The Russians in Turkey have been declared “arsonists”. They risk up to 7 years in prison

Not & nbsp; all tourist trips in & nbsp; Turkey are safe for Russians. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the & nbsp; situation in & nbsp; which affected seven of our compatriots. Travel to & nbsp; & quot; Turkish Coast & quot; could result in several years in prison. & nbsp;

& # 39; The fire was not our fault, we only tried to eliminate & raquo;

The Russian Consulate General in & nbsp; Antalya has confirmed the detention of seven Russians for & nbsp; hint of & nbsp; unintentional arson in the forest, reports RIA Novosti.

October 23 & nbsp; Russians hiked along the route “ Lycian Trail '' and & nbsp; were arrested by police in Chaglardzha district.

“ In & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; local legislation, law enforcement with & nbsp; hiring a sworn translator, a protocol was established for the testimony of suspects and & nbsp; witnesses in & nbsp; affair & raquo; , & nbsp; & mdash; RIA Novosti quotes the words of the Russian diplomat.

The Russian representative met with the & nbsp; detained on & nbsp; this & nbsp; day, explaining to them & nbsp; the essence of Turkish claims. & nbsp; October 24 & nbsp; a hearing took place, in & nbsp; during which & nbsp; the Russians were chosen as a preventive measure in the & nbsp; form of detention.

Previously Dmitri Korshunov, one of the inmates posted a video message on Instagram: 'Friends they didn't want to share until the end, until the verdict was delivered ;now. They close in the & nbsp; prison for the reason that there was a fire on the & nbsp; Lycian Trail. They are now soldering several years in prison, trying to send seven people from Russia to Ankara. The consulate does not take charge, do not help. The fire wasn't our fault, we only tried to clear it up, called 911. & Nbsp;

“A lawyer who spoke neither English nor Russian”

Ironically, the previous photo of Korshunov, posted on the social network, was signed as follows: “ The most difficult thing in life to remember which bridge must be crossed, and & nbsp; which is to be burnt. & # 39; & # 39;

The Lycian Trail is a route with a total length of & nbsp; 540 & nbsp; km, passing along part of the Mediterranean coast of ancient Lycia. The trail is extremely popular with both & nbsp; ordinary tourists and & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; extremals who organize competitions on the most difficult sections.

RT & nbsp; informs the names of tourists trapped in bars. They are Anatoly and & nbsp; Nikita Yaroshenko, Dmitry Korshunov, Alexander Antoshkin, Konstantin Chebuchakov, Ivan Ukhov and & nbsp; Polina Yaskova.

“ The judge on duty and a lawyer who did not speak & nbsp; English, ni & nbsp; Russian came the & nbsp; in the departement. In the department of & nbsp; there was a preliminary hearing of the case, and, despite & nbsp; the fact that the verdict was not & nbsp; was not & nbsp; they & nbsp; have not been & nbsp; released either & nbsp; the subscription, nor & nbsp; under caution. And there is a girl among them. She is now alone in & nbsp; a kind of women's prison, & nbsp; she is hysterical, & nbsp; & mdash; quote & nbsp; RT the words of Irina Vdovina, the mother of one of the & nbsp; arrested.

The Russians presented the following version of events: walking along the Lycian Trail, they discovered a fire station, which they began to extinguish, at the same time notifying the Turkish emergency services. However, the police who arrived told the Russians that they were in the no-go zone, which was established in & nbsp; in connection with the violent fires that raged in Turkey last summer. Our compatriots say they saw no sign indicating the restricted area. But & nbsp; these explanations were not taken into account, and & nbsp; now they risk spending the years to come in a & nbsp; Turkish prison. & Nbsp;

Element or malice: who is behind the & nbsp; Turkish fires

Forest fires in & nbsp; Turkey began to & nbsp; end of July 2021 in a & nbsp; sparsely populated area a few tens of kilometers from & nbsp; Antalya. Three days later, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared the areas of the country affected by the fires disaster areas.

The leader of Turkey announced that the large-scale fires, in the liquidation of which hundreds of equipment units and several thousand firefighters were involved, were the result of arson. Erdogan accused the Kurdistan Workers' Party of arson, whose representatives did not refute this statement, but, on the contrary, said that “ the Turkish regime does not understand another language. '' # 39; & # 39;

However, the question of whether the wildfires were really the result of somebody's ill will or if it was a coincidence of circumstances remains open. Many experts believe that Erdogan simply decided to take advantage of the situation to dismiss the blame for the & nbsp; calculation errors by the authorities in & nbsp; fire safety issues on & nbsp; his political opponents. There has been no mass identification of arsonists in & nbsp; Turkey for & nbsp; these months, although the liability measures for & nbsp; arson were really hardened.

And & nbsp; Now the Russians who are not & nbsp; in & nbsp; may suddenly suffer from Turkish fires. then & nbsp; time and & nbsp; not & nbsp; in & nbsp; this place. & nbsp;

'Spies' and & nbsp; Pyrotechnic fires: coincidence or Ankara political games?

Just five days ago, the Turkish edition of Hurriyet reported the arrest in the country of a group of six people accused of military and political espionage, and also in & nbsp; preparing for armed attacks. Four of the & nbsp; inmates, according to & nbsp; the newspaper, are Russian citizens.

Hurriyet reports the names of the Russians detained: Abdulla Abdullaev, Ravshan Akhmedov, Beslan Rasaev and & nbsp; Aslanbek Abdulmuslimov … They were arrested on October 8 during the operation, which took place as part of the investigation by the Attorney General's Office of ; Istanbul.

Those arrested face a sentence of & nbsp; 15 & nbsp; imprisonment ranging from & nbsp; 15 & nbsp; to & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; years.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation & nbsp; Dmitry Peskov said he had no information about what happened. “ If they are really Russian citizens, we have probably already received & nbsp; through diplomatic channels, or we will receive information. But & nbsp; we & nbsp; do not know anything about & nbsp; this account & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; says & nbsp; he.

Two stories with & nbsp; detention of Russians in & nbsp; Turkey, which became public in & nbsp; for several days, may not be related to each other. However, it can also be & nbsp; a political game of the Turkish authorities, trying to create a more convenient position in & nbsp; negotiations with & nbsp; Russia on & nbsp; questions of interest. In & nbsp; First of all, it concerns Syria, where the situation around Idlib is now getting worse, and & nbsp; also the territories controlled by the Kurds. Erdogan has repeatedly stated his intention to 'clean up' in northern Syria from Kurdish formations, which he considers terrorists. For its part, Moscow-backed Damascus is interested in eliminating terrorists in Idlib province, where many formations are targeting Ankara.

In this situation, the subject of 'Russian villains' can be a game of & nbsp; increase rates, in which the Turkish side is trying to put the Russian authorities in the & nbsp; position to be justified. & nbsp;

About & nbsp; what the & nbsp; will become clear in & nbsp; according to & nbsp; how fast and & nbsp; how the story with & nbsp; Russians detained on & nbsp; ; Lycian Trail will be resolved.


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