“Carry out bombing in the Hawaii area.” General – On the response to the American exercises

The statement was made during negotiations between Shoigu and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe . “ In & nbsp; this month in & nbsp; during the exercise of the strategic forces of the United States & bdquo; Global Thunder & ldquo; 10 & nbsp; Strategic bombers have practiced the option of using nuclear weapons against Russia almost simultaneously from the directions & nbsp; west and & nbsp; is. The minimum distance of & nbsp; our state border was 20 & nbsp; km & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the Russian minister.

“ In the & nbsp; during these events, American bomber crews train to reach the line of use of cruise missiles with & nbsp; inflicting a conditional missile strike, & nbsp; & mdash; added Shoïgou. & mdash; & nbsp; In any case, our air defense means detected the American strategic bombers in a timely manner, established continuous surveillance and & nbsp; implemented measures for & nbsp; prevent incidents.

According to & nbsp; Shoigu, in general, US aviation activity near the borders of Russia has intensified: over the past month, about 30 & nbsp; exits were made towards our borders, which is & nbsp; 2.5 times more than the same period last year. Speaking of the eastern direction, the Minister noted that in 2020 & nbsp; over the Okhotsk Sea, the US Air Force & # 39; s strategic aviation flew 22 & nbsp; flights, while in & nbsp; 2019 & nbsp; & mdash; only 3. It & nbsp; stated that such actions create a threat and & nbsp; for China.

Wei Fenghe has confirmed that US military activity near the Chinese borders is increasing. In his speech, the Chinese minister did not skimp on the East in striking images: “ In the face of senseless containment and pressure from the United States, China and Russia have rallied as a big mountain. Our friendship is indestructible. We & nbsp; together we opposed the hegemony of the & nbsp; American side & nbsp; and & nbsp; we oppose the bogus American democratic regime and the & nbsp; false multiculturalism, as well as new manifestations of the Cold War in a & nbsp; new form. And & nbsp; this way we & nbsp; showed our relationship better than allies. & # 39; & # 39;

The & nbsp; that the exercises Global Thunder 22 & nbsp; will check the readiness of nuclear forces in & nbsp; all areas of the mission, & # 39; & # 39; was previously announced by the Strategic Command of the United States Armed Forces. During the maneuvers, the experience & nbsp; global operations will be applied in & nbsp; coordination with & nbsp; other battle groups, services and nbsp; involved by US government agencies in & nbsp; to deter, detect and, if necessary, repel strategic attacks against the United States and & nbsp; their & nbsp; allies & nbsp ;, & nbsp; & mdash; the Americans have warned.

& # 39; Draw red lines and & nbsp; warn of & nbsp; consequences'

How dangerous are these demonstration exercises to & nbsp; Russian borders and & nbsp; how Russia should respond to & nbsp; AiF. ru & nbsp; asked & nbsp; chairman of the board of the PIR center, reserve lieutenant general, candidate for military science Evgeny Buzhinsky.

Vitaly Tseplyaev, AiF. ru: Evgeny Petrovich, similar maneuvers in & nbsp; air near the & nbsp; borders of Russia & nbsp; & mdash; is this really something new?

Evgeny Buzhinsky : Yes, it is definitely not a routine thing. I & nbsp; in & nbsp; anyway, i don't remember the americans from the & nbsp; recent years have conducted such exercises. But & nbsp; you & nbsp; as you see the level of confrontation is increasing, it is almost out of scale. And & nbsp; data maneuvers & nbsp; & mdash; more proof of that.

& mdash; & nbsp; In your opinion, how Russia & nbsp; should it react to & nbsp; these US Air Force strategic aviation exercises?

& mdash; & nbsp; In & nbsp; in my opinion it is necessary to conduct a response to the teachings somewhere in the region of & nbsp; Hawaii, with the & nbsp; Chinese. And & nbsp; also attract strategic airplanes towards them, conduct training bombing in & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; km of & nbsp; US territorial waters. It would be an adequate and symmetrical response. In addition, with the Chinese Army, we have already performed similar joint flights in the Pacific region. The current spectacle of power & nbsp; & mdash; after all, it was not addressed to & nbsp; only to us, but to & nbsp; and & nbsp; China. Therefore, we must also act together. I think if the Americans and China were successful with their maneuvers, then only an even greater rapprochement between Russia and China in the military realm. Although they & nbsp; the least & nbsp; would like.

& mdash; & nbsp; Is there an opportunity to somehow reduce the degree of tension between Russia and the & nbsp; United States today?

& mdash; & nbsp; The degree will only increase & mdash; and & nbsp; in the & nbsp; west, and & nbsp; in the & nbsp; is. The Americans apparently decided so & nbsp; & mdash; since they lose their only leadership in world politics, then they must try in every way to get it back. Do & nbsp; I think they really want to start a world war & mdash; I hope that there are still few fools in the direction of the United States, although there are such figures there, especially in Congress. They might not want to fight, but they will show in every way they can that they are the strongest, the richest and the most powerful, that their resources surpass both ours and the Chinese. .

& mdash; & nbsp; Is there a risk that in & nbsp; an unpleasant moment such a demonstrative confrontation turns into & nbsp; real clashes?

& mdash; & nbsp; Nothing can be excluded. Any provocation can make the situation worse. The Ukrainians can provoke a new armed conflict in the Donbass or in the Black Sea. Americans can provoke a conflict over Taiwan … And & nbsp; there is not far and & nbsp; of & nbsp; a world war, which will become a world catastrophe.

& mdash; & nbsp; A grim prognosis however … How can this not be allowed? Maybe it's time for leaders to sit down at the negotiating table to avoid the worst-case scenario?

& mdash; & nbsp; Of course, the level of confrontation must be reduced. Trump couldn't do it by & nbsp; definition. Biden attempted to & nbsp; a meeting with & nbsp; Putin to & nbsp; Geneva, and & nbsp; what ? Apparently then he encountered such resistance from his 'Washington Marsh'. that all his efforts in & nbsp; this swamp and & nbsp; got bogged down … let's see what happens next. But & nbsp; I & nbsp; I think, if the top at & nbsp; higher level still takes place, so & nbsp; there it will not be necessary & nbsp; exchange jokes, but & nbsp; to agree on everything specifically & nbsp; & mdash; draw red lines and & nbsp; warn of & nbsp; possible consequences.

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