Why are there fewer and fewer scientists in Russia?

Weekly “Arguments and Facts” № 43. Tsar-sausage hits the wallet with the goal 10/27/2021

According to the Institute for Statistical Research and the Knowledge Economy of the Graduate School of Economics, the number of scientists in Russia over the past 10 years has decreased by & nbsp; 28.2 & nbsp; thousand. people.

The exit of staff from the & nbsp; science is not compensated by the arrival of new employees. Thus, in & nbsp; 2020 & nbsp; city ​​& nbsp; in & nbsp; research organizations were accepted 85.5 & nbsp; thousand. people, in & nbsp; then & nbsp; while for & nbsp; that & nbsp; the same period of the sector of & nbsp; dropped out 91.1 & nbsp; thousand. anybody.

Robert Nigmatulin , scientific director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences :

& mdash; This trend is causing serious concern in the scientific community. I can judge by & nbsp; my students & nbsp; & mdash; very many dispersed towards & nbsp; different countries. Especially a lot of them are relatively young & nbsp; & mdash; to & nbsp; less than & nbsp; 40 & nbsp; years.

At the same time, we cannot say that young people do not go to science. Go & nbsp; & mdash; the number of graduate students in & nbsp; in recent years, if & nbsp; decreased, so & nbsp; is insignificant. Corn! Very often come to graduate all and nbsp; end. And & nbsp; promising theses are not written. The youth of & nbsp; graduate studies are not engaged in the & nbsp; science, but the arrangement of their life, and & nbsp; the blame hard & mdash; try to live on & nbsp; 6 & ndash; 7 & nbsp; thousand. RUB & nbsp; in & nbsp; month ! Yes, the grant system has developed recently. But & nbsp; they should be a bonus, an appendix, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; the main source of income. And & nbsp; the average scholarship for a graduate student should be 30 & nbsp; thousand. to rub. It is only then that one can hope for & nbsp; that the graduate student will be immersed in scientific work.

AiF/A figure. Dorofeev

Unfortunately, today officials have effectively excluded scientists from participating in the administration of science. They are obsessed with the idea that only them & nbsp; by & nbsp; force to bring a real order in & nbsp; this domain. Say, here's a little more & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; everything will work … No, it will not work & nbsp; Science cannot be developed by administrative measures alone. Science thrives where there is a scientific atmosphere, and & nbsp; create it and the & nbsp; maintain it & nbsp; can only be a scientist. And & nbsp; in & nbsp; the director of a university or scientific institute must be a scientist of the corresponding profile. And & nbsp; now on & nbsp; this post is often put a manager. Unfortunately & nbsp; management reality and & nbsp; the leadership role of the bureaucracy are observed in & nbsp; all over the world, and & nbsp; this has already led & nbsp; to a decrease in the level of decision-making. & nbsp;

The country's top leaders should pay attention to & nbsp; this problem, understand the scale of the disaster, and & nbsp; then turn to & nbsp; us scientists. We are not enemies of our Homeland, we can really count on ourselves. It is necessary to have more confidence in scientists, to involve them in solving the most important state, socio-economic and technological problems. To & nbsp; ultimately, to & nbsp; critical moments, only them and & nbsp; can help. Watch how quickly our scientists, including members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, created a vaccine! Managers must therefore be assistants to scientists, and & nbsp; not the & nbsp; the bosses.

The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board

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