The stylist spoke about the mistakes most women make when choosing clothes

Most women make the same mistakes when choosing their clothes. Stylist Yulia Litvinenko, in a conversation with, named the most popular of them that every woman should pay attention to.

Most often women are biased towards their figure, so they expose all of its flaws for the show. Therefore, when choosing a blouse, young girls can buy a model with open sleeves, and older women should give preference to things that cover the shoulder area.

The stylist also notes that you shouldn't chase trends. It is best to buy a basic item that will last longer than one season. At the same time, one should not go to the other extreme and buy the same type of clothes. & Nbsp;

The choice of bold colors in clothing, as well as a print, should be treated very carefully. The stylist notes that minimalism has become fashionable, which is unlikely to leave the market quickly. If you still want to add color, Yulia Litvinenko advises to pay attention to models with a psychedelic or classic pattern.

Earlier, experts talked about how to reduce purchasing costs.

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