Russia has developed a remote health monitoring tool

In Russia, a BIOT service was established, which is able to remotely monitor the progress of a patient's health continuously and notify the attending physician of possible risks. & nbsp;

As the company clarifies, the service processes data from a smart bracelet taking into account the patient's medical history and lifestyle.

“Our service develops the orientation of preventive medicine, the purpose of which is to prevent the occurrence of diseases and eliminate the risks of their development”, & mdash; explained the developers ITPS.

The system can detect complications of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, inflammatory processes, unbalanced diet, chronic stress and fatigue. data is transmitted to the patient's doctor.

It should be noted that the service is able to develop personal recommendations for adjusting the lifestyle and send them to the patient. & nbsp;

Chelyabinsk clinic was one of the first to present the system. & nbsp;

Previously, the most interesting innovative projects were presented in Moscow. One of them was the project of the company PharmPrint, which develops and manufactures equipment for automation on laboratory operations, is engaged in research and development in the field of creation of personal drugs.


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