With a book in a cabin. Why do kids prefer model libraries?

Field National projects

Since & nbsp; 2019 in & nbsp; Russia in & nbsp; as part of the national project “ Culture & # 39; & # 39; model libraries appear. With the & nbsp; new school year, as well as & nbsp; school doors for children and & nbsp; their & nbsp; parents, and & nbsp; new model libraries & nbsp; & mdash; comfortable spaces where everyone can read any book they like, focus on their homework, prepare for & nbsp; exams and & nbsp; just hang out with & nbsp; friends and & nbsp; loved ones, find and & nbsp; implement their creative project, register and engage in thematic circles. All this has become possible thanks to the national project 'Culture'.

TV and & nbsp; book reader

For model libraries, common model standards have been developed, but, despite the rules, each library takes an individual approach to its clients, tries to adapt to the needs of readers and national characteristics. The very first modern library spaces were opened in the & nbsp; Republic of Tyva, Orenburg region and & nbsp; Tver.

Now in the & nbsp; Kholchuk village of the Chedi-Kholsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva, another new model library is being prepared for opening. A comfortable reading space, a space of creativity for children and & nbsp; a large separate room for holding various mass events & nbsp; & mdash; conferences, conversations, creative meetings or master classes.

So that young readers can take a break from lessons, the library management has acquired a lot of board games and a whole interactive table for them. There is also a separate sitting area with a & nbsp; SMART TV and & nbsp; book reader. The model libraries & nbsp; also expect & nbsp; disabled people, we have tried to organize the space for them as conveniently as possible.

Green Theater and & nbsp; Tik-tok house

In the Ileksky district, Orenburg region, on September 9, a library of children's models was opened. The space of the new library is divided and & nbsp; each of & nbsp; performs a function of its own. There is a place to wait: you & nbsp; order a book, the librarian is looking for it & nbsp; for you, and & nbsp; you & nbsp; wait for your order in the & nbsp; comfort zone. And & nbsp; books in the & nbsp; library there are many, only in & nbsp; last year the book fund increased by & nbsp; 1722 & nbsp; books. Also in the updated library appeared an interactive table with educational programs and a set of games for the development of motor skills, attention, imagination, a graphite board for hand drawing chalk. And & nbsp; for the more restless and & nbsp; active in the & nbsp; new space, they built a climbing wall and & nbsp; a small hut where one can also read books. For children there is also & nbsp; experimental and cognitive development studio “ Experimentarium '', green theater with & nbsp; a real scene and & nbsp; curtain & mdash; there it is planned to show viewers & nbsp; & mdash; the guests of the library & nbsp; & mdash; theatrical performances with the participation of the young generation attending the UniArt studio. Here & nbsp; you can also use the & nbsp; National Electronic Library, which is also growing and & nbsp; develops according to & nbsp; the national project “ Culture ''.

They are waiting in the & nbsp; model library of the Ilek district and & nbsp; young bloggers. For them, the 'Tik-tok house' was invented and & nbsp; with & nbsp; own chroma key, where anyone can try to shoot an unusual video. In the future, librarians plan to develop their own account in & nbsp; TikTok to attract new readers.

The Ilek Neighborhood Library is distinguished by a special ecological emphasis. It even has its own 'green capsule', where rare houseplants are grown and selected. In addition to the main building, the librarians plan to use the courtyard space: in the summer they will set up a summer reading room with lounge chairs and sports fields.

Bought books for & nbsp; 750 thousand

The third model library was opened in the & nbsp; Tver in the & nbsp; Andreapol town. Here, thanks to the national project 'Culture & # 39; & # 39; made a major overhaul and & nbsp; completely renovated the library building.

“ We & nbsp; have tried to fill our library with the latest books, & nbsp; & mdash; says Natalya Belyakova, director of MU & nbsp; & bdquo; Andreapol Centralized Library System & ldquo ;. & mdash; & nbsp; Purchased literature for & nbsp; 750 thousand rubles. We had the opportunity to purchase interactive material. We have updated all the computer equipment, now we offer the children the opportunity to study, to do their homework. We also bought virtual reality headsets, now we have & nbsp; Diamond & nbsp; & mdash; studio & nbsp; & mdash; equipment, on which a lot of development programs are loaded, with the help of this studio guys can make cartoons. & Nbsp; we have a big new sign, an interactive kiosk with & nbsp; various information, a sand table to draw with sand, a landscape table with & nbsp; figure games, on which you can teach a lesson with & nbsp; schoolchildren, preschool children, simulate various situations, for example, learn road traffic rules. We have completely renovated the interior, put a lot of solid furniture. Now this is not a library of & nbsp; 1970s-1980s, but & nbsp; a modern space where everyone wants to come. And & nbsp; we had more visitors, in the evening the guys come after school, study, do homework, read. Many people say: & bdquo; Oh, I & nbsp; would stay here overnight & ldquo; or & bdquo; Oh, I & nbsp; would live here & ldquo ;. We have a cozy, warm, good atmosphere. Bright, juicy tones for an adult might look too flashy, but for kids it's just the right amount. In our new library, everyone finds something to do with their heart & nbsp; Everyone has their corner. I & nbsp; ni & nbsp; have not & nbsp; heard only one bad review from & nbsp; since we opened the updated library, everyone admires it. I am pleasantly surprised at how well we guessed the requests of our readers. All this they & nbsp; was not & nbsp; enough in & nbsp; our city & raquo ;.

From here & nbsp; 2024, the number of model libraries across the country is expected to be at & nbsp; not & nbsp; less than 787, in & nbsp; 110 establishments per year. However, the project is so popular that its implementation is ahead of schedule: 172 libraries were opened in 2020 and another 151 in 2021.

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