“The spies stole the formula.” British apologize for fake on “Sputnik V”

The British media had to deal with an extremely unusual case for them in the case of & nbsp; recently & nbsp; & mdash; apologize to Russia. The reason was the Russian vaccine against & nbsp; coronavirus Sputnik & nbsp; V, or rather the accusations that he was not & nbsp; created & nbsp; independently.

Insidious agents in & nbsp; Oxford

Originally the material on & nbsp; & quot; steal secrets & quot; appeared in the edition of The Sun. “ Russian spies stole the Oxford/Astra Zeneca formula and & nbsp; have used it to create a vaccine & bdquo; Sputnik & ldquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; read the title.

Contributors to Jonathan Reilly & nbsp; Harry Cole argued that British intelligence had evidence that Russian agents had stolen critical data for vaccine production at Oxford. At the same time, reporters referred to & nbsp; some reports of special services, in & nbsp; who were saying about & nbsp; that Russian hackers were carrying out attacks against & nbsp; British, American and & nbsp; Canadian companies engaged in the development of vaccines against & nbsp; COVID-19. & Nbsp;

“ В & nbsp; Russian vaccine & bdquo; Sputnik & nbsp; V & ldquo; uses technology similar to that developed in & nbsp; AstraZeneca & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; The Sun material. The authors explained this similarity by the fact that the secret was stolen.

Similar documents have been published by the Daily Express edition. It seemed like a new anti-Russian campaign was starting on & nbsp; Foggy Albion. & Nbsp;

& # 39; False and & nbsp; a blatant lie '

However, it does not & nbsp; received its development. First of all, because the idea of ​​& nbsp; “ flight '' was not & nbsp; supported by the & nbsp; western scientific community.

“ British media report & nbsp; than Russian & bdquo; Sputnik & nbsp; V & ldquo; allegedly based on & nbsp; AstraZeneca vaccine research, are another fake and & nbsp; blatant lie based on & nbsp; anonymous sources, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes the press release of RIA Novosti from the Russian Direct Investment Fund. & nbsp; & mdash; Instead of spreading fakes, UK media and government agencies should better protect the reputation of AstraZeneca, a safe and effective vaccine that is constantly under attack by competitors in the media with facts taken out of context.

In & nbsp; RDIF noted that “ Sputnik & nbsp; Y & # 39; & # 39; Based on the well-researched human adenoviral platform, while AstraZeneca uses a chimpanzee adenoviral vector for its vaccine. At the same time, the developers of the two drugs are conducting joint clinical trials.

& laquo; Satellite & nbsp; V & raquo; for & nbsp; last year abroad they studied carefully and & nbsp; meticulously, not & nbsp; find significant flaws in the & nbsp; vaccine. Today it is recognized and & nbsp; authorized for & nbsp; use in more than & nbsp; 70 & nbsp; country of the world. The subject of theft of secrets attempted to rise in the spring of 2021 & nbsp; year, but & nbsp; quickly reduced, because it was obvious to specialists that Russia achieved the result on its own. & nbsp;

“I'm not surprised”

Commented on the documents published in the & nbsp; British press and & nbsp; Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov … “ You know, I'm not surprised by anything. As for our British partners, yes & nbsp; and & nbsp; most Western partners, I don't think anyone will take these baseless accusations seriously. There were already a lot of simple accusations, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the Minister, & nbsp; & mdash; but, if we are talking specifically about AstraZeneca, then & nbsp; i & nbsp; heard of & nbsp; that they accuse us of & nbsp; that we stole the formula. I & nbsp; remember that there have been many instances where AstraZeneca has given negative results & nbsp; & mdash; thrombosis and & nbsp; and so on. Not a single case like this with & nbsp; & bdquo; Satellite & ldquo; not & nbsp; happened. I think anyone who is interested will come to some conclusions for themselves. ''

Principal researcher at Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, molecular biologist and & nbsp; virologist Maxim Skulachev in & nbsp; interview with the TV channel “ 360 '' explained what the fundamental difference is: “ In our two injections two different viruses are used, when & nbsp; AstraZeneca has the same injection and & nbsp; that & nbsp; same. This, by the way, and & nbsp; explains the greater efficiency of & bdquo; Satellite & nbsp; V & ldquo; in front of AstraZeneca … It's strange to talk about & nbsp; flight if everything is different and & nbsp; the efficiency is higher. & nbsp;

'The material was wrong'

The Sun in the & nbsp; eventually posted the opposite opinion, but did so in a pretty specific way: “ Andrew Leach from London-based public relations firm Hudson Sandler today made a statement on behalf of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which was established by the Russian government. “

The & nbsp; Daily Express has acted more honestly & nbsp; & mdash; there they directly admitted that they had published a lie. “ He came to & nbsp; our information that the material was wrong, such as information about the & nbsp; inventor of the vaccine & bdquo; Sputnik V & ldquo; & nbsp; & mdash; National Center for Research in Epidemiology and & nbsp; microbiology & bdquo; Gamalea & ldquo; & nbsp; & mdash; well known & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the & nbsp; posting. In & nbsp; As an apology, the publication released the text of the press release of the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

I have to say not everyone apologized to & nbsp; right now. For & nbsp; for example, according to & nbsp; from & nbsp; 9:30 a.m. Moscow time on October 13 & nbsp; material on & nbsp; that & nbsp; the same topic was on the & nbsp; Daily Mail, and & nbsp; no rebuttal was made to & nbsp; it & nbsp ;. Probably not everyone is ready to go above and beyond, to admit a lie about the & nbsp; Russia. & Nbsp;

“ The procedure will continue until sufficient data is obtained '' : the European Union will delay the registration of Sputnik to & nbsp; infinity?

It would be too naive to think that such a stuffing is done by chance. The European structures openly delay the recognition of Sputnik V, putting forward more and more new claims on the vaccine. The Russian Ministry of Health has said that the visit of representatives of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to our country could take place in December 2021 of the year. To & nbsp; then & nbsp; at the same time in & nbsp; EMA does not have excluded additional checks. & Nbsp;

& laquo; Vaccine & bdquo; Sputnik & nbsp; V & ldquo; is at the stage of the EMA progressive review procedure. This procedure will continue until & nbsp; sufficient data is received for a formal request from & nbsp; a temporary registration certificate, which has not yet been & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; RIA Novosti quotes the EMA press service representative. & nbsp; & mdash; As the applicant provides new information during the progressive review process, further inspections may be required. While the evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccine is ongoing, we cannot comment on planned or ongoing inspections. '' In fact, here's what's going on: At & nbsp ;, EMAs are trying to hang on to & nbsp; everything in order to drag out the process for & nbsp; infinity. For & nbsp; purely medical questions, this has not the slightest connection, it is & nbsp; political opportunism. Thus, any new rumor and & nbsp; gossip about & nbsp; & quot; Satellite & nbsp; V & raquo; suitable for making all news and new allegations at & nbsp; Russian vaccine. Certainly British history on & nbsp; 'espionage' turned out to be so 'cranberry' that the authors themselves had to give it up. No problem, the fake factory is going to come up with something new soon. & Nbsp;

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