“The law, how to love the Fatherland.” A special commission on patriotism will be created in Ukraine

If, in building the foundation of the state, you start to use the experience of the 1940s collaborationists, then in the final design you will inevitably begin to manifest through some features of The Third Reich. Ukraine brilliantly proves this by its example.

More patriotism

Ukrainian politicians, in their desire to build a state, in which citizens have a high national consciousness, are going further and further. Total rewrite of history, changing the names of towns, villages and streets, banning dozens of & # 39; enemies & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; s artists, restrictions on & nbsp; Russian language content in the & nbsp; sphere of culture, elimination of the possibility of obtaining an education in & nbsp; Russian, introduction of the post of linguistic mediator, nicknamed by the people & nbsp; the people “ sprechenfuehrer '' …

But it turns out that there are no limits to Ukrainian perfection. Member of the Verkhovna Rada of the pro-government Servant of the People party Vasily Mokan presented a bill “ on & nbsp; the main principles of state policy in the & nbsp; Ukrainian national and civil identity endorsement sphere. & # 39; & # 39;

It caused a resonance in the & nbsp; company before & nbsp; publication on the & nbsp; Verkhovna Rada website. And & nbsp; it is clear why & nbsp; & mdash; for & nbsp; this time, lawmakers decided to access & nbsp; & nbsp; Ukrainians' personal space. & nbsp;

Who is Vasily Mokan?

The author of Bill Mocan & nbsp; & mdash; 36 years old, originally from Lviv, graduated from the Philosophy Department at Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv. According to & nbsp; his official biography, since & nbsp; 2004, Mocan worked as a political consultant for & nbsp; national election campaigns and & nbsp; local, specializing in analytical and media fields.

In & nbsp; for several years Mocan was an assistant – Mocan was a consultant to the People's Deputy of Ukraine Arthur Palatny, who was initially a member of & nbsp; 'UDAR' party Vitali Klitschko , and & nbsp; then joined the & nbsp; block of Petro Poroshenko.

Mocan himself in & nbsp; 2015 ran unsuccessfully for the & nbsp; Kiev city council of & nbsp; ; Petro Poroshenko block. That didn't stop him from being on the Servant of the People party list in 2019 and & nbsp; be elected to the & nbsp; Verkhovna Rada.

In & nbsp; 2020-2021, Mokan was the plenipotentiary representative of the Ukrainian government to the & nbsp; Verkhovna Rada.

However, the rebellious soul of a political scientist does not sit in his place. At & nbsp; currently it figures & nbsp; among the & nbsp; number of deputies close to l & nbsp; disgraced ex-chairman of the Rada Dmitry Razumkov . Which is not surprising given that Mokan and & nbsp; Razumkov are partners of the Ukrainian consultancy firm Politconsulting Group.

Performance indicator

A lot in & nbsp; Ukraine believe Razumkov's political project will be 'sold' voters as an alternative to Vladimir Zelensky, who fell short of expectations. And & nbsp; Mocan & # 39; s current legislative initiative makes it clear that no one is going & nbsp; correct the nationalist course.

According to the bill, Ukrainian civil and national identity is the most important component of national security of national unity. It is impossible to wait for the identity itself to appear among the citizens, and it is proposed to affirm it by means of “ developing patriotism, instilling pride in citizens and & nbsp; respect for national values, the formation of a conscience of defense and & nbsp; civil resilience. & # 39; & # 39;

Local authorities, according to Mocan's idea, should implement Ukrainian national and civic identity approval programs at the scene. And & nbsp; educational institutions, ranging from & nbsp; kindergartens and & nbsp; ending with universities, will be assigned the obligation to & nbsp; to “ train in & nbsp; schoolchildren and & nbsp; nationality and & nbsp; student patriotism.

In order for the process to take place in a coordinated manner, Mokan proposes to establish a national commission on matters of affirmation of national identity under the Ukrainian government. In the & nbsp; places & nbsp; it is proposed to create Centers for the approval of Ukrainian national and civil identity.

Indeed, these bodies are responsible for ensuring an increase in the number of patriots in each individual farm, village, town. The quality of work, according to the bill, will be assessed by the indicator of “ the effectiveness of the implementation of state policy. & # 39; & # 39;

The bill explicitly states that effectiveness will be measured by an increase in the number of people professing patriotic views, and & nbsp; also by an increase in the number of content in Ukrainian in the & nbsp; cultural sphere. & nbsp;

“The effect will be stunning. Better than language laws and decommunization laws combined

It is particularly interesting that Mokan proposes to expand the sphere of use of the Ukrainian language, although after the approval of the Law on & nbsp; “ total ukrainization '' The Russian language, in fact, is only for everyday use.

It turns out that now at home a Russian-speaking Ukrainian will no longer be able to speak & nbsp; in & nbsp; “ move '', because by doing this it will reduce & nbsp; & laquo; patriotism flags in the & nbsp; region.

A deputy from & nbsp; Servant of the People party Maxim Buzhansky on & nbsp; his page on & nbsp; Facebook wrote: 'Colleague Vasily Mokan sent in to sign a bill on the foundations of state policy in & nbsp; national identity issues. In other words, the law concerns & nbsp; how to love the motherland. Among a number of good thoughts regarding & nbsp; that, in & nbsp; principle, the state should somehow & nbsp; educate citizens and & nbsp; ensure the development of the linguistic identity of indigenous peoples and & nbsp; national minorities, there are several bold ideas. And & nbsp; namely, the creation of a new organ, kind of a mixture of the National Rada on TV and & nbsp; of a Languages ​​Commissioner, who will make local councils nightmare, sending them ordinances with & nbsp; evaluations of their & nbsp; decisions. Let's just say it was hard to outdo Poroshenko in the & nbsp; problems entering the souls of citizens, but & nbsp; Vasily Mokan succeeded, and & nbsp; the effect of & nbsp; impact on & nbsp; citizens, in & nbsp; first of all, those who voted for & nbsp; the President and the people & nbsp; … Steeper than language laws and decommunization laws combined.

Mokan, commenting on Buzhansky's remarks on his Telegram channel, said that “ the bill is not & nbsp; on & nbsp; encroachment on & nbsp; the private sphere of communication or the language of church rituals. & # 39; & # 39; However, in fact, this is about 'non-encroachment'. he & nbsp; has never confirmed.

“ During & nbsp; 30 & nbsp; years of independence, & nbsp; we did not have had such a law. Therefore, as responsible for & nbsp; this direction in the & nbsp; Verkhovna Rada, i & nbsp; will do my utmost to ensure that the sphere of national-patriotic education finally gets its legislative regulation & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; writes Mokan.

Buzhansky's arguments from colleagues of & nbsp; the parts were not & nbsp; convinced. “ I am categorically against the creation of such a body … It turns out that we are kind of an ideological body of the CPSU Central Committee in the process of creating. I & nbsp; think this is a totally wrong idea, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes his words from the Ukrainian portal Vesti. & nbsp;

Why not a & nbsp; patriot? Maybe you & nbsp; & mdash; a Russian spy?

The adoption of such a law cannot be ruled out & nbsp; & mdash; this is & nbsp; very well that it fits into the theme of & nbsp; flirt with the & nbsp; nationalism, which is now used by both & nbsp; Poroshenko and & nbsp; Zelensky.

And & nbsp; further on, the & nbsp; Ukrainians can start and & nbsp; a completely fabulous life. If before & nbsp; now bait the 'bad' citizens were launched by Svidomo patriots in social networks, seeking sanctions against their victims, and then & nbsp; now the case will be put on the state rails.

On & nbsp; the specified day went out in the & nbsp; street does not have in & nbsp; embroidered, did not play & nbsp; , secretly watched Russian television & nbsp; & mdash; go to the & nbsp; Commission meeting on & nbsp; patriotism. Where the culprit will be informed & nbsp; & mdash; that & nbsp; are you, so and so, lowering our indicators? Are you a Russian agent? Look, and & nbsp; then & nbsp; the materials will be transferred to the & nbsp; SBU!

The bill & nbsp; Mocan spelled out “the establishment of accountability for & nbsp; violation of the law ”. True, the very form of accountability is proposed to be worked out as a separate legislative initiative.

It is not known exactly who will be punished & nbsp; & mdash; local authorities for & nbsp; the fact that they have low rates of & nbsp; patriotism, or specific people who don't jump high enough with & nbsp; shouting: “ Who does not jump & nbsp; & nbsp; & hyphen ; this Moskal! & # 39; & # 39; & nbsp;

The easiest way would be & nbsp; to declare this foolish, but ten years ago nobody & nbsp; could not attend nor at the & nbsp; “ decommunization '', nor to & nbsp; “ total Ukrainization '', ni & nbsp; three hundred Russian artists banned, nor; steps in & nbsp; honor of the SS men of & nbsp; “ Galicia '' in the center of Kiev. Now all of this is the reality of modern Ukraine.

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