It has become deserted. The drone learned to land independently in a “wild” place

The US Air Force has successfully tested the MQ-9 strike drones with a take-off system and an automatic system. Thanks to her, & nbsp; drones will be able to fly in the air and & nbsp; land on aerodromes without traditional infrastructure and & nbsp; orders for their & nbsp; launch and & nbsp; maintenance. found out what kind of & nbsp; drone and & nbsp; what new opportunities it will offer for the expansion of independence.

Previously, all takeoffs and landings of the MQ-9 required a dedicated launch and recovery brigade located where the Reaper intended to land. The flight crew had to perform electronic checkpoint markings in advance when the aircraft was physically on the runway. A & nbsp; these points, the device and & nbsp; could & nbsp; sit down. However, experiments have shown that such requirements are outdated. The technology is now ready for an aircraft to land on terrain without a dedicated infrastructure to land an unmanned aerial vehicle. In addition, the drone will be able to land where it has never been before.

Today MQ-9 & nbsp; & mdash; the base of the US Air Force weaponry attack drone fleet. The name MQ-9 & mdash; 'Harvester' & mdash; translated from & nbsp; English as & laquo; reaper & raquo ;, he has a hint of & nbsp; the expression & laquo; grim reaper & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; mower.

It was developed in the early 2000s. It was created on the basis of MQ-1 & nbsp; Predator, which is why it is sometimes referred to as Predator B. The MQ-9 is designed for reconnaissance, observation and launching of missiles and bomb attacks on ground targets. With a length of & nbsp; 11 & nbsp; meters and & nbsp; a wingspan of 7 meters, the maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft & nbsp; & mdash; 4.8 & nbsp; tons.

The MQ-9 can fly up to 1,800 km at speeds of up to 482 km/h thanks to the turboprop, being in the air for up to 14 hours. The maximum flight time of the MQ-9 Reaper drone is 24 hours. The practical cap is 13 & nbsp; 000 & nbsp; meters. The drone is capable of carrying bombs and rockets with a total mass of up to 680 kg. To do this, & nbsp; has 7 suspension points.

The MQ-9 tactical unit consists of several drones, a ground control station, communication equipment, spare parts and equipment, service personnel. The drone crew consists of a pilot and an electronic systems operator. In & nbsp; according to & nbsp; combat mission, the UAV can carry various combinations of weapons and electronic equipment.

Rises in the air and & nbsp; so far lies MQ-9 with the help of a team of specialists, which arrives at & nbsp; take off and & nbsp; landing.

The US Air Force successfully completed testing of the MQ-9 attack drone with automatic take-off and landing on July 8. On the first day, they switched to & nbsp; the basis of Creech, and & nbsp; the operators controlled it from & nbsp; the base of Nellis by & nbsp; satellite communications to & nbsp; a distance of almost 90 & nbsp; kilometers. On the second day, the MQ-9 was tested at the Holloman base. On & nbsp; this time on & nbsp; it was installed a container with & nbsp; target recognition equipment & nbsp; target designation. With & nbsp; his & nbsp; help, the drone has found the trail.

From & nbsp; next spring, the automatic take-off and the & nbsp; system will be installed on & nbsp; MQ-9A drones with & nbsp; a planned software update. It will allow them & nbsp; to take off, & nbsp; tunes and & nbsp; land on & nbsp; remote airfields, where there is no traditional infrastructure and & nbsp; staff who could & nbsp; provide them & nbsp; take off, landing and & nbsp; towing.

Along with & nbsp; 2030s, US Air Force to withdraw MQ-9 & nbsp; of service.


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