In Russia, a humanoid robot started taking exams for students

A humanoid robot named Yura has started taking exams for students at Perm State Medical University.

A humanoid android Yura plays the role of a patient during a doctor's appointment, the Promobot company reports.

In this way, students learn how to prescribe treatment and make the correct diagnosis. It should be noted that the robot is able to reproduce the behavior of the patient at the reception, and can also evaluate the treatment methods prescribed by the student.

At the same time, Yura records the experience. The whole process on a camera and sends the results with video recording to the responsible teacher. He can perform such an exam in eight areas, including cardiology.

Previously, it was reported that a robot teacher started working in the children's center. In addition to the educational process, such an object can take part in excursions and tell any information, include a video or presentation. & Nbsp;


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