Should I give the forest to a private owner?

“Argumenty i Fakty” weekly n ° 30. On what margins have the low prices been lost? 07/28/2021

The leader of Abramovich Konstantin Lashkevich proposed to allow the privatization of 2 & ndash; 3% & nbsp; forests of Russia.

In & nbsp; in his opinion, this measure is necessary for & nbsp; so that private traders cultivate & nbsp; new forests on such plots. What more will the privatization of forest land bring? & ndash; harm or benefit?

Viktor Telepnev, district forester of Zhukovsky Forestry, Bryansk region:

– The initiative to sell part of the forests is not yet completely clear: on & nbsp; under what conditions do they want to do it? Who can act as a buyer? & ndash; forestry specialist or someone interesting? And & nbsp; the main thing & nbsp; & ndash; Why give the forest in & nbsp; property to private owners, if & nbsp; grows well and & nbsp; current tenants? In the Bryansk region, for example, they plant 100% of the felled areas with new forest. The situation is similar throughout central Russia.

I have been working in the forest for 40 years. In Soviet times it was in state property, we and ourselves kept it, and we took care of the supply. Then the functions were divided: forestry was left only to supervision and control, and economic activity was passed on to the users of the forest. In the & nbsp; perestroika, groups appeared who simply stole the forest. But & nbsp; we have been quiet for 15 & ndash; 20 years.

In & nbsp; mainly in & nbsp; enterprising young guys are going now. They make a lot of money on the sale of lumber, but the investment on the part of & nbsp; is considerable: they need materials and & nbsp; specialists who can deal with forest restoration, take care of it. The lease contract for forest plantations is concluded for a period of up to 49 years. Every 10 years, a control is carried out & ndash; how efficiently the work is done there. & nbsp;

This system is debugged, & nbsp; what cannot be said about privatization. The farmland and timid land of their time was also sold to private owners so that they could grow something there. But in the business, many acres are overgrown with weeds, because people didn't plan to put them in turnover, they just invested money in real estate. The same can happen with the & nbsp; forest: they will buy it, and & nbsp; then they will see what happens to it.

But even if it's & nbsp; sale, the authorities should introduce reasonable restrictions. So that the visit of the forests remains free for & nbsp; everyone and & nbsp; private plots are not surrounded by a fence. For a private owner to carry out all the work there & nbsp; & ndash; what is currently done by the state with tenants: sanitary, recreational, fire-fighting.

For the famous Briansk coniferous forest to develop, a century must pass.

The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editor


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