Why can 4 km between Russia and the United States be covered in one day?

Weekly “Argumenty i Fakty” № 43. Tsar-sausage hits wallet aimed at 10/27/2021 Expert response 0 + –

In fact, Russia is a stone's throw from America, the country is only a few miles away. But there is a complication. traveler Dmitry Shparo talks about her, whose ski crossing through the Bering Strait was listed in the & nbsp; Guinness Book of Records.

“ The width of the Bering Strait separating the United States and & nbsp; Russia, & nbsp; & ndash; 86 km. But in the strait, close to each other, there are two small islands, one of which belongs to the Russian Federation (O. Ratmanova), and the other & nbsp; & ndash; United States (approx. & Nbsp; Krusenstern). These islands (also called Diomedes Islands) reduce the distance between the Russian Federation and the & nbsp; United States of & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; times & nbsp; & ndash; to & nbsp; 3.8 & nbsp; km. When the strait is covered with solid and uniform ice, this distance can be covered in an hour, and & nbsp; same & nbsp; less. However, based on the calendar time, it will take a whole day to travel these kilometers.

The important point is & nbsp; the fact that the Russian-American border crossing between the islands is also & nbsp; time zone and & nbsp; date line. According to & shy; this on & nbsp; different islands times: 21 & nbsp; jet lag in winter and & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; hours in summer. Crossing the date line of & nbsp; is at & nbsp; west add the calendar number by & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; day, and when we move around & nbsp; in the opposite direction, it decreases, on the contrary. When Monday is already on & nbsp; Russian island, for & nbsp; for example, then & nbsp; on & nbsp; American land & nbsp; & ndash; only Sunday morning. In & nbsp; Russia & nbsp; & ndash; today, in & nbsp; Alaska & nbsp; & ndash; yesterday. Due to this characteristic, the islands have informal names & ndash; Yesterday and & nbsp; Tomorrow. If there is no fog on the & nbsp; sea ​​and & nbsp; o. & Nbsp; Ratmanov is clearly visible from & nbsp; o. Kruzenshtern, its inhabitants can watch not only in & nbsp; Russia, but also & nbsp; tomorrow. If desired, any resident of the island of & nbsp; Ratmanova can celebrate her birthday at home, and & nbsp; the next day sail to & nbsp; island & nbsp; Kruzen & shy; stern and & nbsp; celebrate this date again & raquo ;.

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