Mind games. USA tested AI system “for war with Russia and China”

The Pentagon is developing technology to 'dominate the news' about Russia and China. To confirm its effectiveness, a series of tests were conducted on the basis of the US Space Command to determine the possibilities of achieving “ information dominance ''. and excellence in decision making. The armed forces of Russia and China were seen as conditional opponents.

Technology support for the simulation was provided by the Joint Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Maven & mdash; a U.S. Department of Defense project that uses artificial intelligence to analyze CCTV data and quickly identify important information on the internet. The military investigated options to control and strike selected space and ground targets in Russia and China.

The Pentagon pointed out that new opportunities for obtaining data and information were not created, the experiment was carried out using the tools available today. Department of Defense. All information came from existing satellites, radar, cybernetic and reconnaissance capabilities of the military department were used. All of this data was transferred to the cloud, where it was processed and analyzed using artificial intelligence technology. Based on the calculation, recommendations were provided to decision makers, i.e. commanders of different levels.

Based on the results of the experiment, the Pentagon came to the conclusion that, based on the evaluation of patterns, anomalies and trends in massive data sets obtained from means of surveillance and reconnaissance, it will be possible to predict in advance the development of the army -the political situation, the possibility of outbreak and development of armed conflict. Artificial intelligence and machine learning tools give the Pentagon a significant advantage and in effect create a situation of 'information dominance'. First of all, it gives time for decision making, which will allow, for example, to create upstream deterrent forces in the threatened direction in order to prevent the threat in time.

Recall that a report commissioned by the Pentagon this year indicates that the Russian armed forces are more technologically advanced than the United States anticipated and are rapidly expanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence to obtain a informational advantage on the battlefield. In response, there was an immediate response, at the end of March the US Department of Defense called for an increase in the use of new technology so as not to lose to China and Russia. At the same time, military experts accused the Pentagon of succumbing to the excessive hype around artificial intelligence.

In recent years, the Pentagon has actively implemented the concept of network-centric warfare (such a concept is focused on increasing combat capabilities by gaining superiority from the ; infocommunication), in which the troops must behave as a whole due to the close link between the combat units scattered across the fields. In the future, it is about creating a 'network of networks'. complete with support for artificial intelligence and cloud storage. As expected, the hyperlinks will be able to give access to any information from any theater of war to any soldier.

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