Take out Stalin, however. How did it turn into the chef's 'second funeral'?

There are 60 & nbsp; years, in & nbsp; night of & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; October to & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; November & nbsp ;, & nbsp; the body of Joseph Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum. Brought in for the final burial at the & nbsp; Kremlin wall.

In & nbsp; this night in the West, Halloween is celebrated & nbsp; & mdash; Halloween. What happened on the & nbsp; Red Square in & nbsp; 1961 & nbsp; g., Ironically, fits perfectly into the context of the Anglo-Saxon holiday. But & nbsp; gave it a distinct Russian flavor in & nbsp; in full compliance with the & nbsp; saying, “ At least take out the saints. & # 39; & # 39;

The fact is & nbsp; the fact that Stalin, despite & nbsp; continuing permanently from & nbsp; 1956 & nbsp; g. “ Personality cult exhibit '', many in the & nbsp; country still considered, otherwise & nbsp; holy, then & nbsp; close to & nbsp; that. What has been seen and & nbsp; by & nbsp; relationship with & nbsp; the body of the deceased & nbsp; & mdash; if the & nbsp; Lenin sarcophagusin the & nbsp; mausoleum has been attempted several times, so & nbsp; & nbsp; Stalin & nbsp; & mdash; not even once. Senior management knew this very well. He knew and & nbsp; about & nbsp; the meaning of the saying about suppressing the saints: “ It means something ugly, obscene, unbearable. & # 39; & # 39;

And & nbsp; therefore, the setting for this act has been appropriately created. The XXII Congress of the CPSU, which took place from & nbsp; 17 & nbsp; at & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; October 1961 & nbsp; g., was recalled by contemporaries for two powerful information attacks. First of all, this is of course the adoption of the next, the Third Program of the CPSU. As you know, the finale of the Program, later removed from the text, promised something fantastic: “ The Party solemnly proclaims: the present generation of the Soviet people will live under communism! ''

The second issue was no less the fantastic increase in de-Stalinization. The volume of revelations of the 'monstrous crimes of the times of personality cult' increased by & nbsp; order. Report Nikita Khrushchev “ On & nbsp; the cult of personality and & nbsp; its consequences & # 39; & # 39;, read at & nbsp; XX Congress of the CPSU 1956 & nbsp; after all, it had the status of closed, so to speak, for internal party use. Now & nbsp; but about & nbsp; & quot; monstrous crimes & raquo;, about & nbsp; torture and & nbsp; & quot; executioners of Stalin & raquo; notified all Soviet citizens & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; on & nbsp; newspaper pages, and & nbsp; on & nbsp; radio broadcasts.

So much & nbsp; that the & nbsp; moment were received with & nbsp; impressive enthusiasm. “ The news of & nbsp; the greatest human happiness strikes at & nbsp; all doors … have you read it? Did you hear? We & nbsp; live under communism! & Raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; these lines of the & nbsp; press of the time, judging by & nbsp; everything, are very much consistent with the actual mood of the people.

Exactly the same reality has become 'insight effect' ' the whole of society on the “crimes of Stalinism”. The scope of the revelations was, according to & nbsp; her own words, shocked even by such a fierce opponent of Stalin as Alexander Solzhenitsyn. By the way, this scope affected & nbsp; his literary destiny & nbsp; The debut of Solzhenitsyn in the magazine & nbsp; Novy Mir with & nbsp; story “ A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & # 39; & # 39; has only become possible “ in the light of the decisions of the XXII Congress of the CPSU. & # 39; & # 39;

At the same time as & nbsp; It would be understandable in itself that these two moments are closely interconnected & nbsp; & mdash; they say, about & nbsp; the embodiment of the Third Program in & nbsp; life, then & nbsp; concerns & nbsp; communism, not & nbsp; there may be & nbsp; speech, until the country is & nbsp; cleaned of & nbsp; personality cult and & nbsp; of its consequences. Simply for the reason that the new must necessarily destroy the old. Desirable & mdash; at the base of & nbsp ;.

But & nbsp; what else can there be 'to the & nbsp; foundation '' if the & nbsp; mausoleum is the main and key figure of the 'cult of personality' ? The two news attacks smoothly led citizens to a simple conclusion: “ Do you want to live under communism and & nbsp; be happy ? So let Stalin be removed from & nbsp; out of sight. And & nbsp; of & nbsp; hearts & mdash; outside. & # 39; & # 39 ;, which at & nbsp; this & nbsp; time was the head of the 9th department of the KGB and & nbsp; on & nbsp; Khrushchev's personal instructions supervised Stalin's reburial. This is how Nikolai Stepanovich described the exhibition leading up to the XXII Congress and & nbsp; the withdrawal of Stalin's body in & nbsp; his book Through the Years: “ En & nbsp; in general, the criticism of the cult of personality has been taken into account, but & nbsp; speaker activity was not as brilliant as it was several years ago. The country needed to overcome the fear of going back to the past. The question of & nbsp; Stalin's reburial has been raised on several occasions. Apparently, therefore, at & nbsp; congress and & nbsp; a decision has been prepared on & nbsp; the removal of Stalin's sarcophagus from the & nbsp; mausoleum and & nbsp; reburial of his body at & nbsp; Kremlin wall. As a complete and final farewell to the & nbsp; & bdquo; father of nations & ldquo; and & nbsp; its time.

There is an important point here. Last farewell with & nbsp; the era of the 'father of nations' in & nbsp; Khrushchev's logic also assumed & nbsp; the neutralization of those party officials for whom Stalin was still in authority & nbsp; and & nbsp; who remembered that Khrushchev himself also took part in the & nbsp; Stalinist repressions. At & nbsp; XXII Congress, fire was suddenly opened on & nbsp; completing the “ anti-party group & nbsp; Molotov , Malenkov , Kaganovich and & nbsp; who joined them Shepilova & raquo ;, with & nbsp; which appeared to have been treated in & nbsp; 1957 & nbsp; g. The press was filled with criticism in & nbsp; the address of 'Stalin's heirs' & nbsp; & mdash; the most characteristic was a cartoon from Crocodile magazine. There, a certain figure, standing on the party platform, gives an inspired speech, pointing to the report “ On & nbsp; the cult of personality ' hanging next to it. And & nbsp; then this & nbsp; same figure in & nbsp; that & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; and & nbsp; and so & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; same inspiring knees, stretching his hands to & nbsp; portrait of Stalin. The images have the appropriate captions: “ At work '' and & nbsp; “ Houses ''.

In & nbsp; general and & nbsp; general & nbsp; the neutralization was successful. Speeches of First Secretary of the Leningrad Party Regional Committee Ivan Spiridonov were prepared and directed, from whom, allegedly, the initiative to remove Stalin's body from the mausoleum came. And & nbsp; also the speech of the former Bolshevik Dora Lazurkina , who said: “ Yesterday I consulted & nbsp; Ilitch, as if he was standing in front of me as if he was alive and & nbsp; said: I hate being around & nbsp; Stalin, who brought so much trouble to the party. & # 39; & # 39; The session of & nbsp; Lazurkina was a little applauded & nbsp; is not & nbsp; stronger than Khrushchev himself. The vote on & nbsp; the issue of the abduction of Stalin's body went off without a hitch and & nbsp; hitch & mdash; all were unanimously in favor. The other and & nbsp; could not & nbsp; because the only one who could & nbsp; would not vote & nbsp; as it should be, identified and & nbsp; neutralized beforehand. Member of the Presidium, secretary of the Central Committee & nbsp; PCUS Nuritdin Mukhitdinov , which spoke out behind the scenes against Stalin's reburial, the new Presidium has not been & nbsp; elected, but & nbsp; was not & nbsp; for & nbsp; the final meeting. >

By decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee & nbsp; PCUS, a commission of & nbsp; five people was created, led by & nbsp; Nikolai Shvernik . & Nbsp; it included Vasily Mzhavanadze & nbsp; & mdash; Secretary & nbsp; Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, Givi Javakhishvili & nbsp; & mdash; Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Georgia, Alexander Shelepin & nbsp; & mdash; Chairman of the USSR State Security Committee, Piotr Demitchev & nbsp; & mdash; First Secretary of the Moscow Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and & nbsp; Nikolai Dygai & nbsp; & mdash; chairman of the Moscow city council.

However, the unanimity of those who voted for & nbsp; the dismissal of Stalin and & nbsp; even members of the burial committee can be questioned. Yes, that & nbsp; Demichev was determined: “ Leave Stalin in the & nbsp; Mausoleum would be & nbsp; would be blasphemy! '' But & nbsp; many considered the opposite blasphemy. And, I must say that the & nbsp; commission for the burial of them turned out to be the majority. More precisely & nbsp; & mdash; three out of & nbsp; five: “ Immediately after the vote, a member of the Mzhavanadze committee got on the plane and & nbsp; hurriedly flew to & nbsp; Georgia. Therefore, he did not participate in the reburial … When the coffin with Stalin's body was covered with a lid, Shvernik and Javakhishvili burst into tears. Then the coffin was lifted, and & nbsp; everyone headed for the exit of. Sentimental Shvernik was supported by a bodyguard, followed by Javakhishvili. Only those two cried … ''

Who is the most dangerous? The one who sincerely mourns the & nbsp; “ leader '', or the one who dodges the & nbsp; unpleasant procedure to participate in & nbsp; his reburial? Khrushchev did not draw the right conclusions & nbsp; did it & nbsp; and & nbsp; paid & nbsp; & mdash; three years later, Mzhavanadze will take an active part in the dismissal of Khrushchev.

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