed to glorify fertility and procreation & mdash; all in the correct terminology, which is now rightly considered indecent. Also, the Avsenki didn't sing, but shouted & mdash; with a scream and a flood.

This continued until 1492, when Prince Ivan III the Great married to the Byzantine Princess Sophia Palaiologos , made a reform of the calendar in the Byzantine manner. In the Eastern Roman Empire, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on September 1. In Russia, the holiday took root: later, after the establishment of the Patriarchate, the 'New Summer Action', or the 'Summer Rite of Passage & # 39; & # 39; was even created. The feast is magnificent and solemn, with the participation of the Tsar and the Patriarch, so that everyone can see the symphony of secular and spiritual power. Between Matins and Mass, the Tsar and Patriarch walked to Ivanovskaya Square in the Kremlin to the sound of bells, where a solemn prayer service was served. After the prayer service, congratulations were exchanged, first between the Tsar and the Patriarch, and then & mdash; between the Tsar and the Boyars, then the Tsar congratulated everyone, and the whole place congratulated the Tsar in response. The celebration ended with the distribution of gifts. Relatives had pies and food, and ordinary participants & mdash; alms money. The official part of the party ended there, and the festivities have begun. They were, however, of a very godly character. Since the New Year marked first and foremost the start of a new ecclesiastical year, it was considered correct not only to attend all divine services and to congratulate the elders of the family, but also of the elders of the family. help the orphan, the poor and the poor. So, on September 1, an incredible variety of gifts were distributed. It is a custom that is still very much alive.

Well September 1 was replaced by King Carpenter Order January 1. The holiday is decidedly secular, which, by the way, is confirmed by its origin. It also dates back to the time of ancient Rome. There, for a long time, the start of the new year was also timed to coincide with spring. More precisely & mdash; in the Ides of March. However, in 153 BC. e. the date has been moved to January 1 & mdash; on the day of entry into office of elected consuls. Julius Caesar finally approved the date of the New Year, after carrying out the corresponding reform: the calendar from 46 BC. e. called Julien. European countries didn't go there right away and not all: it only started with the onset of increased interest in ancient heritage. That is, from the High Renaissance era: the first quarter of the 16th century. The Republic of Venice became a pioneer in 1522. Little by little the Holy Roman Empire, Portugal, Sweden and Poland followed … But if anyone thinks that Russia is somewhere in the last places in this series, then he's wrong. . In England and Ireland, New Years celebrations on January 1 began more than half a century later than here: in 1752


Zhugderdemidiin is on the air. What was shown on TV on New Years Eve 40 years ago?

Tracing the history of the world with Andrey Sidorchik

In the cartoon Winter in Prostokvashino, released in the mid-1980s, the factor Pechkin said: “ In our time, the main decoration of the New Year's table is what? TV! & # 39; & # 39; Indeed, for Soviet citizens of that time, it was both entertainment and a window to the world.

The last year of the era

On December 31 and January 1, the television in every Soviet apartment turned into a festive attribute, under which they cut salads, raised glasses of champagne and danced, and suffered from headaches after a fabulous stormy night of the change of years.

I have to say that in the early 1980s the majority of the population of the USSR had little choice. At best, you could count on two TV shows all Union, as well as in some places on a local studio. But many could only tune the TV to one program, which, as a result, received 100% of viewer attention in the region.

But what exactly were Soviet citizens looking at on the New Year's holidays exactly 40 years ago? Thanks to the TV show of December 31, 1981 and January 1, 1982, we will take a trip down memory lane.

Without knowing it, the Soviet people have entered the last year of the era & mdash; & nbsp; at the end of 1982 will die Leonid Brezhnev , who ruled the state for 18 years. But may the most stable period in the history of the USSR come to an end & nbsp; and it will soon be fondly remembered, so no one could have imagined it.

Exercise and film on astronauts

December 31st was a working day, and therefore the broadcast of the USSR & # 39; s first TV program opened daily with & mdash; & nbsp; rehearsal of the evening edition of the Vremya program. at 8:00. After the political briefing, the public were offered a 25-minute gymnastics morning. There was not even a trace of aerobics: Dressed in sports shorts and standard T-shirts, the comrades performed exercises with the accompaniment of a pianist. It all ended with the remark: 'Go to water procedures!'

As a rule, this no longer concerned schoolchildren who had gone on winter vacation the day before, but pensioners & mdash; & nbsp; the rest was already on its own at nine in the morning.

For those who stayed home, at 9:05 am a concert by the Snow Rainbow children's art groups awaited. At 9:35 am, viewers were offered documentaries on the flights of cosmonauts from socialist countries. In 1981 there were two such & mdash; & nbsp; in March at “ Soyuz-39 & # 39; & # 39; with Vladimir Dzhanikbekov a representative of Mongolia Zhugderdemidiin Gurragcha entered orbit, and in May on Soyuz-40; Romanian Dumitru Dorin Prunariu flew with Leonid Popov .

Having received satisfaction from the successes of socialism in space exploration, the audience at 10:20 a.m. went to the ballet. Swan Lake would become a symbol of the coups d'etat ten years later, and on December 31, 1981, another Bolshoi Theater ballet was screened & mdash; & nbsp; & quot; The Nutcracker & quot ;.

At New Years & mdash; & nbsp; with Academician Kapitsa!

At 12:15 p.m., a youth program “ Start to Life '' was broadcast, followed by a 10-minute concert by the symphonic and pop music orchestra, after which the 'film' & nbsp; kids '' was offered: a photo of the director Oleg Erishev “ The life and adventures of four friends. & # 39; & # 39;

Filmed in the 1980s, the tape of The Adventures of Shepherd Fram, Airedale Bubrik, Bastard Toshka, and the Traffic Light Cat was very popular at this time. Voices of dogs and cats with voices of people before the 'My Own Director' show appeared was a rarity that caught the eye.

At 3.15 p.m., a film-concert was screened with the participation of the State Choreographic Ensemble “ Berezka ''. This ensemble was a true mark of the Soviet Union with ballet, circus and choir Aleksandrov . Birch She was constantly touring overseas and it was very difficult to get to the ensemble's concert. So it was very nice to see him on TV on New Years Eve.

At 4:45 p.m. the academician Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa , the country's most popular scientist, on the 'Obvious' program & nbsp; Incredible & # 39; informed citizens of upcoming scientific puzzles. Speculation on topics like the 'Dwarf Kyshtym' or 'Dyatlov pass' Kapitsa could not stand the spirit, being engaged in the true popularization of science. For this reason, in the 1990s, of Channel One he was asked. Sergei Petrovich himself spoke about it in an interview like this: “ Channel One '' demanded that, firstly, I destroy Soviet science, and secondly, not oppose any & nbsp; pseudoscience. I categorically refused. Then I was kicked out of there … The political attitudes they had can be seen from the results of their activities. It is an intellectual defeat of Russia. Otherwise, I couldn't characterize their activities. & # 39; & # 39;

At the end of 1981, no one could imagine such a nightmare turn …

Children's drawings and meeting with the world champion

A 5:50 p.m., the 40-minute Winter & # 39; s Tale concert aired.

At 6:30 p.m. it was time to broadcast 'In Every Cartoon' & nbsp; Sun & # 39; & # 39; During it, drawings of children sent to television were shown and excerpts from their letters were read. Right now, everything was incredibly simple and naive: no price fights, no attempts to get past someone. Just pictures of the guys, created with the heart.

At 6:45 p.m., when citizens returning from work rushed to conjure jellied meat, salads and herring under a fur coat, the Today in the World program began. The 25-minute review spoke about the quality of life in socialist countries and the disgust with the animal smile of capital. 40 years later, it can be said that observers have made life better under socialism, but they have told the plain truth about capitalism.

At 7:10 p.m. New Year's Eve continued with a meeting with the world chess champion Anatoly Karpov … In November 1981 in Italian Merano Karpov he beat with confidence Viktor Korchnoi & mdash; & nbsp; 6: 2, retaining the champion's crown. At that time, this success in the USSR was considered important, so the appearance of Karpov on the New Year's airwaves was absolutely justified.

Forty years ago they also loved the 'action figure'

At 7:50 p.m., they were showing a concert by artistic groups from around the country called “ Ma Patrie. & # 39; & # 39; The short film Zigzag aired at 8:35 p.m. directed by Valery Fedoseev . A little New Year's fairy tale for adults with the participation of Natalia Saiko, Vladimir Grammatikov and Valentina Telichkina , of course, she could not interrupt the Irony of Fate hit, but she rallied her viewer.

At 9:00 p.m. the New Year's release of the Vremya program began. It recounted the country's achievements for the year, how and where they celebrated the New Year. And in general, in the context of the holidays, there was less officiality in the main news program of the USSR.

At 9:35 p.m., the “ Fun Cartoon Concert '' was screened, followed by the 'Ice Ball' with the participation of masters of figure skating. Interestingly, public tastes for four decades in this regard have not changed & mdash; & nbsp; back then and today, figure skating in our country was on a special account.

At 11:10 pm the half-hour performance of the circus masters began, and at 11:40 pm the documentary film My Country. It reflected the main events that took place in the USSR in 1981.

Instead of Brezhnev, the announcer Kirillov congratulated, and the more persistent waited for the ` 'forbidden'

At 11:50 p.m. it was time for a show called Happy New Year, Comrades! Congratulations to the Soviet people. Announcer Igor Kirillov was commissioned to read the text, as Leonid Ilyich's physical form left a lot to be desired.

After the chimes went off and the champagne glasses sounded, the blue light started. featuring the best artists in the country.

For most of the three and a half hour show, the vacation was over. The loudest joined the ballroom at 3:30 p.m., and the milder was served at 4:00 p.m., called Bandstand Melodies and Rhythms. At the end of New Year's Eve semi-banned Western pop music was allowed to air, and then those that still had the strength to initiate a complete separation.

New Years Day to all cymbalists

Clearly only children and staunch sobers could see the morning broadcast of January 1, 1982. After the 8:00 am newspaper, everyone could listen to a concert by the ensemble of cymbalists from the State Conservatory of Belarus.

At 8:50 am, children chased away by sleeping parents could dispel the boredom with the Almanac from the movie Zvezdochka. Then, after the half-hour documentary film 'Vyatskiye Vyatki', there was a cartoon program.

At 10.55 am, children's programs were diluted with the concert “Creativity of the Nations of the World”, and then the incredibly popular program in the USSR “Visiting a Fairy Tale” began. True, the movie “ Musicians Nemukhin & # 39; & # 39; director Maria Muat , which premiered on New Years Eve 40 years ago, today, alas, few will remember.

At 1:00 p.m., the exemplary fanfare of the Ministry of the USSR Railways were shot down on the horns of the celebrants … After 20 minutes, the air was broadcast on Cuban TV, which for an hour vigorously celebrated the 23rd anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution.

& # 39; Carnival Evening & # 39; and 'Song of the Year'

At 2:20 pm, it's time for poetry. Poems by Russian and Soviet poets were combined in the winter study program. At 2:50 p.m., the Soviet citizens finally woke up rejoiced at a concert by the winners of the IV Moscow International Ballet Competition.

Contrary to popular belief, “ Irony of Fate '' so they didn't show it every year. But another Eldar Ryazanov comedy hit the air & mdash; & nbsp; At 3:50 p.m., Carnival Night began airing.

At 5:05 pm, viewers could see the Soviet Union through the eyes of foreign guests, and then the film-concert With a Kind Smile.

At 6.15 p.m., the second came out after Blue Light. hit of the Soviet New Year holidays & mdash; & nbsp; 'Song of the year'. In this case, respectively, “ Song-81 ''. On January 1, 1982, viewers could hear 'Maison des parents'' performed by Lev Leshchenko , “ The bird of happiness '' ; Nikolai Hnatyuk , “ Maestro & # 39; & # 39; by Alla Pugacheva , “ I live with my grandmother & # 39; & # 39; performed by VIA “ Verasy & # 39; & # 39; and much more.

First with Kostalevsky heartbeat

After the release of the “ Time & # 39; & # 39; Soviet television premiered & mdash; & nbsp; a two-part film directed by Viktor Titov “ Holidays at your expense. & # 39; & # 39; In this Soviet-Hungarian film, the favorite of Soviet women Igor Kostalevsky appeared in the form of a narcissistic handsome man who neglects the feelings of a fiery provincial woman, ready to do the impossible for him.

As a result, the Hungarian becomes the real knight of the maiden Katya. Laszlo, who comes to fetch her from distant Vekhneyarsk.

The film with the participation of Alexander Shirvindt, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Vladimir Basov, Liya Akhedzhakova, Igor Yasulovich are still popular among older and middle generations of Russians.

The New Year's holidays in the USSR were short & mdash; & nbsp; On January 2, the difficult weekdays began with exercises under the piano.


NASA warned of two dangerous asteroids approaching Earth

Two potentially dangerous asteroids are approaching Earth. This is reported by The Sun newspaper, referring to data from NASA.

One of the heavenly bodies & ndash; The 2013 asteroid YD48 is about the size of Big Ben and is around 104 meters wide. A space object & nbsp; will pass our planet on January 11 at a distance of 5.6 million kilometers.

Another asteroid 7482 YD48, which is twice the size of the Empire State Building, will pass Earth on January 18 at a distance of 0.013 astronomical units. which, according to space agency estimates, is a “ close-up approach. & # 39; & # 39;

Earlier, Roscosmos chef Dmitry Rogozin announced a 'launch boom' & # 39; in the world in 2025-2026.


Storm warning announced in Kamchatka

A storm warning has been issued in Kamchatka, according to the website of the regional directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to forecasters, on the evening of January 1, in the Pacific Ocean, in the Aleutian Municipal District, dangerous sea waves are expected, wave heights can reach nine meters.

It should be noted that the storm does not pose a threat to settlements on the coast, while the likelihood of emergencies related to accidents and damage to ships is increased.

The warning will last until noon on January 2. vehicle in the caldera area of ​​the Gorely volcano.


For the first time in history 10 people met the New Year in orbit

For the first time, ten people met New Years in space, seven of them & ndash; on board the International Space Station, three more & ndash; at the Chinese station “ Tiangong '', according to the Roskosmos website.

It is clarified that Roscosmos cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Peter Dubrovnik, NASA astronauts Mark Wande Hai, Raja Chari, Tom Marshburn are currently working aboard the ISS and Kayla Barron, as well as European Space Agency astronaut Matthias Maurer.

In just 21 years, 83 people have celebrated the holiday at the resort, some of them multiple times. So, for example, the Russian Anton Shkaplerov celebrated four New Years in orbit & ndash; 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

Earlier it was reported how Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Petr Dubrovnik were cooking in the “herring under a fur coat” space for decorate the New Year's table.


On January 1, up to a degree of heat is expected in Moscow

Cloudy weather and low precipitation in the form of snow and sleet are expected in the Russian capital on Saturday January 1, the official website of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation.

, the grip of snow on wires and trees, ”the post read.

During the day, the air temperature in the city will be from minus one degree to one degree Celsius.

West wind with a speed of six up to 11 meters per second. Atmospheric pressure & ndash; 737 millimeters of mercury.

Cloudy weather, sleet and light snow are also expected in the capital on Sunday evening. Columns of thermometers & nbsp; can go down to & nbsp; brand & nbsp; minus nine degrees.

The northwesterly wind at a speed of six to 11 meters per second, in some places its gusts can reach 15 meters per second. Atmospheric pressure will be 741 millimeters of mercury.

Earlier & nbsp; great specialist of the meteorological center of Phobos & nbsp; Evgeny Tishkovets & nbsp; spoke & nbsp; of the weather in Moscow during the New Year holidays.

Holiday decorations for the New Year on the streets of Moscow

Bright lighting on Nikitsky Boulevard © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

Young people on a walk in Stoleshnikov Lane © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

LED bear near the aqueduct park © RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

Young people in front of the central department store (TSUM) in the center of Moscow © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

New Year's installation at Evropeisky shopping center © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

New Year's Tree on Kuznetsky Street Most © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

Christmas decoration in the shape of a Christmas ball and Christmas tree on the Kutuzovsky prospect © RIA Novosti/Valery Melnikov

Girl photographs New Year's illumination in aqueduct park © RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

Electric buses, decorated for the New Year with LED garlands, near Belorussky station © RIA Novosti/Aleksey Maishev

Visitors to the exhibition “New Year & # 39; s Trees at GUM in Red Square” © RIA Novosti/Alexey Filippov

Installation near the & # 39; Arc de Triomphe © RIA Novosti/Valery Melnikov

New Year's tree in Manezhnaya Square © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

New Years installation at VDNKh © RIA Novosti/Grigory Sysoev

New Year's installation in Manezhnaya Square © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

Illumination on Nikitsky Boulevard © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

Young people on a walk in Stoleshnikov Lane © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

LED bear near the park” Aqueduct “© RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

Young people in front of the central department store (TSUM) in central Moscow © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

New Year's installation near the” Evropeisky “shopping center © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

New Year's tree on Kuznetsky Most street © RIA Novosti/Ramil Sitdikov

Christmas decoration in the shape of a Christmas ball and Christmas tree on the Kutuzovsky prospect © RIA Novosti/Valery Melnikov

A girl photographs the New Year's illumination in the aqueduct park © RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

Electric buses, decorated for the New Year with LED garlands, at Belorussky station © RIA Novosti/Aleksey to Maishev

Visitors to the “New Year & # 39; s Trees at GUM in Red Square” exhibition © RIA Novosti/Alexey Filippov

Installation near the Arc de Triomphe © RIA Novosti/Valery Melnikov

New Year's Tree in Manezhnaya Square © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

New Year's installation at VDNKh © RIA Novosti/Grigory Sysoev

New Year's installation in Manezhnaya Square © RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev


US astronauts will stay on the ISS until 2030

The United States government will extend the presence of American astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) until 2030. This is reported by TASS with reference to the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

During this period, Washington intends to continue working on the ISS with its international partners facing Russia, Canada, Japan and Europe … This decision is due to the fact that the United States plans to continue to conduct cutting-edge research aboard the station.

According to NASA, during the existence of the ISS, more than three thousand studies have been carried out about it. At the same time, around 110 countries and territories were involved in carrying out certain works. Therefore, the expansion of the U.S. presence at the station will create the conditions for another productive decade, management stressed. In addition, this solution “ will allow a smooth transfer of research capabilities in low earth orbit to one or more sales departments. ''

Earlier, Roskosmos reported that the Zvezda module Last potential air leak location found on the ISS.
